Jehovah'$ Witne$$e$ say center would have big impact

by betterdaze 43 Replies latest social current

  • diamondiiz

    Don't forget they encourage people to bring their own lunch so they don't have to go out and spend more time with each other. I don't remember circuit assemblies but at district assemblies we were all discouraged from bringing in outside food because the convention centers' vendors were not allowed to be open which may not apply to the CA buildings.

    Their numbers are bogus just like their organization. Most people don't stay overnight at hotels for circuit assemblies and since most drive home, few restaurants benefit from jws. Those that do decide to go out to a restaurant usually do so on the 2nd day of the CA, and even a smaller number do so during single CA days. JMO

    It's funny how wts has no problem expanding and managing their assets but they always tell their flock to simplify and go out selling their shit. They always claim that these buildings will survive Armageddon and will be used in the new system but really who not sell off the property if the end is so close, send the bethalites to pioneer and pay their wages to do so and when Armageddon comes you can just take over whatever building you want since surely God will provide for them adequate property.

  • sir82

    They are way behind in collecting "voluntary donations" for this project.

    Our circuit will apparently be assigned there whenever it is finished.

    Recently we had a letter read from the assembly hall committee. They said that they won't have enough funds to start construction on time (some time next year if i recall correctly) unless monthly contributions doubled.

    I think they said they are getting about $80,000 per month now, and it would have to reach $160,000 per month to be able to start on time.

    With each person spending an estimated $66 per day, there will be a total annual revenue of $52.8 million,


    $66 per day? JWs aren't allowed to buy lunch and usually don't stay overnight for circuit assemblies. What are they going to do, buy 12 jumbo bags of Lifesavers at the local Walgreen's before every session?

    Somebody ought to tell the Orangeburg County commissioners that someone's a-pullin' their legs a wee bit.

  • Reality79

    So much for "keeping your eye simple".

    Yet if the average witness so much as buys a nice coat they get demonised for potentially "stumbling" someone.

    I swear, everything I read about this group convinces me more and more that walking away was the best thing to do.

  • cantleave

    More bollox from the Faithful Slave.

  • thetrueone

    Education Center for Jehovah's Witnesses

    Now there's an oxymoron if there ever was one.

    There is no doubt that whenever an Assembly takes places there is going to be some sales revenue created

    by local retailers and service providers.

    Unfortunately what the those community commissioners are being fed though by the WTS. are disingenuous exaggerated lies

    to help in the decision of having that complex built there in the first place.

  • ziddina

    I would love to see that official Jehovah's Witnesses report printed up and passed around to the Kingdom Halls in the area where conventioneers - er, assembly-attending JWs - would come from...

    As others have stated, JWs are generally NOT a wealthy bunch. What would the struggling JW families and individuals think, if they realized that they were "supposed" to generate - pay out - a collective amount per year of around $52 MILLION dollars???

    Might make them question the Watchtower Society's braggart attitude about collection plates... That is one hell of a "collection" to be drawn from poorly-lined JW pockets...

  • ziddina

    Whoops!! Just saw Sir82's post about the struggle to obtain enough JW donations to make this extravagant center a "reality"...

    It would be wicked fun to put those city officials in touch with the city officials who caught the Watchtower Society in their "parking" scam... Or at least print out the articles and MAIL them to the officials...

    Give them a taste of what they [he city officials] actually are dealing with...

  • miseryloveselders

    Don't forget they encourage people to bring their own lunch so they don't have to go out and spend more time with each other. I don't remember circuit assemblies but at district assemblies we were all discouraged from bringing in outside food because the convention centers' vendors were not allowed to be open which may not apply to the CA buildings.

    Glad you mentioned this, as what you mentioned about District Conventions and vendors is accurate. What I've noticed happening since this policy was adopted for the District Conventions, is that the policy has slyly carried over to Circuit Assemblies. Announcements have been made "encouraging" the friends to pack a lunch and enjoy the warm association during the lunch break. Used as a reason to do this, the brother doing the announcements stated that The Friends benefited and where encouraged due to staying on the facility grounds and associating with one another as opposed to living the premises. The announcement made about this for the Circuit Assembly is more subtle than the announcement for the District Convention.

    Last winter, at a circuit assembly, I jumped in the car to go to Wendy's as I was fiending for a bacon cheeseburger. An older elder was getting his and his wife's lunch from his van, and we saw each other. I rolled down the window, and told him where I was headed, and offered to bring him and his wife something. He declined, but then he stated I shouldn't be going to Wendy's anyway, as we were encouraged to stay put and pack our lunches. I replied, thats only the case with the district conventions. His face changed as if I spoke Korean to him, and he didn't realize all these years he's not in America. Then he regained his normal composure and acknoweledged that I was not doing anything wrong. He jokingly said hurry back before the program starts, and let me go on my way.

    Another thing I've noticed since we started avoiding outside resteraunts at DCs, is, during breaks at the CAs, or prior to attending, I've overheard ones questioning whether or not its acceptable to leave the grounds and go to a resteraunt. They're confused, and unsure of themselves, its really crazy when you think about it. Its become a moral question whether or not to eat lunch down the street at a fast food joint, or pack a lunch and stay in the assembly hall.

  • willyloman

    An excellent example of the WTS' practice of exaggerating whenever it suits their needs. Doesn't matter if they are manipulating the financial numbers to impress local government so they can build facilities, or cooking the books on attendance, membership and field service reports to suggest growth or to show how "spiritual" they are.

  • wannabefree
    Sims said the facility is expected to result in new local construction jobs

    Is this wishful thinking or will the local government force the Society to use commercial contractors?

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