Losing Faith

by cappytan 33 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Magnum

    Hey - I can relate to what you said. You seem like a really honest, sincere person - far more so than most JWs who are blind to truth or who wouldn't admit it if they really saw it. You seem to be a spiritual person in that you seek answers; you want/seek truth and will admit truth. I consider myself spiritual in that I am seeking and am honest enough to admit that I have not yet found. I am still open to a number of different possibilities.

    I am really pissed off at JWdom. I see deliberate attempts to hide and whitewash their history. They claim to be lovers of truth, but they don't really want the truth; they only want what makes them look right and backs up their teachings. I spent many years as an uber-dub. I, too, saw the faults among individuals JWs for years, but I thought the overall religion was right even though I always had major questions that were unanswered. Now, I know something is majorly wrong in JW land. I could list many specifics, but just the whole general feel seems wrong now. JWdom is not what it used to be.

    Hang around here and help me figure it all out (Bible, God, etc.). Hope to hear more from you.

  • LisaRose

    It's a dilemma, one we all have faced. No one can make that decision for you, each person and their circumstances are different. There is a price to be paid no matter what you do, it's hard living a lie, it takes its toll. It's also hard to lose family and friends, the harsh disfellowshiping policies are there to keep people from leaving, being shunned is very painful. 

    I am glad I left, I would never go back, but that doesn't work for everyone. 

  • smiddy

    Welcome cappytan , what folks are saying about taking it slow is the most important thing to do .Learn the truth about the truth , TTATT ,before you even try to communicate these ideas to anyone else .That is to protect yourself from an inquisition by the elders and also to protect your loved ones in the organisation .

    You will get plenty of good advice from people who have been in a similar situation as yourself .

    I wish you all the best , take care.


  • Crazyguy
    One bit of advise, don't talk to anyone in or your family about your doubts. Get what you need from people here and do all your research with out them knowing. I mentioned one thing to my wife and she ran off and called the elders. This caused much pain and forced me into a corner that I wasn't prepared for. If I had to od it all over again I would have said nothing and then made changes in my life one my own term and my own time table.
  • happy@last
    Welcome here, you may be in for a rough ride.  Tread carefully but never stop asking questions. 
  • jhine

    Welcome Cappytan ,

             As a neveraJW I cannot advise as to keeping the balance with family and friends and fading succesfully . As a Christian I would point out that your faith in the Watchtower is being shaken and they are being exposed as less than reliable , not the Bible . Many here have become atheists since leaving , and that is their choice . I would just caution against throwing the baby out with the bath water . You mentioned the core basis of faith 

    God , Jesus , Salvation . If you can look at other points of view about these foundations of faith and other interpretations of the Bible . They may make sense to you . If not at least you will have explored all possibilities . Proceed slowly and give yourself time to adjust to another worldview before making any rash decisions . 


  • Ucantnome
    • But, doubting these other details about my faith also makes my faith in those basic things have a shaky foundation as well.

      An elder suggested to someone with doubts that maybe through their life they could see evidence of God's help,then he provided examples in his own life.

  • Zoos

    You know, that new covenant included a clause wherein God would "put [His] laws in their mind, and in their hearts [He] shall write them."

    We're not bound by the contents of the bible. It's okay to graduate, move on, taking what is useful and leaving what is not. If you keep confining yourself to the pages of a book and the mentality of Religion, Inc you're not leaving any room for God to write anything in your heart.

  • Xanthippe

    What works for some people is to slow down in JW activities and if asked why say you are depressed and confused over all the changes in teachings. Then let your family try and explain overlapping generations etc. to you while you play dumb.

    Wish you well at this difficult time. It's hard to keep your mouth shut and let others teach you when you know it's all nonsense but sometimes trying to explain it helps them see it for what it it. As others have said it's your decision how you tackle it because you know your family best and we've never met them. Good luck.

  • Bonsai

    It sounds like your whole support group of family and friends are in the organization.  I'd be in no rush to leave if I were you.  Even if you are just in the process of fading, it completely changes the dynamic of your friendship with your family and friends.  Most of them will not respond well to you bringing up TTATT with them.  Once they know you have done research and have doubts, they will doubt your motives, question your sanity and guard themselves around you..

    The wife and I just quit cold turkey a few months ago after first being stumbled locally and then being leveled by our research.  Reading "Crisis of Conscience" was like being hit by a Mack truck.  Losing 90% of your community of friends and family really sucks.  having to jump into the bushes when the elders come to my door isn't fun either.  During this difficult time i wish you the best of luck.  Be innocent like a dove and wise like a serpent.

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