How often do disassociated people go back to the organization?

by SEL 25 Replies latest social relationships

  • james_woods

    There is a big difference between a deliberate DA and a passive DF. Many serial adulteror witnesses just view a DF as a year or two time-out without having to do field service.

    I know one elder who has been married three times and DFd twice - as a witness - and yup, they eventually made him an elder again.

    There are other DFs who are not "passive" - like myself. I left the JWs during the Ray Franz episode and refused to go to judicial meetings or to write them any sort of letter. So- they DFd me about a year and a half later without any hearing.

    And you can be very sure that I am certainly not going back.

  • LongHairGal


    From what I have seen, very few disassociated persons go back to the organization/religion. People who disassociate themselves generally do so because there is something seriously wrong with the religion and its doctrines that they cannot accept, and/or they or a member of their family has been victimized either by the people or policies.

    Usually, people who do go back are disfellowshipped for immorality. They still essentially believe the religion, etc. but just have a 'problem' with their flesh.

    In the rare instance that a disassociated person does go back, it is because they want friends, association and social support system.

  • Honesty

    I DA'd because I found out the Watchtower Society has deliberately lied to Jehovah's Witnesses about the majority of the

    sources they quote in their publications like the 'Should You Believe in the Trinity' brochure.

    What reason can anyone give so that I would want to go back and be lied to again?

  • cameo-d

    Proverbs 26:11

    As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly.

  • Check_Your_Premises


    In my experience, young people will often leave to sow some wild oats, but in their heart they still believe the doctrine.

    This type of JW is a a common source of the sad critter, the "Unbelieving Mate".

    The prodigal JW will start to date some poor, unsuspecting non-witness. Dating leads to love, love to marriage, marriage to children.

    Now this person who left the organization to experience some freedom becomes terrified by the overwhelming duties of parenthood. They feel compelled to offer their child a sense of purpose, morality... a concept of faith. They feel called for the sake of their children to be the persn they always wanted to be. Since they were JW, and taught to be contemptuous toward every other concept of faith, they naturally return to the fold.

    Now their poor spouse, who thought they simply married this nice, upstanding person who just so happened to formerly be a member of some wierd religion that they don't know much about , suddenly finds themselves married to... SUPER WITNESS.

    oops. ouch. ugh.

    Not so hilarious hijinx ensue.

  • punkofnice

    If this geezer is still a dub in his head, he'll likely go back, depressed and treated like filth even after he's R/I. His new girlfriend will likely see him as part of a nutty cult (she'd be right), and escape.

    As far as how many DF/DA go back depends on how many still believe all the mind controlling guilt/fear/phobia induced junk.

    If some do research it's likely they'll de-program, it doesn't take much to shatter the illusion and find it isn't anywhere near being the 'trooOOOoOOOth'.

    the more sites like this the better!

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