What Is Truth?

by Reopened Mind 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Reopened Mind
    Reopened Mind

    I was the one at the meetings who had a dictionary or at least a definition written in the margin. I thought it was important to understand the meaning of words to better comprehend the lesson. I liked that the writers would throw out words which were not commonly used to help us expand our vocabularies. (Perhaps these were Barbara Anderson’s articles?) This brings me to asking the question which defines what the WT calls itself.


    The Insight book explains the meaning of the word truth***it-2p.1130Truth***

    The Hebrew term ’emeth´, often rendered “truth,” may designate that which is firm, trustworthy, stable, faithful, true, or established as fact. (Ex 18:21; 34:6; De 13:14; 17:4; 22:20; Jos 2:12; 2Ch 18:15; 31:20; Ne 7:2; 9:33; Es 9:30; Ps 15:2; Ec 12:10; Jer 9:5) The Greek word a·le´thei·a stands in contrast with falsehood or unrighteousness and denotes that which conforms to fact or to what is right and proper.

    This agrees with the dictionary definition. Truth is defined as (1) the state of being the case: FACT (2) the body of real things, events, and facts: ACTUALITY (3) often capitalized: a transcendent fundamental or spiritual reality ( www.merriam-webster.com , Internet 2/3/10)

    Yet the way the WT uses the word gives it an entirely different spin. For example the km 12/98 expands on its usage

    *** km12/98p.3par.3BuildYourLifeAroundJehovah’sService***

    One mother explained how she and her husband successfully reared their two sons to serve Jehovah: “We filled our lives with the truth—going to all the conventions, preparing for and attending the meetings, and making field service a regular part of our lives.” Her husband added: “The truth is not part of our life, it is our life. Everything else revolves around it.”

    The first book I studied with JW was “The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life” (1968). Essentially their “truth” is outlined in this book.

    It is common among Jehovah’s Witness to hear such expressions as “I’ve been in the Truth X number of years” or “Is your husband in the Truth?” or “How did you come into the Truth”? So to a Jehovah’s Witness “Truth” means “The entire body of Christian [Watchtower] teachings” (g9810/22p.12HowCanIMaketheTruthMyOwn?) To put it more succinctly being “in the Truth” means being one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    If what is taught is truly the “truth”, then there would be no need for updates or changes. But that is never the case. If God (or Jehovah) is omniscient (all-knowing) and omnipotent (all-powerful), then any religion or organization he chooses to use to bring his message to humankind should be absolutely factual from the very beginning. The Watchtower Society bills itself as the “Truth”. Has this been the case? From my own experience of more than 37 years as an active Witness I say a loud NO.

    For details of Watchtower’s changing “truths” see www.jwfacts.com .

    I still like to know what words mean. But changing the meaning of words to advance an agenda is dishonest and deceitful.

    Reopened Mind

  • OnTheWayOut

    Yes, you definitely sing a glorious song when you say that " there would be no need for updates or changes" if what is taught were the truth.

    I feel as the dictionary defiinition states of truth, that there is a definite actuality. It's a residual from my black-and-white thinking. The problem is that the WT definition is unattainable. People will always argue and unless everyone can get into the way-back time machine, we will never see the origin of things and never establish what is "firm, trustworthy, stable, faithful, true, or established as fact."

    We cannot even agree on basic things here on JWN, and we are in the same boat.

    However, the truth may be that we don't need to know the actuality and we may one day outgrow our need to be "right" and able to prove it.

    Truth may universally become subjective. Your truth will work for you, mine will work for me. Of course, mine is right and yours is only partially right where it agrees with me.

  • wobble

    WT Truth is information as delivered by the GB to the faithful at any one time.

    This differs very much from the "truth" that was delivered in the past.

    Except in one respect, it will not bear any scrutiny or questioning, as in the past.

    It will change quicker than an English Premier Football League Team changes the design of its shirts.

  • Carole007

    So what is the truth? Maybe I am posting on the wrong board, but what turned me off with the WTS is the doomsday masacre.

    All these people is suppose to die at what, the war of the great day of Jehovah. You are taught that if you don't come in the Ark of salvation (WTS) then you will be destroyed. Mind you, you have been brainwashed into thinking that all the chuches of Christiandom is false. Now that you have left the WTS where do you go? You have to start all over again learning the truth. This is what frustrates me. Making the truth your own. All these different denominations all professing the same thing. I will never say that God does not exist, but unlearning and relearing that is a stuggle for me. 2 times I have made this mistake, 1 with the Catholics and 2 with the Jehovah Witnesses. Now what? Can somebody please shed some light on this for me.

  • PSacramento

    Ah truth...what IS truth indeed.

    For a Christian truth is Our Lord Jesus Christ, but for a buddhist or a Taoist there is "no truth", at least not in the way a Christain sees it.

    Then we have the truth according to Mohammed or the Torah or the *insert holy text here*, or we have the mimited truth of science or the unlimited ( or limited) truth of philsophy and its many branches.

    But what IS TRUTH?

    Truth is subjective AND objective, it is reality and reason and the abscene of BOTH.

    It is a state of being and a state of wanting to be, it is a goal, a destination and what we are NOW and where we are NOW.

    It is all the exists and all that has YET to exist.

    It is conforming with reality and NOT conforming with reality.

    It is everything and it is nothing.

  • brotherdan
    Truth is subjective AND objective

    Subjective truth is not truth at all. There is only 1 truth. Either God exists or he doesn't. 1 truth. Either Jesus is the only way to life, or he isn't. 1 truth. By nature, truth MUST be objective. Otherwise it is not truth.

    There is very little that we know or CAN know that can be called truth, because so much of what we know at any given time IS subjective. However, Jesus said that He IS the truth. And that is the truth that I hold on to.

  • Reopened Mind
    Reopened Mind

    Thank you all for your comments. I have only touched on two definitions of "truth", the WT's and the dictionary's. Truth takes on different definitions and connotations depending on who's talking. Evolutionary scientists say that evolution is the truth; creationists say that God created all things; and moderates take the middle ground that God initially created the universe and guided the course of evolution. Belief in something doesn't make it true.

    Anyone can write a book and say it's true or divinely inspired, but the proof is in the pudding.

    Scientists make a statement and say, "How can I disprove this?"

    Religionists make a statement and say, "How can I prove this?"

    Reopened Mind (and learning to discern what is likely to be true from what is likely to be false)

  • TotallyADD

    There is one truth that I know. I Love you very much. Happy Valentines Day. Love Totally ADD

  • Carole007

    Sorry to sound like a complete idiot so what does the Bible speak about going through the narrow gate, Broad and spacious is the road leading to destruction and many are going through where as narrow the gate and cramped the road leading to life and few are the ones finding. Sorry for not quoting exactly I boxed all the material up and refuse to lay eyes on it again. Where is the true religion now that I have gotten suckered twice. And psacramento I love your humor(smile)

  • doofdaddy

    Truth, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.

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