Thank you, and Goodbye

by cyberjesus 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • cyberjesus

    Thanks once again to all of those who post in this forum. And Good bye to those of you who choose to leave.

    The healing process of exiting a cult is a slow one. Specially if you were born in it. Coming here has helped me tremendously. I spent sometimes hours reading and when I post It takes hours of my time to do so. So Thank you for spending your time in this board. It doesnt matter what your point of view is, if you are a Christian, a troll, an atheist, a satan worshiper, a sheppard or a goat. It is thanks to all of your thoughts that I can formulate mine.

    At some point I was afraid of the Atheists threads and avoided them. At some point I enjoyed the trolls because it made me see from the outside what I thought at some point in my life. I like reading the stories of the new ones because it makes me realize how far I have moved from their situation and I like to read the stories of those who have left many years ago because it helps me "feel" what is in the future. More that anything I dont feel alone.

    I came a fearful exJW and I happily can say that I am in the process of eliminitaing all my fears, and all the beliefs I had on myths and supernatural forces.

    This board has helped many. Thanks for setting it up. If you come here and feel that your ideas and beliefs are attacked.... its ok. Let them be attacked. IF they are based on truth they will stay. But if they are not then be happy if they fall apart.

    Im not going anyway... I dont like the good bye threads anyway.... When I m gone, you just wont hear from me :-)

  • tec

    Don't scare me like that, CJ!

    But good post :)


  • miseryloveselders

    Don't let the door hit you on your......I'm kidding, I'm kidding!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Thank you for spending some time with us.

    I wish you many good adventures on your journey.



  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    Bait and Switch....

  • flipper

    CYBERJESUS- I agree with your points. I'd like to thank people for their input on this board as well. Everybody has their own story on how they exited the JW cult. And we learn from everybody. This board has helped me lose my fear as well and opened my mind up to more alternatives and information when I joined 4 years ago. Hope to chat with you again sometime soon. Tried calling you once and your phone was full ! LOL ! I'll try again. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Lozhasleft

    Very interesting points. Hugs to you.

    Loz x

  • SweetBabyCheezits
  • Botzwana

    Gracias! Thanks so much to the good ones on this board. Coming here has helped me too.

  • clarity

    cyberjesus, good grief don't do that! you had me thinkin........

    Im not going anyway... I dont like the good bye threads anyway.... When I m gone, you just wont hear from me :-)

    Wheeow, ....I hate good byes also!!!


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