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by DarioKehl 61 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wannabefree

    Evolution or Creation, whatever the case, trace it back far enough and there had to be a cause. Evolution can not provide an answer, everything had to evolve from something that existed before it, what was the starting point? God may not be provable with eye witness accounts or DNA samples, it requires faith, I choose faith in a Creator, the first and greatest scientist, the buck has to stop somewhere.

    Who created God? He tells us that he has no beginning and no end, hard to comprehend, sure, it requires faith. Without a creator, where would anything have had its start even to evolve into another thing?

    Belief in God requires faith. Belief in evolution without a Creator in the mix also requires faith.

  • DarioKehl

    @ wannabefree: yeah, i hear you. And believe me, there are times when I miss that quick comfort fix I used to get when I'd "Say a quick prayer to Jehovah." As a biologist, I have to admit, I look at life from an engineering perspective. As it stands now, genetics cannot explain behavior. Currently, genetic causes are only alluded to (especially in twin studies), but I very deeply believe that there's a "faith" gene and, judging from my mother's side of the family, I definitely did not inherit it lol (they're all worldy evolutionists). I used to pray but always felt silly, much like a kid leaving a tooth under their pillow when they were old enough to realize that a tooth fairy is nonsense (or so I think... JW kids never played "tooth fairy" haha).

    As I stated, I will never belittle people for their beliefs or try to convert. Some exJWs jump right in to other Christian faiths and if that makes them feel better, that's a story with a happy ending. I'll never understand it tho. And perhaps you may never understand a person like me who just can't experience having faith. I dunno... the very word bothers me sometimes. It's foreign and icky. As an independent thinker, you and I have many resources at our disposal to validate our claims but the bottom line is, if a belief in "God" gets you through daily life and offers a hope for your future, then I'm very happy for you. Sometimes even envious. Lt. Commander Data always wanted to explore human emotion, but without the chip, it was a total mystery for him...I'm the same way with belief in a god.

    HOWEVER... one of my favorite interests is cutting edge physics. And I don't want to come off as one of those annoying laymen who try to blend physics with philosophy, but it's so exciting to see Science actually require faith from people for possibly the first time ever! I just finished one of the best books ever written IMHO: "The Black Hole War" by Leonard Susskind. He goes toe-to-toe with Stephen Hawking and wrote the entire novel because he proved one of Hawking's theories wrong. To a general audience, most of us would say, "Who cares? All these guys do is crunch numbers and create formulas only a few other people on earth are smart enough to comprehend!" But they WORK. The numbers WORK. And the theories they validate have meaning. Perhaps the most intriguing one for me is the hologram universe theory. Sounds hokie, I know. It immediately conjures up a scenario like "The Matrix." But, there's a possibility that this universe we percieve is just that--an illusion. All matter is made of energy, and energy in its smallest unit (at the Planck scale) is described as information...or code. I think there's a reason why physics breaks down when you zoom in to the super tiny scale. Perhaps it's part of the game... a design flaw we were never meant to notice. But we DID. I guess a small part of me desires to know more. If this is a giant holodeck, then who designed the program? What's the purpose, if any? That's what keeps me hanging on. I don't want to believe we are simply over at death. A very small part of me really, really wants there to be something more! But what I cannot do is make an allegiance with organized religion. It gives the easiest answer. "God" is the default explanation for every mystery. It just seems like a cop out, you know? Throughout history, theists seem to love the unknown and exploit it as proof of their diety. Scientists love the unknown for a different reason: It puts people to work! They want to solve the mystery. It's an easy trend to follow through human history. In ancient Greek times, "gods" were very human. They fought, they killed each other, they had sex with each other, they lived on mountaintops that were visible to humans... but once science started explaining things like thunder, lightning, droughts, etc., "god" became more and more mysterious and unintelligible. In modern times, science has provided many, many answers and, in a sense, has shoved "god" further and further into a mysterious corner. Eventually, the gaps will close. However, if...if there's a Grand Creator behind everything, I certainly cannot give credence to a 19th century American printing corporation's claim as being His representative. If there was an all-powerful being, I find it absurd to think that He would manifest himself through the WBTS.

    @Billy... you look like a rascal, buddy! I look forward to getting to know you! Are you really an ex-bethelite??? How long ago were you there? I'd love to pick your brain for juicy details that go on "behind the scenes." I'm new here, so if you've posted fantastic stories before, I'll have to search for them. But when you get a chance, I'd love to hear whatcha got!

    @lifelong humanist: amen! and duly noted. "swift" is easier said than done at the moment. I love my family deeply (have an adorable 3-yr old nephew) and have many, many close friends (some are of the same mindset but would never leave...but I'm working on 'em. Maybe a mass exodus at once???) There is so much to lose. But I intend to document this transition as it happens, in real time. Hopefully it will serve as an aid to others when they reach the same crossroad. This is so tough...

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Great first post and welcome to JWN!

    Much of what you said resonates with my experiences.

    Looking forward to your posts and, perhaps, your podcast.

    (Have you listened to "The Skeptics Guide to the Universe" podcast?)

    I've been a regular listener for quite a while.


  • DarioKehl

    Yup! Subscriber here :) LUVVITT!

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Bit of Skeptics Guide Podcast trivia:

    Did you know that one of the early co-host's, Perry DeAngelis (now deceased), was married to a JW?

    Freaked me out when I heard him say that.


  • DarioKehl

    no WAY! I don't know the individual, but that is interesting

  • factfinder

    Welcome DarioKehl! I look forward to seeing what your project is.

    Mostly everyone here has left the wts because of what they discovered about them. I did not discover this board until I had been away from meetings for several years. I stopped going to meetings due to anger toward god for the death of my beloved Mother and discouragement, feeling all alone in the cong, and that I did not belong there. I had no friends or family there. I guess I am still considered an "inactive publisher" as I never spoke to anyone there about my doubts or DA'd myself. I've been away now for over 5 years and no one from the cong ever contacts me. I just stopped going. No one asked why.

    As a witness I was too strict to read posts from a site like this one. So my "exit" from the wts is different than others and I guess I process it differently. I still have to convince myself jws are wrong at times...I even wonder what it would be like to go back? Would I find any comfort in it? I don't seem to feel the joy and freedom of being "free" as others do who post here. I don't know really what I believe anymore other than I have deep, continuing anger towards Jehovah and feel I wasted my life (age 18-48) being a witness. Ironically I am shunned by my relatives ( Jewish) for becoming a JW and am now shunned by my JW brother for no longer being one! And like you, it is hard to deal with all of my cherished future hopes being shown to be nothing more than a fairy tale or fable. I see no future for myself and feel down most of the time. I will never see my parents again...I never even got to say goodbye to my Mom. :(

    But I am glad I found this forum! There is much good information presented! And please pardon my posts if they come across too simple as after a series of mini strokes I had about 7 years ago I find my focus is limited and much of my vocabulary is lost- I can't express things as I wish. But fortunatly- so many others on this board do!

    But I have learned much from those who post on this board, while I do not really understand the feelings of some who have such hatred for jws- perhaps because they were born into it, whereas I had chosen to become a jw. ( Perhaps my feelings towards Judaism are similar to some who were raised as jws and hated it?)

    I look forward to your future posts!

  • Nick!

    Hi Dario, welcome on this board. I also read with interest this forum, I've learned to know most of the participants, I like a lot the 'spirit' in this web area!

    I have been fading since more than 5 years, and just this week I received a letter from the elders, where they say that they left me a 'period' of reflection.... and wish now to help me to reintegrate the flock.

    How could I do with a chief APOSTATE as my husband????

    Anyway I'm much more active on an italian forum. Good participation,

    Regards, Claudia

  • Nick!

    Ops something got wrong...I took my husband's identity......because I'm using his pc....Sorry

  • Rabbit

    I hate to pee on your pop tart, Cold Steel, but think of the advantages you have now WITHOUT a "jealous and angry God" above you!

    I think you're loosening up just fine!

    I lost my immediate family thru divorce, because of leaving the WT's Truth. My JW mom was killed by the same 'Truth' -- no blood transfusion.

    There were many, many straws -- that was the last one. I have never been "talked to" by an Elder after walking away. They may be worried I know where some of their bodies are buried?

    Anyway, Welcomen !

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