Attended The Watchtower Study Today (GAG ALERT)

by im stuck in 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • im stuck in
    im stuck in

    Went to the meeting today. What a ra ra to be zealous in preaching sales meeting. I was totally disgusted at the outright deception that they are spewing out.

    I am convinced that they will say or do anything to get people to preach more. Some here have said that maybe they will change the message to (your time is up now) I don't think so. Everyone today was zealously commenting on how the need to preach is greater now than ever. And that the time is definately reduced. It made me think of when I was a kid in the 60s very heavy pressure to pioneer, go to beth hell and generally do all you can to further the message. I was waiting for someone to say, some can no doubt sell their homes and finish out the last days in full time service. When will these people ever wake up and see it isn't coming , this is just a corporation you are volunteering for! But I guess they will never run out of people to be duped. And next week there is an even stronger sales meeting in the second article. And to think I did this crap wholeheartedly fo 50 years!

    It is an outright crime ,these people are so desperate for change that they will swallow anything. Makes me so sad that I followed this crap once. And that my dear family can't see the light. I have to attend semi regular to try and save my wife , but let me tell you it is really hard on me.

    I had to get up and leave for a walk outside, boy did I get the looks from the wife. I think if I hadn't I would have had to make a comment about it being bull shit. Did anyone else go? Did you see the same things as me? stuck in

    Did anyone else go today and get the same feelings as I did? stuck in

  • Ding
    Everyone today was zealously commenting on how the need to preach is greater now than ever.

    Talk is cheap.

    How many of them put their shoe leather where their mouth is and committed to auxiliary pioneer next month?

  • JeffT

    And that the time is definately reduced.

    The sun is due to explode in five billion years or so. Every second that goes by means that the time from now to then is "reduced."

    I have reached a conclusion that it should not make any difference. We should all lead our lives the best we can. How you live your life she be determined by what is right, not some silly end time prediction. Some day I'm going to hit a JW with this and see what happens.

  • pirata

    It was interesting that in today's study they presented the time element (urgency) as the secondary element in the preaching work:

    (par 11) "Jesus exerted himself not simply because he had a deadline but because he was zealous - or jealous - for his Father's name and for pure worship."

    (par 16) "We work hard in the ministry not only because we know we are living in the last days but also because we realize that it is God's will. He wants people to come to a knowledge of the truth so that they too can learn to worship serve him and be blessed. We are impelled to exert ourselves in the ministry, not primarily because of a time limit, but because we want to honor God's name and help people to come to know his will. We are zealous for true worship."

  • cameo-d

    im stuck in: ". And that the time is definately reduced."

    The time is reduced? Heck, I heard the book was already shut!

  • AnnOMaly

    The 'adrenaline rush' of URGENCY can only be sustained in short bursts. It is mentally/emotionally/physically/spiritually unhealthy to maintain a constant state of red alert throughout many decades. No wonder so many JWs who try to keep it up burn out or get depressed or apathetic. What does the GB expect?

    And I couldn't stand the sweeping generalizations regarding Christendom's perceived failings. Luke 6:41,42 kept coming to mind.

  • kimbo

    Honour gods name by stop telling lies.

  • moshe
    He wants people to come to a knowledge of the truth so that they too can learn to worship serve him and be blessed.

    Everyone in beginning of the WT religion who listened to a JW has died, so why did Jehovah start the preaching work up over 100 years ago when he knew that everyone back then would be dead soon? Down deep- JWs know they are beating a dead horse with their field service work. At least the Mormons only go back and baptize their dead relatives into Mormon membership- that way it doesn't cost them any of their time or money while they are alive.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Did anyone else go?

    Are you kidding? Had to get ready for the SuperBowl Party! (There'll be another meeting next week. And the next week. And the.....)

  • villabolo

    Im stuck in: "I was waiting for someone to say, some can no doubt sell their homes and finish out the last days in full time service."

    They did say that in a 1974 Kingdom Ministry which was read to the entire congregation. I have a vivid recollection of hearing that statement read back then.

    They read something like, "Reports are coming in of brothers selling their homes in order to pioneer. What a fine way to spend the remaining few years before Armageddon." (Not necessarily a verbatim quote, but close enough.)


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