4/15/11 Watchtower--quote on ministerial servants

by sd-7 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • dozy

    The "one year" point is new , and the reference to those in their late teens is also a new indication. I know a MS who has just been appointed who is 18 and basically spends most of his time playing computer games with his JW pals. (And perhaps the elders should have looked at the guys Facebook page before appointing him.) He would never have been appointed even a few years ago - the WTBTS are definitely lowering the bar.

    w909/1p.26par.11AreYouQualifiedtoServe? A newly baptized person has not had time to prove that he will faithfully care for assigned duties. He may lack sympathy for the afflicted or needed wisdom to help fellow worshipers and may even look down on others. Before being recommended as a ministerial servant and especially as an elder, therefore, a man should be “tested as to fitness” and should give evidence of good judgment and reliability. No set time is given for this testing, and individuals vary in rate of spiritual growth.


    w721/1p.21par.43AppointedElderstoShepherdtheFlockofGod While no specific age requirement is stipulated, it is obvious that these ministerial servants were to be grown men, old enough to be married and have children. They were not to be novices in the congregation, but persons who had been “tested as to fitness.” Before being appointed as ministerial servants it would be beneficial if they had been dedicated and baptized for at least some time that would allow for their fitness to be tested.

  • Franklin Massey
    Franklin Massey

    There is a big push in our circuit for "qualified men" to cover a plethora of responsibilites. The bar has indeed lowered as responsibilities that used to be "elders-only" are now being handled by ministerial servants. It's all downhill from there as many "servants-only" jobs are being handled by non-servants and sometimes even sisters.

    miseryloveselders posted, "In harmony with the motive behind this article, being that they're desperate for men, its evident in our congregation. We have several men who want absolutely nothing to do with a formal title. A couple are already doing pretty much the work of a ministerial servant, but they don't want the title and the hassle that comes with it."

    Same in my area. Also a lot of long-time MSs who continue to turn down the elder position when it is offered.

  • DagothUr

    In our area, the customary period for ME appointments was around 3 years and 5 for elder. But we had a MS appointed after just 1 year from his baptism, a young man of 19 years of age. He is loving and intelligent and I think one day he will DA too.

  • TheLoveDoctor

    no i was baptised in 94 and a ministerial servan 1 year later for good behavior and obedience and showing myself to reach out. That statement sounds like a reminder to both brothers and elders that it should not be to hard, however if you look up everything in wt awake u see we look deeply it not as simple as they say

  • Gayle

    wow,,they are lowering the bar to put that in print. What will their term "reasonably" reasonably mean?

    http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/child-abuse/203961/1/WTBTS-Elder-Ministerial-Servant-Problems - about avg. of 5 M.S. per cong. most not showing to even want to be elders either.

    Like they are lowering aux. pioneer hours to 30 hrs for April,,(maybe longer eventually probably),,what next ??

  • NeonMadman

    I seem to remember that it was a minimum of a year many years ago when I became a JW. They may have done away with the specific requirement at some point, but it was always intended as a minimum time to become a MS, not the norm. Not many people became MS's after only a year of baptism, but it was possible for an exceptional person. Before a year, it was out of the question, no matter how good you were. I agree that it is a fairly short time, but given that MS's are basically gophers in the JW organization and not really men with spiritual responsibilities, as deacons in a Protestant church would be, I guess it makes little difference.

  • skeeter1

    Shouldn't these young men be microphone guys and parking attendants? Isn't there now alot of elderly men also being appointed for MS. You know, the type that never was picked before because they were a little off or wierd?


  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Any recommendations that are unsuitable will be filtered out by the Holy Spirit so why worry??!!


  • Truth and Justice
    Truth and Justice

    Hi Folks, Good thread SD-7

    I was thinking alittle bit about the subject of quailifications for elder, I know the subject is in regards to MS, but the qualifications thing is a huge thing to me. If you read the qualifications outlined by the Apostle Paul word for word, can 99% of these men really be appointed?

    When you take on the duties of a servant, you also take on that loving responsibility of caring for the witnesses in Care Centers, spending time with those alittle impoverished, widows and orphans, maybe going to visit a friend to spend time with him and encourage him without a tie on, but just spending time with the individual.

    But the true picture of what I saw was men with fancy suits, nice expensive brief cases, with lots of important paper work in them, fulfilling all kinds of duties in the congregation, and then heading home with their family half a sleep because they waited for you while you were so busy with some frivolous meeting business.

    But for that 1%, yes, they were worthy. In all the years that I went, I knew of only 2 that were truly merciful and compassionate, I hope that they have seen the light and become free.

    Happy Trails! Truth and justice

  • Scott77

    As a former Assistant Ministerial Servant, I find this article to be of interest. I think, it was months a way before I was confirmed as an MS.


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