Does Genesis 19 condemn Homosexuality?

by brotherdan 116 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • tec

    Why do people believe that divine revelation has ceased? I don't see anything that says it has.

  • Leolaia
  • tec

    Yeah, sorry... I realized that after I posted.


  • brotherdan

    Leolaia, I've tried to get the thread back on topic a few times. But maybe it's a lost cause. Oh well. I think the overall point was made.

  • sabastious

    Hereby I claim this thread in the name of Spain!


  • leavingwt
    First of all, divine Revelation has ceased. Also, if it hadn't ceased then I would examine what you had to say, and see if it could be demonstrated to be the word of god. So, no circular reasoning. The fact is, divine revelation ended with the apostles. The divine record is closed. So if you claim inspiration from the Holy Spirit, I don't even need to examine what you have to say.

    Please elaborate on why you hold this opinion, if possible.

  • PSacramento

    In a nutshell, what we have is evidence that the issue with Sodom was NOT homosexuality but one of rape and inhospitalityBUt we also can see that IF one choose to see the homosexual undertone in these verse one certainly can, the thing is, just becase we can doesn't mean we should and it doesn't seem that the writers had that ( the honosexuality) in mind.

    As for the working of the HS, it is alive and well here and now, with Us, always.

  • SixofNine

    Rape is about the most inhospitable way one could possibly treat a guest.

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  • truthseeker


    Abraham pleaded with God to spare Sodom if their were 10 righteous men found in the city. Clearly there were not, because God destroyed Sodom.

    It is disingenuous to say that the city was destroyed because of lack of hospitality.

    Genesis 19:4 "But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter"

    The scripture quoted above said the men of the city, from old to young surrounded Lot and his guests. This should tell you the mindset these individuals had. They acted as a mob.

    Does this account specifically mention homosexuality? No it doesn't, but it is implied, because the men of the city wanted to "know" Lot's guests. They didn't know Lot's guests were angels and they weren't interested in Lot's daughters.

    I would suggest that the city was destroyed because the majority of its inhabitants were not found righteous, rather than on the account of one specific behavior.

    You could compare this account to the account at Nineveh, described as a violent city and ponder why its inhabitants were given 40 days warning to repent whereas Sodom was given no warning.

  • sinis

    I agree that the issues is not homo, but rather hospitality - and the use of rape to do a pay back at Lot. Funny how the texts do not really tell you about Lot. Perhaps Lot was an ass in the eyes of the people and they were tired of it, and this was their way to bring dishonor on Lots head. The account in my mind is about raping these men, which in most ancient cultures was a humiliating experience. That, and Lot was responsible for his guests. By raping these men, Lot would have the incident over his head, so to speak.

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