Slavery -An Atheist Reads the Bible.

by whereami 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • unshackled

    It seems that anyone can use the Bible to support whatever they want.
    Agreed undercover. Haven't been on these forums for a year yet, but its become very clear there is a great amount of time spent on here trying to defend the bible - slavery, genocide, infanticide, scientific inaccuracies, etc. And every bible supporter seems to have come up with their own justifications for continued belief.
  • trevor
    Typical nonsense from a self proclaimed God... because that is what an atheist thinks he is.

    Perry, atheists don't believe in a god or gods.

    Now you do believe in a god, but that is no excuse for claiming that atheists think they are gods.

    Does your delusion have no limit?

  • Qcmbr

    The sad thing is the rejection of slavery in any age, by anybody and in any book should be something upon which all of us here, regardless of creed, should be loudly in agreement with and yet even here, upon one of the relatively few glaringly clear cut moral positions, there is sophistication and debate. This is one of my fundamental reasons for rejecting religion, I no longer wish to seek to justify immorality.

  • HintOfLime
    Slavery was, quite unfortunetly, an institution that the "civilized" world could NOT do without.

    So if all the 'easy' energy such as oil runs out, and we fail to replace it with another source, so that civilization takes a few steps back - slavery and the sexual abuse of slaves would become ok again by your standards?

    Let's be clear here - you are pro-slavery if the world situation deems it "too inconvienient" to treat your fellow human with respect.

    This is one of my fundamental reasons for rejecting religion, I no longer wish to seek to justify immorality.

    Well put. "Doing an evil/selfish thing is ok if the bible says it's ok."

    - Lime

  • lalliv01

    So what is the conclusion on the matter, is slavery still "tolerated" by

    God or has He issued "new light" on the matter? There are people who

    even now own slaves, usually child relatives, is this biblically okay?

    Can it be clearly stated that the bible now unequivocally condemns slavery?


  • villabolo

    Snowbird. First you choose a paraphrased translation that exagerrates the original meaning then you omit what precedes the verse you chose.

    Ephesians 6:5,6-New International Version

    5 Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. 6 Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart.

    Obey their masters like they would obey Christ? Sounds familiar. Like the Watchtower telling its members to obey them like they would Christ. Isn't it blasphemy to elevate a person to the same position, or to enjoy the same privilege of unconditional obedience, as God?

    And PSacramento says, most disingenously, that Paul may not have made a stand against the institution of slavery but look at all the nice things he advised Christian Masters.

    1 Peter 2:18-20-New International Version

    18 Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh. 19 For it is commendable if you bear up under the pain of unjust suffering because you are conscious of God. 20 But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God.

    Bottom line, it was Christianity's rationalization, tolerance and commendation (Look at the highlighted scripture above.) of slavery's tyranny, with their pie in the sky promises about equality in heaven, that paved the way for 2,000 years worth of slavery. Nothing short of condemnation would have sufficed but then Perry, with his God doesn't care about barbarism while "sin" is with us-and neither should his followers-mentality, will tolerate anything.

    That is why Christianity is evil. It is nothing but a psychological adaptation mechanism for the servile who have no balls and ovaries. "Roll over in dung, you'll be rewarded after you die!"is Christianity's true message.


  • villabolo


    Slavery was, quite unfortunetly, an institution that the "civilized" world could NOT do without.

    So if all the 'easy' energy such as oil runs out, and we fail to replace it with another source, so that civilization takes a few steps back - slavery and the sexual abuse of slaves would become ok again by your standards?

    Let's be clear here - you are pro-slavery if the world situation deems it "too inconvienient" to treat your fellow human with respect.

    Very well put, Lime. I was going to say something similar but got caught up in other responses.


  • Perry
    Perry, atheists don't believe in a god or gods. Now you do believe in a god, but that is no excuse for claiming that atheists think they are gods.


    Atheism REQUIRES that an adherent view himself as the supreme being. That is a fact by virtue of the definition of atheism.

    Webster Dictionary:

    Definition of ATHEIST
    : one who believes that there is no deity — athe·is·tic\?a-the-'is-tik\ or athe·is·ti·cal\?a-the-'is-ti-k?l\adjective
    — athe·is·ti·cal·ly\-ti-k(?-)le\adverb

    The atheist would have to be God himself so as to search everywhere that there is to search in all possible dimensions to make the statement "there is no God". Yet, this is what the atheist believes.

  • whereami

    Oh Perry Perry, yer a funny guy.

  • PSacramento
    So if all the 'easy' energy such as oil runs out, and we fail to replace it with another source, so that civilization takes a few steps back - slavery and the sexual abuse of slaves would become ok again by your standards?
    Let's be clear here - you are pro-slavery if the world situation deems it "too inconvienient" to treat your fellow human with respect.

    Since I wasn't speaking about ME, I am not sure why you decided to make it personal.

    I was stating a view from history, not MY personal view.

    But since you decided to make a statement like that about my person, without knowing me, then allow me to clear things up for you, If I may.

    If you feel that, by reaidng all most posts, that THIS is the view you get from me, then I apologise for being so incredibly unclear.

    That said, allow me to voice my view on slavery:

    It is the most vile and disgusting of things, it degnerates people to no more than objects with no rights and no hopes and no dreams.

    Life becomes cheap, scratch that, worthless and there is NO POISSIBLE way for it justification, NONE.

    And the writers of the OT and NT alike were very negligent in the way they handled it, but of course, what coudl they have done? realistically?

    Create an open revolution of slaves? Hardly.

    Just because I MAY understand why something was the way it was, does not mean I condone it.

    I could go on and even show how I, PERSONALLY, have done things against slavery, but that is irrelevant and anecdotal, so juts let me end by saying this:

    You were very rude and insensitive to take what I said and to say that I am pro-slavery, but I forgive you and still consider you my brother, afterall, we all are intitled to say things that are hurtful and not mean it, and I do hope you didn't mean it.

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