Being honest with yourself, could you have reasonably adjusted your attitude and continued on as a JW?

by miseryloveselders 84 Replies latest jw friends

  • miseryloveselders

    I ask this question in harmony with DeeDub's swan song thread which I linked below.

    To some degree, I think I understand where she's coming from. Just speaking from my own experiences since stepping into the world of anonymous apostacy, I went through a few different phases of personal outlooks. I'm still a work in progress, but at one point I hit rock bottom trying to come to grips with everything I've learned and the assortment of emotions that come along with it. Started drinking more, took sedatives in an attempt to just sleep off my thoughts. I posted some things that I regret, and there's a couple people I offended and some I haven't worked up enough nerve to apologize to just yet. Its difficult playing both sides of the fence, especially when you don't see a happy ending regardless of what side you choose.

    I have to admit though, that DeeDub's feeling of happiness from being part of a congregation, is something that I can relate to. Its hard being angry and disgruntled at the end of a meeting when everyone is laughing, smiling and generally enjoying one another's company. My congregation is pretty laid back, to the point that we laugh with one another even during the meeting. I might give myself away with this post, but I'm the kind of guy that will give someone a wet willy during the WT Study, or even sit in the front row during the talk of a speaker that I'm friends with and make subtle faces at him. Yeah, our hall is that laid back. This weekend, I'm going to visit a couple older JWs in my field service group. I enjoy doing that because they don't get too many visitors. The one expects me to bring her fried chicken with every visit. I enjoy seeing her old butt crushing a drumstick like an animal. Its cute to me. Another one is mad at me because I didn't drop off her KM for Feb and March yet. That means I'll be forced to listen to her life story for at least a half hour on Saturday, and she's had a heluva life. Her family doesn't want to hear her story, so thats where I come in at. I've got a couple older ones who's steps and sidewalks I may have to shovel the snow off of. I just got wind of someone getting reinstated after being out for a couple decades. From what I understand, he cried like a baby when the committee gave the ok. When I got wind of it, it made me emotional because I know him and his family quite well, and he was in bad shape "while out there." There is happiness to be found within this organization, but I wonder at times as apostates are we being too selfish and hardheaded to procure it for ourselves as an active Jehovah's Witness? Are we possibly lacking reasonable understanding when it comes to individuals like DeeDub?

    I know my experiences don't speak for everyone elses, but I have to say I just don't have a serious axe to grind with anyone in my congregation or JWs for the most part. My beefs with the organization stem from how much my upbringing has affected my life as an adult , and not being able to express all of my views with fellow JWs for fear of ostracism. To put it simply, I'm not a fan of the WT's micromanagement as they go beyond whats written. At the same time, I have to admit that there's plenty of institutions everyday people are a part of, that during their involvement with, they cannot speak their mind too openly. Such as school, or your place of employment. Why should we expect any more with any religious institution?

    I'm getting away from whatever point I was trying to make when I started typing this, , but I guess what I'm trying to say isn't life is full of things that we cannot change? Some things we tolerate easily, others out of a sense of principle we refuse to tolerate so easily. Even when it comes to things that we don't enjoy, often enough when weighing the pros and cons, the pros win out. Lately I'm wondering if for many, myself included, and apparently DeeDubz, the pros of being a JW, if even conscious of its many faults, far outweight being a disgruntled, hardheaded apostate?

    For the record, I'm thinking out loud and typing as the thoughts come to me. Tommorrow I might just post something along the lines of putting on a trenchcoat and taking a trip to Bethel to play a game of It Tag with the GB along with a semi-automatic. I'm not judging anyone who has absolute contempt towards this organization, or their congregation, because I've witnessed and heard some horror stories first and secondhand, before I even knew this website existed. Being raised in this religion, I know how imperfect people can treat one another all the while having a phony smile and declaring their love for Jehovah. But just because we've experienced wrong from the likes of those people, does that mean we give into to them and take all our marbles and go home? Are we possibly being childish or unreasonable by judging the entire organization based off of the actions of a few? There's more I didn't mention such as blood, and shunning, because I've typed too much already. I apologize for being long winded.

  • sabastious

    I feel like this is the general consensus on this forum. A lot of people are angry and rightly so, but this community seems to have a firm grasp on what is emotion and what is fact. I like this place because it's a place where logic, reason and emotion actually live together.

    So in a way, misery, you have two congregations.


  • Finally-Free
    could you have reasonably adjusted your attitude and continued on as a JW?

    No, because adjusting my attitude would have been neither honest or reasonable. It's one thing to be misled or ignorant. It's quite another to open ones mind to information, digest the information and learn, and then make a conscious decision to go back and live a lie. I could not jump through the mental hoops it would take to justify something like that, nor could I ever respect myself again if I did so. I'd feel compelled to spit in a mirror every time I looked in one.


  • VIII

    Being raised in this religion, I know how imperfect people can treat one another all the while having a phony smile and declaring their love for Jehovah. But just because we've experienced wrong from the likes of those people, does that mean we give into to them and take all our marbles and go home? Are we possibly being childish or unreasonable by judging the entire organization based off of the actions of a few? There's more I didn't mention such as blood, and shunning...

    They are phony. They have done us wrong.

    We are not childish or unreasonable by judging the entire b0rg.

    Because it's a C-U-L-T.

    I'm dealing with a sister who is dying--she'll be dead within months. She's a DFd JW. She's an avowed Atheist. Loudly Atheist. Our mom asked me to pray to Jehovah that he and his angels watch over her. Huh? She's DFd and an Atheist. Mom knows this. Sis has not been reticent about her views.

    Mom also said she told her congregation (different than the one that DFd sis) and they all are praying for her also. WTF?! I asked my mom what would happen if sis and/or I walked in that congregation tomorrow?

    Uh, well....

    Yeah, I know, they would SHUN us. Period. No question. And, if they knew they were being asked to pray for a DFd person, they wouldn't, would they? No, she admitted, they wouldn't.

    She also said if my sis needed a blood transfusion she shouldn't get one, however, since she was DFd it didn't matter, so, she could.

    I am so sick of the JWs and how they have fucked up my family. Every aspect and corner of my family life has been torched by them. Every corner. And yes, I mean torched, like by an extreme fire.

  • Crank!!!

    I understand your point, I dont think I could do it though. I like haveing the freedom of living my life the way I want. If I want to have a few too many drinks in the safety of my own home a couple of times a year, I should be allowed to. Same thing goes for having a conversation weather or not there is a god, or if there was a flood, or if the Jonah story is fact or fiction without being condemned for it. I want my kid to go to college and be able to play sports growing up. None of the things that I just mentioned would, could or should be anyone business except mine. Unfortunately when you are member of the JW'S you are not allowed to make choices without running a check to see if this is allowed by a group of old men in new york.

    Just my 2 cents

  • nugget

    If I could meet with the congregation in any other context I would be happy to do so. I had genuine affection for many there and would love to see them free and able to be their true selves. What I cannot do is attend a religious meeting where I know that the congregation is being misled and where the doctrine is cruel and unkind. I find the literature poorly writen and obtuse and cannot read it without feeling angry. I know I couldn't attend a meeting any time soon without wanting to run from the hall screaming.

  • PSacramento

    I know a few people who have, simply because they enjoy the friendships and the family they have in.

    Some rationalizie as EVERY organized religion has issues, the WT is no different.

    Others just ignore what they don't like and take what they do.

  • leavingwt

    MLE -- Once you are truly free, you'll understand the impossibility of returning. To the free man, being a slave is a fate worse than death.

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    No. Not unless I could get a new face somewhere because the one I have doesn't fit!

  • LostGeneration

    MLE - That is a pretty laid back hall, I can relate to some of the experiences that you are relating, and I have many memories of the same. That being said, what it boils down to for me is "What holds it all together?"

    For me, the bottom line is that the entire WT entity is held together by one big fat LIE. The lie being that Jehovah has an organization today, and it is headquartered in Brooklyn NY where 7 guys have a telephone line to him in heaven. Ok, I know thats blowing it out of proportion a bit, but ask if all of it would would continue if each JW individually examined this claim without being mind-controlled. Add to that what effect the org has on people, I posted this on DeeDubs thread:

    Once you know how many people have died early deaths because they refuse blood, how many families are torn to shreds because of DFing, and how many innocent children have been sexually abused because the WT is more interested in their reputation and cold hard cash, your conscience should not allow you to support them in any way.

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