how important was the hope of the paradise to you? and what do you hope in now?

by Curtains 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewChapter
    guys and gals keep it coming I want to hear more. And also does anyone agree with the feeling of anticipation of something momentous that JWs gave you? (I don't mind being made fun of either)

    I understand what you say when you love that anticipation of something momentous. But I don't think it is based on anything real. The problem with looking forward to a "paradise" is that it devalues what you have now. The problem with always feeling this place is on the edge of destruction, is that you won't engage and live. Who wants to go down with the ship? It cheapens life. It's fine to die for your religion, because there is a better life, a "real life" ahead. Only, there is not.

    I have replaced hope of living forever with a gratefulness for today. I am so happy I woke up in time to value this life before it is gone. I woke in time to look around at the wonders, and not simply wait for armeggedon to fully enjoy it. I hope every day I learn something new and that I leave something good behind.

    I think that belief in god, and great emphasis on the future robs us of so much. All these "worldly" people that were not good enough to be my friends---now fascinate me. The pressure to always be "separate" darkened my every day and my every interaction with fellow humans. The privilege to make my own decisions and judgements, and to have confidence in them has matured me. I woke up in time! Each day is so much more precious to me now. I don't have to wait anymore. I can love it all just the way it is.

    I used to hope in the paradise, but only enough to make me terrified that I wouldn't make it in. I imagined the day. All of my family are dead, my daughter, my brothers, my aunts and uncles. Dead, killed by a loving god. Of course, I would be exultant, because I was alive. But wait, a secret sin? Something I had overlooked? Something I had not taken to the elders? Lights out.

    I no longer strive for a future with the knowledge that my daughter won't gain the same. As a mother, I want my child to always have something better than me! It plagued my conscience terribly to reach for something better than I could not give to her. She didn't want my religion. Would I have to watch her die?

    Then people I loved kept getting disfellowshipped. Each time was like a punch in the stomach. Only Witnesses in good standing get into paradise. But I LOVE them, what if they don't fix it in time? I know a woman that committed adultery. She had never seriously sinned before, and there were many problems that led up to this. She went to EVERY meeting, but it was STILL SIX YEARS before they reinstated her. And the entire time, all who loved her had to worry that armegeddon would come and she would be destroyed. And she had to worry, because she wasn't sitting in that seat at every meeting for nothing. She still believed.

    The paradise hope is destructive. I hope I can be well enough one day to go back to work. I hope I will one day be paid for my writing. I hope I continue to work toward my degree. I DO NOT HOPE for that vile fairytale that suppresses the hopers with anxiety and pain, and drains the joy from today.

    Being an atheist does not take away the beauty, it makes it more precious.

  • free2beme

    I always found it confusing, fuzzy and not real. Like I was trying to buy in on a Hollywood script and just knew that reality was not that easy. So, it was not that important to me. My main reason for staying was acceptance and fitting in to the only group of people I ever really knew. That, the the 'supposed' sacrafice of Jesus Christ to balance out Adam's sin. Both seemed lame and way mythical.

  • PublishingCult


    "I have come to see this as a literary, rhetorical device for carving out identity by painting everything other as rubbish and deathdealing. Hidden in the rubbish are the pearls waiting to be found one by one.

    But I think there is a paradox at the heart of Zen - I wonder if the nothing of Zen is actually multifaceted potential. Is this how you understand the nothing you speak of?"

    I simply cannot find any evidence that anything related to consciousness and thought will exist once I have taken my last breath. I simply must believe and accept that finality. I will not jump through the absurd hoops of an invisible sky daddy who is promising me something that He himself cannot prove exists. Hell, he cannot even prove that He himself exists. Lunacy.

  • Curtains

    thank you all - its gonna take me all morning to think about what you guys have said.

    publishing cult you raise an interesting thought

    I simply cannot find any evidence that anything related to consciousness and thought will exist once I have taken my last breath. I simply must believe and accept that finality. I will not jump through the absurd hoops of an invisible sky daddy who is promising me something that He himself cannot prove exists. Hell, he cannot even prove that He himself exists. Lunacy.

    Lunacy is a good word - I know i am one - a lunatic and would be happy to join a long line of lunatics who have graced the earth.

    But in discussion with your post above, my thought is that we are not born in a vacuum, we don't live in a vacuum and therefore I don't consider that we die in a vacuum. Here I am taking nothingess to mean a vacuum- I apologise if this is not what you meant.

  • Curtains

    new chapter- what can I say. There is so much in your post that I agree with. But the anticipation aspect, (that of being on the threshold of something momentous) existed before we became witnesses and mutated into a hope for paradise conditions and any other changes Jehovah witnesses forsee. I now see Jehovahs witnesses as a byproduct (amongst others) of what I am trying to describe. Therefore I can participate with them fully knowing what motivates them. I love what you now enjoy.


    I have replaced hope of living forever with a gratefulness for today. I am so happy I woke up in time to value this life before it is gone. I woke in time to look around at the wonders, and not simply wait for armeggedon to fully enjoy it. I hope every day I learn something new and that I leave something good behind.

  • Curtains


    Besides I had already replaced the tenet with new things and their teachings didn't bother me at all. Having a form of worship does give one hope and peace of mind. I do have peace of mind. I don't belong to a religon.


    I believed in the paradise earth- I wanted to be healed and be healthy. Now my parents are dead, I won't ever see them again. :(

    As for what hope I have now? There is none. The future looks very bleak to me now.

    I'm so sorry about your parents. I lost mine 2 years ago and I too have experienced bleakness. To me seeing the future as bleak is a necessary part to being alive. The bleakness passes just as day pases into night and so on.

  • PublishingCult

    Curtains, we are carbon-based life forms. Our consciousness and thought is in the brain powered by electricity. Once dead, the energy disperses back into the universe, our bodies and brains turn to dust, and we no longer exist in any form even remotely close to the configuration in which we briefly existed. This is what solid science proves, and no amount of rhetoric by men who claim to speak for a God they cannot even prove exists is going to prove otherwise.

    All of Christendom stems from a superstitious tribe of ancient Hebrews who began as polytheists. The name Israel itself is formed from the names of the three main gods these people worshipped.

    IS = ISIS Egyptian Throne Goddess

    RA = Ra (of course) the sun-god of Heliopolis

    EL = the Akkadian god of earth and wind

    Religion, without a doubt, was formed to assist the State or governments to enslave and control the masses. The very teachings and beliefs of those controlled by religion, any religion, is a superstitious tool to scare the crap out of people. If you are in a constant state of fear and/or defense you cannot grow or truly love.

  • Curtains

    publishing cult

    I am no longer attached to me and don't ever expect to see me myself living on and on. You are misundestanding what I am saying. sorry I can't be any clearer. I really like zen and am interested in seeing it as describing rather more than a vacuum

  • Curtains

    I don't have time to reply to everyone on page 1 but would dearly have like to as there were some points I wanted to comment on. I'll be back later today.

  • doofdaddy

    Curtains, you spoke of hope after the belief in jw paradise. Hope of what? Life after death? My hope is to be satisfied (or have a modicum of)when I die. To be reassuring to my children and granchildren that I am OK on this lone journey. I am gone forever in this form and the future is the great question that humanity has struggled with for millenia.

    Oh, I must say great comments from others so far...

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