Toxic Relationships

by serenitynow! 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • serenitynow!

    I have had it with my mother. I've spoken on the board before about her. She is fanatically religious, often keeps me on the phone for hours while she talks endlessly about the bible. Attempts to steer her to other topics are never successful. When I get off the phone with her, I just feel tired. I don't get anything out of our relationship. We never talk about life, goals, feelings, or other things that "normal" mothers and daughters talk about. We don't discuss real life issues. If I do attempt to talk about anything "real" she manages to go off on a tangent about how if I pray, or read the bible, that will cure all. Like when I told her that I didn't believe in god anymore, her response was that I should "pray to jehovah."

    Since leaving the JWs I've actually been making progress toward being emotionally healthy. Lately I've been remembering a lot of stuff from my childhood; specific incidents where she was actually emotionally abusive- like when I was 13 and she accused me of having sex with a guy I grew up with because I was sad that he was murdered. Evidently, it's inappropriate to express feelings of sadness when a person dies. I think it came back to me because the anniversary of my grandma's (mom's mom) death is tomorrow, and it was very difficult for me. Also, it just dawned on me that I've never seen my mother cry, my sister hasn't either. Trust me, there was no shortage of things to cry about growing up. She has no problem expressing rage- my sister remembers more about the physical abuse than I do, though.

    Anyway, I decided to tell my mother about all the things that I remembered, and how I was hurt. Of course, per her usual, she claimed not to remember anything. Regardless, I gave my mom an ultimatum. I told her that unless she changes how she communicates with me, that I will cut her out of my life. I told her that I am through listening to her endless bible commentaries, and that if she can't have real conversations with me, and provide me with emotional support, then I am done with her. I told her that she and I will have the same kind of relationship my father and I have- none.

    I have no idea what will happen. I do know that after I had that long, tearful (I cried, she didn't) conversation, I felt so much better. I didn't realize that I had so much resentment pent-up.

    Is it too late for me to be adopted by some nice worldly couple?

  • grewupjw1969

    Girl, we should talk. I feel you truly. PM me


  • elderelite

    Sernity, hugs to you.... It takes a lot of strength and courage to break the bad cycles in our lives and for you to be willing and able to identify and take this stand is a great thing. Prayingfor your peace :-)

  • MrFreeze

    It's truly odd what this cult does to people. Or maybe it isn't but the stuff they do seems odd to me.

  • VampireDCLXV

    That's a tough pill to swallow, serenity. I hope you'll be okay. Admittedly, if someone in your life is making you ill, you gotta do what you gotta do.


  • Robdar

    I believe that the people who talk over and over about God/religion are really trying to convince themselves but think they are trying to convince you.

    You're in a difficult situation but it should work itself out eventually. Your mother will be gone sooner than you expected.

  • serenitynow!
    Your mother will be gone sooner than you expected.

    Yikes, that sounds awfully cryptic! I've tolerated her for so long, because I figured I was being the "good daughter." One of my big fears was that I would end up like Sarah Jane in The Imitation of Life, sobbing and running after her mom's casket, full of regret and guilt.

  • transhuman68

    I think sometimes when times are really tough, some people revert to a kind of cult personality, where they would rather talk about religion and God, instead of their real problems and feelings.
    Some people grow a really hard shell to protect themselves from being hurt, and eventually they forget that it's only a shell, and they lose touch with their own feelings.

    You could have a face-to-face talk with your mother, and gently try to draw out the real person inside; but if that doesn't work you have to remember that we all lose our parents eventually, and have to cope with life without them: so if you do have to live without your mother, it's just another inevitable stage of life anyway, just sooner rather than later.

    Sure you will make the right decision.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Wow that took guts and a lot of courage.

    When I confronted my mother that was it. SHE decided it was over. NO real loss because she wasn't ever really there for me anyways.

    BUT, as a word of warning. Don't be surprised if you go through a "Oh-my-gawd-what-did-I-do" period. You need to grieve if that is the end of it. And you aren't grieving the loss of who your mother IS.

    You will be greiving the loss of the kind of mother you should have gotten. HUGE difference.

  • AudeSapere

    I told my mom not to call me if she was going to count the call as service time.

    Haven't heard from her in five years.


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