Is Deporting Illegal Immigrants The Answer To American's Economic Woe? What Do You Think?

by Scott77 31 Replies latest social current

  • Botzwana

    I am a legal american residing in Mexico. I have to pay all the fees etc. In two more years I will be a full citizen. If I didn't have the proper paperwork I would be deported in a heartbeat. Why do mexicans protest in the states about it when they would do that to me in THEIR country?

  • beksbks
    Why do mexicans protest in the states about it

    About what?

  • Satanus

    The solution is to deport all the greedy board members of all the fortune 500 hundred companies. Also, all the paid for congressional members and their ilk. Then the grass roots entrpeneurs can start to grow their businesses.


  • beksbks

    Let's go Satanus!!

  • garyneal

    Illegals are just that, illegal. They are breaking the law and need to be dealt with. Crack down on employers who hire them. Don't give me that nonsense about how they are doing jobs "Americans don't want to do." What nonsense.

    I think we should adopt Mexico's laws regarding how they handle illegal immigrants. Children born into this country are citizens only if at least one of the parent's are also a citizen. No more 'anchor babies.'

    In the end, the whole mess is in place just to serve businesses and their drooling over the cheap labor. The Republicans are in a conundrum because on the one hand, businesses make up their base and would benefit from any laws making it easier for businesses to hire illegal aliens. On the other hand, poor white midwestern people who like to hunt and fish and tend to be the least educated also make up the Republican base. These are the people who would be hurt the most by illegal aliens.

  • ohiocowboy

    Hello Scott77! You were excited about discussing this, what happened? It is an interesting topic, and your input too would be appreciated. You are right, this is a very important thing that needs to be discussed, our future as a Nation depends on it.

  • moshe
    Crack down on employers who hire them.

    Easier said than done---Florida has laws against hiring illegals, but it's all window dressing as we have found out.

    from Miami Examinner--"How many employers in Florida have been charged with hiring illegal aliens? The answer is none.

    A Florida Senate fact finding effort determined that in the past 16 years no employer in the state has ever been charged with hiring an illegal alien. Under Florida law, companies and people are prohibited from hiring anyone who is not authorized by immigration laws to work in the United States.

    "This law has never been enforced," said Michael Ramage, general counsel for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

    Ramage believe that law enforcement officials have never really been motivated to go after employers who are hiring illegal aliens. They have not had the resources to pursue companies that hire people in the U.S. illegally.

    Many illegal aliens live in the Miami area. They will work on construction sites, farms, in people's homes and no one is interested in arresting those who hire them.

    Jack Oliver, director of Florida Immigration Reform said that many U.S. citizens would be willing to work on farms but they can't because illegal aliens take those jobs and are willing to work for far less than American citizens.

    He said that about $5.2 billion in tax revenue is lost because of illegal aliens working in Florida."

    Continue reading on Employers are never charged for hiring illegal aliens - Miami Labor Relations |

  • garyneal

    Florida has laws against hiring illegals, but it's all window dressing as we have found out.

    It is indeed, unfortunately. As I said in my previous post, the current state of affairs serves more to the benefit of the corrupt Mexican government and businesses looking to employ cheap labor than it is to help the people of both countries. When there is a raid on businesses, the business owners howl and scream over how hard it is to find 'good workers' and are therefore 'forced' to hire illegals.


  • LV101

    many are here to commit crimes and abuse the legal citizens (hiring many, i could write a book). i know they need money to support their families and some are very industrious. a lot of them are doing jobs that americans WILL NOT DO, and we've created a society of entitlement.

  • serendipity

    Americans complain about illegal immigration but conveniently overlook the fact that thanks to illegal immigrants, our food prices, housing costs, building/landscaping costs etc. are lower than they would be otherwise. How many Americans are going to spend 12 hours a day picking produce for minimum wage (or less)?

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