Losing Faith

by cappytan 33 Replies latest jw experiences

  • cappytan

    I've always been a "spiritual" person. I've been an avid bible reader since as early as I can remember. I read the bible cover to cover for the first time when I was about 17 years old and have read it at least twice more since then. I don't recall how long it took the first time, but it was over the course of at least two years.

    I was baptized at 11 years of age. At that time, God was real to me, it seemed illogical for life to exist without intelligent design, and the religion I called my own seemed to adhere 100% to the bible. At the time, I considered the bible to be the "word of God," infallible.

    I progressed after baptism. To the point that I eventually was appointed as an MS. I even served for a time at Patterson Bethel 2001-2002. 

    That was my first exposure to the hypocrisy. I saw fellow Bethelites saying one thing in public, and doing another behind closed doors. In public, they would appear to be morally upstanding. However, double lives were being lead. Drunkenness, foul language, inappropriate jesting, porn, etc.

    I became disillusioned and questioned if it really was what it appeared to be. Was this really the "truth?"

    I didn't do much questioning of doctrine at the time, just of the personalities of fellow believers.

    Because of this, I got over my disillusionment and became active in the faith once more.

    However, recently, that has changed.

    As y'all know, occasionally JWs have "refinements" of doctrinal understandings. This religion has made a lot of predictions over the years. Predictions that sound scripturally based, and then change when the original prediction didn't pan out.

    Recently, there have been quite a few refinements in understandings about bible prophecy.

    I used to subscribe to the view that this was a good thing. I felt that it was humility on their part to admit when they were wrong.

    However, I now think it feels like an attempt to retain power and control over followers that may start to see the failures of promises.

    The GB is currently ignoring vast amounts of archeological evidence about 607 vs 587 in bible history in order to keep their power that comes from claiming to be "God's earthly channel" of communication.

    At this point, my faith is shaken. I have researched the archeological evidence and have found the Society's position on that evidence to be flimsy, at best.

    And, because of this, my faith in other beliefs is shaking. Is the bible prophetically reliable? If God exists, does he really approve of this organization?

    I still can't help but feel that there must be a higher power, an intelligent designer of life and matter. I also feel that the lessons the bible teaches are beneficial for life. Love your fellow man, love your wife, obey your parents, be peaceable, mild, kind.

    But what about all the other specific doctrines? I don't know anymore. 

    Like Brother Knorr was said to have said once, "All I know for sure is that Jehovah is God, Jesus is his son, and Jesus died for our sins." That's kind of how I feel.

    But, doubting these other details about my faith also makes my faith in those basic things have a shaky foundation as well.

    Right now, I am still outwardly an "uber dub," but on the inside, I am torn up.

    Normally, if someone feels the way I do, you just decide that this faith or church isn't for you and move on. 

    However, my whole family is in the truth. Wife, Father, Mother, Father-in-law, Mother-in-law, Sister, etc. 

    So you can see why this challenge is a struggle. I love my wife, my family and my wife's family. However, in order to have a meaningful relationship with them all, I can not communicate my doubts about the faith or leave the faith. If I were to do so, I would not only be persona-non-grata to them, but they would also suffer emotionally.

    In addition, the only friends I have are heavily invested in this religion also.

    At this point, I feel trapped. My choices are either go with my gut, my brain, and stop wasting my time on this bull crap, or to grit my teeth, and pretend to be a believer and say all the right things in order to not disappoint family or friends.

    What will I do? How will I face this challenge?

    As of now, I have no idea. But, putting down all of this in writing has been somewhat therapeutic, and I'm glad I have done so.

    Thanks for listening and any insight y'all can provide would be appreciated.

  • adjusted knowledge
    adjusted knowledge
    Thanks for your post.  So many here can relate.  Every one here is at different stage in regards to their faith.  You are at the beginning and most difficult stage.  You will receive a lot of opinions, but it is YOU that has to deal with the consequences of those decisions.  Take your time and be careful.  I wish you good luck.
  • freemindfade
    I say this, first step take the pressure off yourself. Their emotional blackmail is working, take control. Stop feeling like you need to make an immediate move about your doubts, use this forum to doubt in private until you are fully comfortable with your choices. I know you are afraid to let them down, but if you don't leave all the way (DA DF) you can take control, and you might be surprised by who loves you despite not being an uber dub. I still accompany my spouse to meetings, but have zero faith in the bible, and zero in the dubs, its an aggravation, but i know I have a few friends here and else where to help me cope
  • marmot

    It's scary that's for sure. Nobody can tell you what to do and it looks like you've already fallen down the rabbit hole in terms of discovering that the foundations for your faith are worthless, just be prepared for heartache either way. If you stay you'll be eaten away on the inside and if you leave you'll lose all your friends and maybe family.

    Do what you feel you need to, I was in your shoes once and I just quit everything at once. The elders turned up once or twice but couldn't be bothered to even disfellowship me. I put everything behind me and moved on with my life, your results may vary.

  • Ding

    Have you read Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz?

  • cappytan

    @Ding: in the process. But had the doubts about 607 and, by extension, 1914 before I started reading it. 

    I didn't even question anything until the society had those articles addressing the 587 issue. I wasn't even aware that there was an issue until those two articles appeared in the WT.

    then all this overlapping Generation crap reared its head.

  • OneEyedJoe

    Jesus, is it new member day? Lots of new folks, great to see.  

    Welcome.  I'm in a pretty similar place.  Its been  about 8 months since I found TTATT, and I'm still trying to found a way to exit without ruining my marriage or damaging my wife's relationship with her family.  

    My advice (for what it's worth) is to take it show and do lots of research. Have you cone across jwfacts.com yet?  Lots of information there (as week as here) to help you see that you're not crazy and there is indeed many things amiss with the jw organization.

    Also, feel free to pm me of you ever need to talk/vent/whatever.  It sounds like we're in similar situations, and for me it's been a huge comfort knowing I'm not alone.  So, thanks for sharing.

  • Ding

    One way some people have gotten their spouses to look at the evidence is to study at home, raising various issues as "things we might have to face at the door."

    Often, listening is more effective than speaking. Listen for anything that might indicate family members are dissatisfied with the organization or questioning any of its teachings.

  • millie210

    A warm welcome to you. A lot of us here are in the same tough situation. 

    Because we have learned and been trained to treasure "truth" I think we feel we need to react to what we now know. 

    But as so many have advised, take it slow. You have relationships that you cherish to protect. It is not your fault that you are in this predicament and like so many things, time helps.

    I really like the saying "lean dont leap". 

    all the best 


  • whathappened
    Welcome to the group.  It was nice to hear you love your wife and families as well.  Approach this with that in mind. Think about how you would want to be taught the truth about the truth.  Keeping your family in a dangerous cult is not good.  Be patient and move slowly and gently.

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