HELP Why dont we hear God/Angels

by frigginconfused 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • strymeckirules

    watch out for what paul has to say. peter tried to warn you...

    the great day of god the almighty has been underdstood to be "the end"

    the joel and mal scriptures are timelined right before the end. not in christs day.

  • ProdigalSon

    It doesn't appear that anyone has mentioned Daniel 12, insight and true knowledge becoming abundant in the last days, the wicked would not understand, etc.

    Also, the Two Witnesses in Revelation would bear witness to the truth.

    Both of these things have to do with gnosis, but there is also alien disclosure coming.

    When God "communicated" with humans in the past, it was through channeling, that's how we got the Bible. So obviously not all channeling is true and trustworthy. There's plenty of channeling going on today, especially with the Internet.

    Additionally, the "gods" communicate with us regularly through crop circles and other phenomena.

  • Scully

    We don't hear them because they don't exist.

    There's a saying in psychiatry that goes like this: When someone talks to god, it's called prayer. When god talks to them, it's called schizophrenia.

    My personal take on the GB's claim of hearing god speak to them is (a) bull$h!t and/or (b) delusion and/or (c) deliberate contrivance.

    The fact that the WTS depends on people believing these claims to generate massive amounts of revenue speaks more to (a) and (c) than (b).

  • tec
    Is there and scriptual evidence that God has said he will be cutting off all communication to us. All prophecy is done and the bible is the end all be all?

    I don't believe there is any scriptural evidence of this at all. Some have interpreted that saying by Paul to mean that all prophecy, gifts, visions, etc, are ended... even though it only says that these partial things will be done away with when that which is COMPLETE arrives. That has not happened - although since the JW's think that Christ returned invisibly in 1914, then I see how THEY apply this to themselves. However, when Christ returns, then those who belong to Him are supposed to be changed, caught up with Him - both those who have died and those who are still alive. Did that happen in 1914 as well?

    As for gifts, prophecy, etc... those things will be absent in the absence of faith. If a person's faith is in the bible, but not in the SPIRIT... then how can a person receive a spiritual gift?


  • thetrueone

    How is the food gonna be fed to us at the proper time unless we get new communication.

    Oh but he is through his earthly established publishing house in New York. (WTS.)

    And the all of the other Churches in the world.

    Mind you the food offering changes from one church to another but that shows how diverse god's character is.

    He really relishes in the confusion he creates.

  • frigginconfused

    The GB is guilty of many things. But I dont think they ever say they hear God speak to them.

    As far as not hearing it because it doesnt exist. Just because you choose not to listen doesnt make the speaker go away.

  • thetrueone

    Most people who hear gods are inside mental institutes and are being carefully watched over.

    Look, evey Christian based faith states they are being guided god's holy spirit ( through prayer)

    and therefore their direction comes not from them alone but from god himself.

    Its called openly free marketing, the WTS is a partaker of this self assertive marketing scheme as well,

    just like the others down the street, welcome to reality.

  • frigginconfused

    LOL! Not everyone who claims to hear God are in nut houses! LOL!

    I spent some time in the bookstore the other day. Theres many books out there on talking to God or hearing him. They make very sound points.

  • Heaven

    If you are looking to the Bible for some answers, consider the following...

    At Genesis 1:26, it states "And God said let us make man in our image, after our likeness ... " - KJV. Unless Yahweh is talkin' the "royal we" here, he has to be talking to other gods which means, there was more than one 'god' involved in the making of the human race. It would also explain why there are many different races of people.

    So maybe you're praying to the wrong god. Yahweh's creations were Adam and Eve. If you do not come from this lineage, then why would you pray to someone else's god? How would you know if you come from this line or not? Simple. Are you ashamed of your nakedness? If not, then you do not come from the Adamic line.


    There simply are no gods.

  • thetrueone

    Men claim to hear the words of god because they have a underlining agenda and that for the WTS publishing house is the proliferation

    of their literature, simple when you think about it.

    Want to know what god is saying, then read the Watchtower and Awake magazine and you'll know.

    The WTS is just an example of an organization taking their expressed given freedom of religion and using it

    for commercial purposes as a progressing agenda.

    In other words an exploitation of peoples fears and insecurities, accomplished on the face of religious fervor.

    When put to question why the things haven't occurred what they say would occur, they simply say wait be patient and have faith.

    Push your questioning further and they will put a muzzle over your mouth and precede to demonise you in front of you associating friends and family.

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