Being honest with yourself, could you have reasonably adjusted your attitude and continued on as a JW?

by miseryloveselders 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    I have no axes to grind with individual members. (Well, one C.O. was a total dick, but I could forgive him if he came out.) I understand the "friendly" atmosphere at the hall, but at what cost? You have to agree with all the lies. You run around to make meetings and destroy weekends. You have to refrain from (or at least avoid getting caught) celebrating anything like a holiday or a birthday. If you have children, you have complications. Worst of all, you have to forever pretend to be out in the recruiting work or actually attempt to distribute that death-dealing literature.

    If I somehow managed to stay at the meetings past 2007, I would have stormed out when they flipped the "generation" in 2008 from "evil generation" to "anointed generation." If I still didn't storm out but talked myself into staying, 2010's "overlap generation" would have made me say some curse words out loud as I walked out. There is absolutely no way I would have stayed for such ridiculous "truth."

    It's not about bitterness anymore, it's about thinking for myself and not wasting my life away in a chair at the Kingdom Hall so that conditional friends will shake my hand and invite me to their get-togethers. I can get real friends somewhere else, and if I want to waste my weekends, I can volunteer to do something meaningful for children or the blind.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    No because I would have had to go through life lying and pretending that I still believed that nonsense. And the way the Watchtower is set up in order to do that convincingly I would have had to spend a certain amount of my time trying to deceive others that it was the truth. There is nothing reasonable about spending your life trying to trick people into joining a cult. That would just be insane, maybe even evil. Life is just too short to waste it in that fashion.

  • sooner7nc

    No. I'm totally incapable of deluding myself into believing that much bullshit.

  • cult classic
    cult classic
    In what place of employment or school would your very THOUGHTS be patrolled and censored?? Where - other than in prison, for extremely violent offenders - would you be punished by something akin to solitary confinement???

    Zid The level of censorship is unreal. We are trained to censor everything and everyone. And if you're good, you can stop your own thoughts from even forming ......

    Oh the guilt and shame you feel as a JW

  • cult classic
    cult classic
    I find it sad how we as JW's have been taught that we don't attend the meetings or are part of the org for people, but rather for Jehovah. That can be a serious mind game if you truly believe it. "Let me endure because it's for Jehovah" is a thought built on nonsense. And yet how many times has it been repeated?

    COC - THAT IS IT !!!! That line of reasoning keeps JWs stuck stuck stuck !

  • bobld

    How could I adjust my perfect attitude ,I couldn't.If I readjusted it than I would be a liar.However that is no problem for the GB because they are perfect liars.

    Talk about their attitude lately it is getting worse.Before they wanted slaves with some freedom,now they took the freedom away.


  • clarity

    The conclusions of most are not just words or whims, but are the result of experience ....real blood, sweat and tears.

    This organization is not wrong or evil because it has just normal human failings or that it has accidentally miscalculated dates or expanded claims to greatness, no, this cult has knowingly and systematically twisted and calculated events for it's own ends. No matter what the damage, no matter the cost to the enticed followers!

    No matter who will try to enlighten them as was in the case of Ray Franz and many others ... they still refuse to accept Truth. They love the big LIE so much!

    Adjust our attitude???? Our attitude is not the problem.


  • MrFreeze

    I couldn't take it any longer. I tried to adjust my attitude always thinking maybe I was wrong. Before I left I was getting sick at meetings. I would, honest to god, feel like I was going to throw up during every meeting. That's how much I disliked the meetings and what I was doing at the time.

  • jamiebowers
    Being honest with yourself, could you have reasonably adjusted your attitude and continued on as a JW?

    Wel, yes I suppose I could've just accepted the fact that it was the elders' right to insist that I either remain with a dangerously abusive husband or stalk him until he decided whether to commit adultery or murder. NOT!

    Look, MLE, this cult is responsible for covering up child abuse and domestic violence, coersion to risk and lose life by its ban on blood transfusions, and encourage imprisonment on behalf of unreasonable standards of neutrality. Just because a few million uninformed and/or uncaring cult members smile at you, doesn't mean they have a worthwhile cause.

  • 3Mozzies
    I have to admit that there's plenty of institutions everyday people are a part of, that during their involvement with, they cannot speak their mind too openly. Such as school, or your place of employment. Why should we expect any more with any religious institution?

    We don't have the option of not going to school or work. However we do have the option of not being part of any religious institution. So yes, we should expect more of a religious institution. Otherwise a sane person who sees what the religion is all about walks! (I did)

    Being honest with yourself, could you have reasonably adjusted your attitude and continued on as a JW?

    NO, NEVER! If I am to be honest with myself, I need to be the person I want to be without worrying what others think of me. If I want to be free, I need to stop living a lie in the WT$ as a JW. It was time to summon the courage to allow myself to be myself, because the consequences of keeping quiet and continuing to be part of the WT$ Cult would of robbed me of 'me'.


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