Something to say next time the Witnesses call.

by fadinfast 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Quandry

    All may be good responses, but in reality any good witness worth his salt would immediately press the shut-off valve in the independent-thinking part of his brain and proceed with the canned answers from the Kingdom Ministries.........I did for over thirty years........

  • wobble

    I love MR Monroe's conversation, it would plant some seeds.

    I agree Quandry that we cannot expect doorstep conversions, but a seed planted grows, eventually the Cognitive Dissonance becomes too much to live with , we hope.

  • cantleave

    eventually the Cognitive Dissonance becomes too much to live with

    Absolutely, this board is full of examples of just that!

    fadinfast planted, mr.monroe watered but COG kept making it grow!

  • kurtbethel

    I would consider complaining about false religion. Mention about how religious leaders have been jailed and religion was sued because their leaders molested children. Say how awful that is. Then I might say something about how some religions associate with the worldly governments, become a member of the UN and some of them form corporations. Mention a church that formed a corporation, which is a legal covenant with a state that grants the corporation some power that did not exist before. Ask if that church could still be godly or if it would be corrupted by that association. Would mention how some religious leaders proclaim that they are speaking for god, but there is a simple test that scripture directs us to, Deuteronomy 18:20. Then have them read it. Finish up with religion being a racket and a way to get money. Complain that some pass a collection plate. Get a few nods. Then lament that one church was so greedy that they were not satisfied with the plate, but gave a talk about needing money and passed out cards to have people pledge money. Then close by saying i own my loyalty to god and would never have any association with corrupt religions who practice these abomintions. Never mention the society, just let the meaning soak in through the back channel. And it will. I have done this and got one guy to defend some of these things when I hit too close.

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