Inside the Patterson Commissary - PHOTO

by VM44 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • VM44

    In the Patterson commissary.

    Can one pick what one wants? Does one have to pay for items? How does it work?

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    You pick what you want and pay a reduced price for the item. 94-96 ice cream sandwhich was .25cents.

    Frosty of the Umm Ice cream sandwhiches clan

  • brotherdan

    OH dear....what memories. I never had any spending money because of this place.

    VM, basically the way it worked when I was there is it was based on an honor system. You picked out what you wanted and then filled out your name and bethel number and the amount was deducted from your "pay" at the end of the month. Consequently, I never got paid.

  • AGuest

    Oh, my (peace to you all)! Look at all of the varieties of cereal! Even "Sugar Pops" - my favorite! But, well, I guess they gotta do SUMTHIN to keep all them printing presses... and related equipment/vehicles/departments... runnin'. Seems a far cry from:

    "His disciples were hungry and began to pick some heads of grain and eat them." Matthew 12:1

    though. I mean, I'm just sayin'...


    A slave of Christ,


  • brotherdan

    To be fair, AGuest, you don't HAVE to use the commissary. The food in the dining room is free of course. But if you want extras (like snacks or something), you have to use the commissary.

    Actually you DO have to use the commissary for toiletries like toothpaste.

  • leavingwt

    If not for the commissary, most of us would have starved. Supper at Bethel was awful, just awful.

  • Gayle

    Some of us would glean from the noon meal bringing plastic containers to do warmups for the evening meal. My brother did "g-jobs"(which was a no-no) so we could buy at the commissary some.

  • snowbird

    I see Kashi!!!


  • QuestioningEverything

    I think those shelves look like the shelves in the movie "Sleeping with the Enemy." Very neat and all matched up perfectly ===

  • brotherdan

    EVERYTHING is perfect at bethel, QuestioningEverything. At least on the surface. That is the facade that they want you to believe. And JWs fall for it everytime. They "ooohhh" and "ahhhh" over how clean and perfect everything is. Never mind the masturbating porn addicted bethelite behind closed doors. This is the spiritual paradise!!!

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