How can we cause the most damage to the WT

by Jim Dee 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • lydia

    I agree with focus..

    Be vocal as you can about the horrible things they are doing and have done.....
    I commend Simon and Kent for their boards and for the SilentLambs as they help to do this...

  • flower


    The key is to keep new people from going in. I dont know how to do that but I think getting the word out about what the society does to peoples lives is the most important thing.

    Of course knowing about all the lies and twisting of the scriptures by the people in brooklyn is important but I think we could reach more people if we show them the more personal aspect of it. People may perhaps write off the doctrinal things or look at the scandals as something that every religion goes through. But if they could see the emotional trauma, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, guilt ect ect that results from trying to live up to their rules while still doing things that make you happy, that is what would make most people stand up and take a step back.

    The public needs to know what happens when a baptized, active jw starts asking questions. They need to hear about the woman who can no longer see her grandchildren and has been cut off from life long friends because she happens to disagree with a small doctrine or thought. Or the kids who have to grow up without cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents or other family because they happen to belong to the 'world'. They just need to know that the happy, friendly, wonderful group they see when they first join is just a fascade.

  • freeman

    I agree 100% with Focus. There could be nothing more repulsive to the public’s sensibilities or destructive to the Tower itself then the truth about what they have done and are doing now. We don’t have to make anything up; we just need to broadcast to the world the truth. ADVERTIZE, ADVERTIZE, ADVERTIZE, THE TRUTH ABOUT THE TRUTH!


  • Focus

    flower wrote:

    The key is to keep new people from going in

    Sadly, very true - and often stated by me.

    It is too "resource-expensive" (time and effort) to extract people already enmeshed in this fearful cult. It takes ages and very often cannot be done at all, and you don't know that until you've spent the years...

    I am not being unkind. Only practical. Resources are scarce. Could they be used better elsewhere?

    Of course, if the one you want to get out is a loved one, you don't do the econometrics, and so end up helping the Watchtower as you spend months and years trying to set the befogged and befuddled mind of the victim free from those insiduous virtual chains... while in that time you could have used the Internet to warn thousands of potential recruits. Another side-effect of the wicked, criminal Game Plan that lies at the heart of Satan's Borganization.

    ("Kill" The Filthy Harlot.. and make her squeal! Class)

  • ashitaka

    Prevention is the best medicine-exactly.


  • SexyTeen

    Oh yea, bring on the persecution so that we can prove that JWs DO have the truth!

  • ashitaka

    Bring on YOYO so we can prove we were scammed by a Theocratically warring Sexyteen.


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Now a days with the Internet and information more readily available most people become more educated and do research before getting involved with any groups. The evidence I think is the fact that there is zero growth in the US and the JW growth is coming from 3rd world countries. The only thing we can do is keep the truth available and inform interested one on forums and web sites suc as these.


    "I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above the monkey's."
    Mark Twain

  • lv4fer

    It's really important to educate the public and or JW's. Web-sites are great but I think it is really important not to get too judgemental and be careful not to say really crude things. Just stating the facts will be enough. If you start saying really crude things it just turns people off to a web-site. I know myself when I see really disgusting post I just pass over them. It is really not a christian way of acting and or speaking. People that are witnessess or people associating with witness are usually people that are really turned off by things like that. Red Flags go up and they are not going to listen.

  • Thomas Poole
    Thomas Poole

    Well I do geneology a little for fun. I have tons of cousins that I have found. One was a good hit. I emailed them this site.

    Here is what she had said before I emailed her this web location. Up to now, she had not known of this site. She wrote

    Thank-you for this email. I have a family member of this faith and have watched as he turned his back on our family. I asked how he could represent an all loving God who accepts all sinners with every chance of salvation until their last breath. I appreciate a system of belief that allows me to think and grow as a child of God.
    If you have an email list why not just pass the URL onward?

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