Inside the Patterson Commissary - PHOTO

by VM44 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82

    Why do they have so much breakfast cereal?

    Isn't breakfast the one meal that you would get raked over the coals if you missed?

  • CuriousButterfly

    If you are a visitor you pay by the honor system and place your money in a "contribution" box. Bethelites add up (honor system) what they owe and I think either punch in a # or slide a card and their account is debited.

    The commissary has some items really cheap and some that are expensive. For instance their boxed cake mixes/brownies were $2 a box. If a sale was down the road at the grocery they could snag some for a $1 box. There is a Dollar Store next to the local grocery store and most stock up on cheap canned goods there.

  • jookbeard

    do the Bethelites have microwave ovens in their rooms to heat up soup/ready meals and stuff like that?

  • brotherdan

    I usually used the commissary to buy frozen food for dinner. It got REALLY annoying to get dressed in a suit just to go upstairs to "glean" food. So my commissary use was usually due to laziness.

    I didn't have a car at bethel so it was hard to get to the store. So I was dependent on the commissary. But I always found a way to get beer. Bethel FLOWS with alcohol. It's the only way to cope! I'm surprised they didn't sell it in the commissary.

    And yes, most bethelites have microwaves. Bethel does not supply them, so you have to buy your own.

  • brotherdan

    Also, here is a thing that was always annoying to me.

    There was Breakfast, Supper, and Dinner. WHY COULD THEY NOT JUST CALL IT LUNCH!!!!!

    Who calls lunch "Supper"?

  • jookbeard

    cant believe they still have this obsession for dressing up to visit the canteens

  • brotherdan

    I went up and grabbed dinner real quick a few times without dressing up. quicker way to get the stink eye from the HOLY HOLY HOLY bethelites!!!

  • Joliette

    So, is this some type of store or something? So you got a tab or your account got charged, and then you had to pay bethel at the end of the month.

    What a bunch of cheapo's! lol.

  • factfinder

    VM44- thanks for posting this picture! I heard they had a commissary but had no idea it was like their own in -house Wawa! And yes it looks so clean!

    ( I was one of those who fell for everything being so clean and organized! Bethel was a wonderland to me as a visitor! What a shock it has been to me to find out what REALLY goes on behing the WT facade!)

    Brotherdan and Curious Butterfly- thanks for the info.

    Re: Supper. Yes I always thought that was odd that they called Lunch that- but they said it was their main meal of the day.

    It's good they have that- so it is convenient for the Bethelites.

    Did they have these in the 80's too? I remember a bethelite from my old cong telling me that on Sundays they put out cold cuts, etc for you to take back to your rooms to make sandwhiches as they did not serve a full lunch or dinner on Sundays.

    I find that the situation regarding price is similar at the dollar store. Some things actually cost less at Shop Rite or elsewhere on sale, whereas you do get a deal on some items.

    I assume the society gets wholesale prices on these items so they can offer them at a reduced price for Bethelites?

    Where did you buy your clothes from Brotherdan?

    I remember being told in the late 70's that bethelites recieved a clothing discount from Sears because so many of them bought their clothes from them.

    The Bethelite I know from my old cong has been at Patterson since 1990 but I have never had the chance to see his room or the commissary. Have not been there since 1997.

  • factfinder

    I just noticed they have All Bran and Fiber One! Excellent. I paid $3.69 for a box of All Bran at Target. I wonder how much it costs at Bethel?

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