Has Feminism Screwed with the current Generation ?

by caliber 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gayle

    This is a complex issue covered in many books. The young man's frustration is understandable but he needs at some point to 'accept' it. (a fella this intense, is a bit of a 'control' person, or maybe a girl just recently broke off with him). Even previous generations or cultures, men, on average were around 30 yrs of age to marry.

    People, including the females, don't want to settle down in late teens or early 20s, as in previous generations. Some females have seen their older female family do the commitment, some too submissive and found themselves burdened & struggling.. Thus the social pendlelum swings.

    It is understandable why young women want more & better. However, then, many go and out, round and round, in revolving door relationships. Some still find they are accepting for a while less than desirable relationships over and over. Not getting much of anywhere. The goals and idealism confusing to both genders.

    I am a grandma now, 5 grown children, 2 daughters (each married, happily), 3 sons (single), so I hear both sides. The sons ( 32, 29, 27). The 32 yr old in a promising relationship, the 29 yr, frustrated presently (but very busy building career), the 27 yr. totally happy being in no relationship, busy traveling and working along the way whereever he goes.

  • DaCheech

    people looking for the BBD.

    I have no problem with equal rights, but the current law system is creating less marriages.

    many young people don't want to get married and have a contract worse than any other legal one.

    more women are getting prenupts; than men these days

  • Iron Head
    Iron Head

    Women are getting what they've asked for and still bitching and blaming men

    The shit never ends

  • DaCheech

    I had a co-worker, screwing a 29 year old philipino mommy hottie in the house where her ex was still paying the mortgage.

    her ex could not sell the house by court order until her kids were out of college.

    her ex was paying mortgage/child support/alimony................ wanna know where ex was living?

    he was living in his mom's basement!

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    He seems like an alright guy but I think he is romaticizing the past. In the past sometimes a woman would stay in an abusive relationship because she had no work experience or education and most of the jobs went to men. I think that started to change when women went to work during WWII.

    He said women not having the vote was because it was looked upon as one vote per family. If that were the case then why wasn't it one vote per family, male or female? If he thinks that is a good idea then I guess when he does get married he would have no problem with a system where his wife was the one using the one vote. I guess they could alternate each election.

    As for women being able to choose to work that was particularly true of women in the 50's and 60's. I don't think it was like that in the past. In the past women worked very hard they just didn't go to a job. Washing clothes wasn't a matter of throwing them in the washer and dryer. It took the better part of a day to do. If they wanted bread they baked it. Cooking meals was from scratch. What I remember about stay home women in the 60's was they had a lot of time on their hands and a lot of them didn't use it very productively.

    I was raised in a family where my mother could work when she wanted to. I we needed something she'd go to work. It was extra money. It worked out good for most families for a while. I think what happened was that companies selling products charge what the market will bare. And that also goes for the housing market so prices started to rise because families had more money to spend. Now it takes two incomes to buy the same things you used to be able to by with one income. That probably was one of the bad side effects of feminism.

  • caliber

    .... if we can look past camps of understand and work one on one to build a solid

    communicative understanding this is the best ... talk to the heart of the matter

    At the heart of it, a woman wants to know that she can trust you to provide a secure, supportive and possibly interesting future; that you have the depth to stand by her, no matter her moods and shortcomings. She needs to know you are strong enough to be faithful and never stray, come what may

    At the heart of it , a man wants to touch the truth -- that you love him -- that he's "the one" for you. He wants to feel that he inspires happiness in you and that you accept, trust, and appreciate him. At his depth a man needs to know that he makes a positive difference in your life, otherwise he doesn’t even want to live.

    A man’s deepest fear is that he is not good enough. If he looks in your eyes and sees love, he feels loved, and in that innocence, he loves you in return. He loves you for the feeling of energy which your appreciation and love evoke in him .


  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    He probably wouldn't like to hear this, but as a feminist with two incredibly successful daughter's ages 25 and 30, I pity him.

    First, I DO agree with him that the "soul mate" thing is ridiculous; men AND women need to move past that one!

    However, he has some issues with his other statements.

    1-Voting rights: Let's assume this his analysis is correct that the purpose was to give one vote per family unit. Apparently, he thought that was a good idea. I would tell him fine; let's return to that. Only this time, let's give that one vote to the wife and disenfranchise men. I wonder how he would apply his theory then?

    2-No-fault divorce: Judges begged for no-fault divorce because they were tired of having to turn their heads and pretend not to see the legal fictions and frauds perpetrated daily in divorce court. This young man is correct; someone had to be at fault. So what ended up happening is that totally innocent people "admitted" to adultery just to get out of a marriage. That's not a solution.

    3-How to act on a date/Oh where are the rules!: He clearly struggles with this one. He doesn't know how to "act" on a date because that is just what he is doing, "acting." He has been trying to anticipate what a girl wants from him and then he has been attempting to modify his behavior to match that. Of course he has been unsuccessful. There is nothing more un-sexy than a man who has no idea of who he is...

    The sadest part of the video is that he seems tgenuine in wanting to understand and resolve his issue, but as long as channels his frustration outward at how women and specifically feminism has harmed him (victim mentality), he will never progress to looking inside to fix his own faults that make him unattractive to women.

    With all that being said, he IS correct that young men now have it harder. They can't skate by on the social collateral provided them by the asymmetrical power systems of the past.

    My daughters' could buy and sell this guy multiple times over. Their money gives them the freedom to pick and choose, and they are picky and choosy about whom they decide to allow into their lives. Combine that with in vitro fertilization and the only value-added benefit a young man can bring to the table is himself. Sadly, young men such as this guy are not going to make that cut.

  • JeffT

    The summer between college and law school must have been magical. Law school people dated. There was romance. People dated to be social but to find a partner for life, not necessarily. I felt much better dating.

    Simple explanation: people grow up about the time they graduate. It happened to me, and I've watched it happen with my children.

    My daughters' could buy and sell this guy multiple times over.

    Ditto my daughter. She has way too much life going on to spend five minutes with a whiny looser.

  • caliber
    My experience tells me, guys like him end up involved in relationships with women who are seeking a man that acts like a man. Usually those women run all over guys like him
    With all that being said, he IS correct that young men now have it harder. They can't skate by on the social collateral provided them by the asymmetrical power systems of the past

    Now please some sweet lady bring these two thoughts together for me to understand..it seems like a catch 22 situation !

    It puts me in mind a joke my dad told me..... You're in a air raid shelter WW2 , the lights on cut .... suddenly a women says in the darkness "get your

    hand out of there right now ! "" then she says "NO NOT YOU ! You have to be the right man at the right time but if you're the man wrong ..it's not right !

  • BurnTheShips
    With all that being said, he IS correct that young men now have it harder. They can't skate by on the social collateral provided them by the asymmetrical power systems of the past.

    I think that's bullshit. I am still young (in my mid 30s), and judging from the kind of feminine attention I receive when I'm out with male friends, I wouldn't have to chase women if I was single.

    My brother is the same age as this guy, and he has no trouble either. He is in a steady relationship with a nice lady with a poli-sci degree that is working on a law degree now. He was having trouble a few years ago, because he was a whiny bitch. I got him out of my parent's house, got him a job, and now he has confidence. I told him "get out of namby pamby land, you jackwagon."

    Women want a man. If you are a man and have your life in hand, and not a whiner like the guy in the video, you are fine.

    If you are a LOSER, no decent woman is going to want to have anything to do with you. This is how it has always been.

    If you are a man and all you want to do is play the field and get some nookie, the feminism/sexual revolution has created a happy hunting ground. The "old way" kept men under control. Women relinquished that control. Sex is as free as air, these days.

    That said, the family structure has been wrecked, and there are plenty of 30 year old women with educations and good careers that are desperate to find a suitable partner.

    For a single guy that isn't a LOSER, the sexual market is a big win.

    And no, a single parent family is no substitute for one with two parents.


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