What crisis will set the W.T on a new path?

by acolytes 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • skeeter1

    Information & technology...information that poisons the minds of followers and new recruits and technology that makes it cheaper and easier to get the information.

    The IPad is going to be the next big thing. As prices come down and more people in the world can afford this...getting information is going to be easier and easier. More poisoning of minds.

    I wonder if the WTS is writing an article on the dangers of the Ipad?


  • acolytes

    skeeter1.. is it not conceivable that the W.T can use the IPad to its advantage, turn a negative to a positive.

    Iam being silly but why not write an article on the positive of the Ipad?

    " This vial world has created tecnology before Jehovers time, tecnology planned for our enjoyment in the new system is now being used by Satan.....blar blar blar

    The W.T has a proven history of convincing its members of stupidity.


  • myelaine

    dear Refriedtruth...

    "Jehovah's Witness Prince Rogers Nelson is a devout most popular hot potato he is on tour and getting his *mojo* back in a big way."...


    love michelle

  • LV101

    blondie --- do most witnesses save to contribute more at the conventions. i'd think they'd feel better knowing their local hall wasn't prospering --- i don't know, just a guess. a couple of wealthy witnesses told me yrs. ago they mailed their money direct to brooklyn. i'm sure they had to dig into their deep pockets for the hall when they need to be promoted. if they were dentists/doctors they were already known/recognized by brooklyn for free handouts to CO's, DO's so maybe they didn't need any more status but seems a couple did.

  • LV101

    doubtful there will be any "high level defectors," unfortunately but we can hope. maybe there's some prophesy about their demise. are most halls/properties free and clear to be sold for profit in this economic climate?

  • Quirky1

    A high level defector is not going to stop the WTS....

  • darthfader

    Another generation of happy people loving the real life... and making a positive impact on human society. This will slowly erode the R&F to the point that they will downsize into obscurity. It will only be the few calamity howlers hanging on -- holed up in a bumker someplace in rural Pennsylvania..

  • Quirky1

    Darthfader, you may be onto something there..

  • Curtains


  • WTWizard

    One thing is certain. We could enter major crises, and the Washtowel will insist that we continue wasting assets on it. They once praised someone for wasting $600 a boasting session on helicopter rental when they couldn't otherwise attend the boasting sessions.

    Hence, you are going to see the EPA regulations on gas and electricity kick in (in phases) during 2011 and 2012, making a fake energy crisis. At the same time, the debt this country is in is going to blow up in our faces, most likely in the form of a Treasury selloff just before a major Treasury auction (in response to a small but unexpected spike in oil or silver). This will spark hyperinflation. Panic buying of food and gas results, and the dollar becomes Zimbabwe style. In other words, toilet paper.

    While this is going on, the Washtowel Slaveholdery will start hitting on the importance of not diminishing our field circus in response to "Satan". They will claim that you can slap Satan in the face if you pio-sneer, or increase your wasteful field circus, just when commodities are becoming unaffordable and scarce (even if you do manage to get all your toilet paper money into gold and silver before, if there is no gas or food because people panic buy it or price controls create shortages, you won't be able to get it at all). That "Use your valuables in praise to Jehovah" crap will get them. The witlesses will continue obeying the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger instead of putting their money in gold and silver. Result: When they no longer can keep it up because they totally run out of money or can't get gas at all, the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger will beat up on them even worse.

    Hey, at least they won't be able to have machines to extort donations. In hyperinflation of the magnitude I foresee, the dollar will fall in value by a sextillion times. You can stuff the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund with all those dollars you want, but it will be worthless (it will take a billion freight trains worth to buy a loaf of bread). And, the last I knew, it is pretty hard to donate silver via a debit or credit card--all you can donate is a promise for silver, which will be welshed on because there won't be any silver to make good on.

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