What crisis will set the W.T on a new path?

by acolytes 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82

    A new path, or new light, would be prompted by lawsuits, governmental pressure, or changes in tax laws.

  • acolytes

    Is it inconceivable that the G.B could find another Ray Frant (even 2 or more)


  • DaCheech

    1) Money

    2) alot of elders resigning?

  • designs
  • punkofnice

    They are very flexible as they have the propoganda technique of 'New Light'. They can cherry pick scriptures to suit.

    Interestingly, the R&F pay for the Spindom Halls to be built and kept. However, the Grovelling Baddies or Society or whatever OWN the property as I understand it. So. If cash were a problem they could sell the dour halls all over the world and continue to live like rock stars. They'd then demand a 'tithe' from the cult members.

    They would likely find a scripture or three to prove the R&F must meet at alternative venues at their own expense. Everyone under the mind control would praise the GB for such a 'loving provision' and live like paupers to continue their worship of the Holy Watchtower.

    I guess I'm saying it's always about CASH with the 'filthful slave'. I left just over 6 months ago after 50 years born and bred in the cult. I am now more than convinced that 'WTBTS' = Anti-Christ big pyramid style business posing as religion to obtain money and/or power.

  • Refriedtruth

    They already sell halls left and right it pops up in news wire real estate transactions they sell to OTHER CHURCHES beauty parlors,VFW halls,funeral parlors (often must be just right size) flower shops,day care you name it.

    Shocking really,we were told way back that each hall was 'dedicated and sanctified to Jehovah like a temple'.

    It seems to be an equilibrium build 3 sell 3 a week in the US while maintaining an illusion of 'growth'

  • acolytes

    Refridtruth...That is why the W.T will never be in crisis. Real Estate.

    How can you loose if you own property bought 10 years ago.( Any lose in value is reflective of the market depreciation, the value is relativly the same)

    Any selling of property by the W.T is to make a fast "Buck" in a depreciating market. Sell at a good price and reinvest elsewhere at a low price.


  • wobble

    Cash flow must be a problem already, but the assets they have, money invested in the Stock Market and real estate will keep them going.

    But, as with every Ponzi scheme, they need new recruits, in their case recriuts that will give meaningful donations, or they will hit the financial buffers before too long.

    I think they have to do a re-think on how they recruit, the D to D work never was a good method, but they know little else.

    Once they observe a successful model elsewhere, either used by another cult like the Mormons, or something from Corporate America that they can copy, they will institute it as a : "blessing from Jehovah" , "We now have this much more effective way of getting our life-saving message to the people"

    They very rarely, if ever, do anything original, so they must be desperately looking around at the moment for ideas, they need to ensnare more dummies !

    Dummies=Dubbies=Dollars !

  • acolytes

    Wobbles... I think with EXCELLENT accountants and laywers and the way the J.W have mannaged there property portfolio, and other investments, this ORGANISATION is a money making machine.

    The Jehovers Witnesses are like supporting a football team.( Bums on seats =the rang and file.) The supporters think they contribute to the club and their contribution is supportive of the clubs success . The Owners live in a world of money and power we cannot comprehend.The supportes are puppets on a string.


  • blondie

    Even with excellent accountants and lawyers, many non-jws and organizations were caught with their pants down in the last 2 years. They had bailouts from the US government, but the WTS couldn't ask for that right?

    I don't know your background acolytes, but few jws contribute and then only small amounts, after being an accounts servant in several congregations, my husband saw a lack of generosity.

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