Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 12-26-10 WT Study (MEETINGS)

by blondie 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 12-26-10 WT Study (OCTOBER 15, 2010, pages 20-25)(MEETINGS UPBUILDING)

    Review comments will be headed by COMMENTS

    WT material from today's WT will be in black

    Quotes from other sources will headed by QUOTES

    w = Watchtower

    g = Awake

    jv = Proclaimers book


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    WT publications

    WT child abuse

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    United Nations

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    If the meetings are not upbuilding it is the audience’s fault? If the food tastes like crap at a restaurant, is it the customer’s fault?





    “When you come together, . . . let all things

    take place for upbuilding.” —1 COR. 14:26.

    1. According to 1 Corinthians chapter 14, what is an

    important objective of Christian meetings?

    ‘THAT was such an upbuilding meeting!’

    Have you expressed similar sentiments

    after attending a meeting at the Kingdom

    Hall? No doubt you have! Congregation

    meetings truly are a source of encouragement,

    but that is not surprising. After

    all, just as in the days of the early Christians,

    an important objective of our meetings

    today is to strengthen spiritually all

    in attendance. Note how the apostle Paul

    emphasizes that specific goal of Christian

    meetings in his first letter to the Corinthians.

    Throughout chapter 14, he states time

    and again that each part delivered at congregation

    meetings should have the same objective—“

    the upbuilding of the congregation.”--

    Read 1 Corinthians 14:3,12, 26.*

    *It was foretold that some features of first-century

    Christian meetings would cease. For example, we

    no longer “speak in tongues” or “prophesy.” (1 Cor.

    13:8; 14:5) Even so, Paul’s instructions give us insight

    into how Christian meetings should be conducted



    Yes, I would hear people say what “an upbuilding meeting” and then when I asked them what point specifically was upbuilding, they would quiet down. That is right up there when an elder or jw would say, “that was a good comment,” and I would ask which one and what did they like specifically…silence….

    How strengthening is it when few if any talk to you before or after the meeting?

    Footnote…to make sure jws realize no one prophesies or gives a revelation in a KH, or speaks in a tongue.

    1 Corinthians 14:3,12,26 (NIV)

    3 But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort.

    12 So it is with you. Since you are eager for gifts of the Spirit, try to excel in those that build up the church.

    26 What then shall we say, brothers and sisters? When you come together, each of you has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. Everything must be done so that the church may be built up.

    2. (a) Upbuilding meetings are the result of what?

    (b)What question will we consider?

    2 We realize that upbuilding, or edifying,

    meetings are first of all the result of the influence

    of God’s spirit. Therefore, we begin

    each congregation meeting with a heartfelt

    prayer to Jehovah in which our heavenly Father

    is asked to bless our gathering by means

    of his holy spirit. Still, we know that all

    members of the congregation can have a

    share in making the meeting programs as

    upbuilding as possible. So, then, what are

    some of the steps we can personally take to

    make sure that the weekly meetings conducted

    at our Kingdom Hall are always a

    source of spiritual refreshment and encouragement?


    Heartfelt prayer….given by a brother who finds out 2 minutes before he is giving the prayer, has no idea what the theme is for the meetings. So he ends up using the 8 to 10 standard phrases heard in every KH.

    If a meeting is not upbuilding though, the rank and file are held responsible, not a boring and/or unprepared speaker.

    3. How important are Christian meetings?

    3 To answer, we will examine some aspects

    of our meetings that should be kept in mind

    by those who conduct them. We will also

    consider how the congregation as a whole

    can share in making meetings uplifting occasions

    for all who attend. This subject is of

    great interest to us because our meetings are

    sacred gatherings. Indeed, attending and

    participating in meetings are important features

    of our worship to Jehovah.—Ps. 26:12;

    111:1; Isa. 66:22, 23.


    I remember the elders saying that not enough people were participating….my husband pointed out if all the elders (6), their wives (6), their children (4), the MS (3), their wives (3), and the regular pioneers (3) all commented just once, there would be no problem (25 in total). How many WT articles have 25 paragraphs?

    A Meeting Designed for

    Studying the Bible

    4, 5. What is the objective of the Watchtower


    4 All of us want to benefit fully from our

    weekly Watchtower Study. Hence, to understand

    clearly the principal objective of that

    meeting, let us review some of the adjustments

    that have been made to the Watchtower magazine

    and the study articles.


    It is amazing that except for a few new people, that jws don’t know what the principal objective is. “ADJUSTMENTS” I remember when the questions were asked first at the WT Study and the paragraphs read after to sum up. The WTS realized that few jws prepared before the meeting and were reading the paragraph while the question was being asked…cut down on participation. So around 1970, they flipped it, read paragraph first, ask question second.

    *** w77 2/1 p. 96 New Method of Conducting “Watchtower” Study *** With this in mind, we recommend to all congregations the following order of study: (1) Read the paragraph in The Watchtower (or other publication); (2) Read the question thereon; (3) Call on those raising their hands for answers, discussing fully the paragraph and supporting scriptures. There should be a number of advantages in reading the paragraphs before they are discussed. This will quickly refresh the minds of all who have studied over the lesson in advance, and in the event some have not been able to do this previous to the meeting, the reading will at least familiarize them with the material before it is discussed. Everyone will be encouraged to concentrate on the reading, rather than look ahead for the answer in the next paragraph. Those who are shy, or who are slow in organizing their thoughts, will be able to prepare better to put their words together and so gain confidence to raise their hands. There should be freer participation and fuller discussion of the finer details of the study, with emphasis on the application of key scriptures before passing on to the reading of the next paragraph.

    5 Starting with the first study edition of

    The Watchtower, the January 15, 2008, issue,

    a significant detail was included on the front

    cover. Did you notice it? Take a good look at

    the cover of the magazine you are holding.

    There, at the base of the tower, you will note

    an open Bible. That added feature underscores

    the reason why we have the Watchtower

    Study. It is to study the Bible with the

    help of this magazine. Yes, at our weekly

    Watchtower Study, God’s Word is “being expounded,”

    and just as in the time of Nehemiah

    of old, there is “a putting of meaning

    into it.”—Neh. 8:8; Isa. 54:13.


    So why does the WTS feel the need to underscore that the Bible is primary hasn’t it been since 1879? Yet the WTS teaches that the Bible cannot be understood without WT publications.

    Notice too that the WTS now has to “order” the conductor and the audience to read certain scriptures right there in the meeting. How many of the rank and file or even the elders have looked up the cited scriptures before the meeting, very few?

    ***w94 10/1 p. 8 Even as Bible prophecy pointed forward to the Messiah, it also directs us to the close-knit body of anointed Christian Witnesses that now serve as the faithful and discreet slave. It helps us to understand the Word of God. All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the “greatly diversified wisdom of God” can become known only through Jehovah’s channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave.—John 6:68.

    6. (a) What adjustment was made to the Watchtower

    Study? (b) What should be kept in mind regarding

    “read” scriptures?

    6 Because the Bible is our main textbook,

    an adjustment was made to the Watchtower

    Study. Several cited scriptures in the study

    articles are marked “read.” All of us are encouraged

    to follow the reading of these

    scriptures during the meeting, using our

    own copy of the Bible. (Acts 17:11) Why?

    When we see God’s counsel in our own Bible,

    it makes a deeper impression on us.

    (Heb. 4:12) Therefore, before such scriptures

    are read out loud, the one conducting the

    meeting should give all in attendance sufficient

    time to look up these scriptures and

    to follow along as the verses are read.


    Is the Bible the main textbook? “Encouraged” or forced to do so as the whole audience is encouraged and “given enough time to look these up.” How much time would that be?

    I can remember being told about a WT conductor asking, “Now what is the basis of our beliefs,” as he held up the WT. I thought the PO would bust a gut putting up his hand and grabbing the mike to spit out, “the Bible.”

    More Time Available to

    Express Our Faith

    7. What opportunity do we have during the Watchtower


    7 Still another adjustment to the Watchtower

    study articles has to do with their

    length. In recent years, they are shorter.

    Thus, during the Watchtower Study, less time

    is used for reading paragraphs while more

    time is available for giving comments. More

    in the congregation now have an opportunity

    to make a public expression of their faith

    by answering a printed question, by giving

    an application of a scripture, by relating

    a brief experience that illustrates the wisdom

    of following Bible principles, or in

    other ways. Some time should also be spent

    discussing the artwork.—Read Psalm 22:22;

    35:18; 40: 9.


    Adjustment—shorter articles—I can remember some articles being 36 paragraphs and the WTS would stop mid article at paragraph 22, to continue on and into the 2 nd article the next week.

    More….make a public expression—actually ends up being more dead air, or the conductor ends up talking too much, or Sister Prissy comments for the 5 th time.

    Can you make an application of a scripture if it is not already in the paragraph?

    Can a jw really tell a personal experience as it is material outside the article?

    Discussing the artwork—some child saying “Jesus”

    8, 9. What is the role of the Watchtower Study conductor?

    congregation so that the meeting will be upbuilding

    to all?

    8 However, that additional time for giving

    a variety of comments will be available

    only if participants comment briefly and the

    one conducting the meeting refrains from

    commenting too often himself during the

    Watchtower Study. So, then, what may help a

    conductor to find the proper balance between

    his comments and those given by the


    Do you get the message that people are not commenting at the meetings?

    9 To answer, consider an illustration. A

    Watchtower Study that is well-conducted is

    like a bouquet of flowers that delights the

    eye. Just as a large bouquet is made up

    of many individual flowers, so a Watchtower

    Study is made up of many different

    comments. And just as the individual

    flowers in a bouquet differ in size

    and color, so the comments given during

    the meeting vary in length and manner

    of presentation. And where does the

    conductor fit in? His occasional

    comments are like

    the few pieces of greenery

    that are carefully added

    to a bouquet. These pieces

    do not dominate; rather,

    they serve to provide structure

    and to unify the whole.

    Similarly, the one who conducts

    needs to keep in mind

    that his role is, not to overwhelm,

    but to complement

    the expressions of praise

    that are offered by the congregation.

    Yes, when the

    many diverse comments

    given by the congregation

    and the few well-placed remarks

    made by the conductor

    are skillfully put

    together, they form a beautiful

    bouquet of words that

    will delight all in attendance.


    The only way they will get the comments they want are if

    1) The rank and file actually read the magazines before the meeting

    2) The rank and file actually look up the scriptures and see why they were chosen

    3) The rank and file actually raise their hands

    Ten Ways to Make Meetings Upbuilding for Yourself

    and Others.


    Prepare in advance. When you study in

    advance the material that will be discussed at

    the Kingdom Hall, the meetings will capture

    your interest more fully and leave a deeper


    Attend regularly. Since a good attendance

    Is more encouraging to everyone present, your

    presence makes a difference.

    Arrive on time. If you are seated before the

    program starts, you can join in the opening

    song and prayer, which form part of our worship

    to Jehovah.

    Come well-equipped.Bring your Bible and

    the publication(s) used during the meeting so

    that you can follow along and better grasp

    what is being discussed.

    Avoid distractions. For example, read

    electronic text messages after, not during,

    the meetings. In that way, you keep personal

    affairs in their proper place.

    Participate. When more give comments,

    more are encouraged and built up by the

    diverse expressions of faith.

    Keep your comments brief. This gives as

    many as possible an opportunity to share in


    Fulfill assignments. As students in the Theocratic

    Ministry School or as participants in

    the Service Meeting, prepare well, rehearse in

    advance, and try hard not to cancel your


    Commend participants. Tell those who have

    a part at the meeting or who give comments

    how much their efforts are appreciated.

    Associate. Kind greetings and upbuilding

    conversations before and after meetings add

    much to the pleasure and benefits that come

    from being present.

    “Let Us Always Offer

    to God a Sacrifice

    of Praise”

    10. How did early Christians view congregation


    10 Paul’s description of Christian meetings found

    at 1 Corinthians 14:26-33 gives us insight into how

    those gatherings were conducted in the first century.

    In commenting on these verses, one Bible scholar

    writes: “The really notable thing about an

    early Church service must have been that almost

    everyone came feeling that he had

    both the privilege and the obligation of contributing

    something to it. A man did not

    come with the sole intention of being a passive

    listener; he came not only to receive but

    to give.” Indeed, early Christians viewed

    congregation meetings as opportunities to

    express their faith.—Rom.10:10.


    Who is the Bible scholar? William Barclay…why leave out his name and where this came from and when?

    11. (a) What contributes greatly to upbuilding

    meetings, and why? (b) Applying what suggestions

    may improve our comments at meetings? (See footnote.)

    11 Expressing our faith at meetings greatly

    contributes to “the upbuilding of the congregation.”

    Surely you will agree that no

    matter how many years we may have been

    attending meetings, it remains a true pleasure

    to listen to the comments made by our

    brothers and sisters. We are touched by a

    heartfelt answer expressed by an elderly,

    faithful fellow believer; we feel uplifted by

    an insightful observation made by a caring

    elder; and we cannot help but smile when a

    child blurts out a spontaneous comment

    that expresses genuine love for Jehovah.

    Clearly, by giving comments, all of us share

    in making Christian meetings upbuilding.*

    *For suggestions on how to improve our comments

    at the meetings, see The Watchtower, September 1, 2003,

    pages 19-22


    Do you enjoy listening to brothers and sisters read their comments from the paragraph or say “the paragraph says” or “the Watchtower says” rather than “the Bible says”?

    Do children comment spontaneously or are they coached to give an answer to use words they just were told to say, words they have no idea what they mean?

    Where is the love expressed for Jesus?

    12. (a) What can be learned from the examples of

    Moses and Jeremiah? (b) What role does prayer play

    in giving comments?

    12 For those who are timid, though, giving

    comments can be a real challenge. If that is

    the case with you, it may be helpful to remember

    that your situation is not unusual.

    In fact, even such faithful servants of God as

    Moses and Jeremiah expressed a lack of confidence

    in their ability to speak in public.

    (Ex. 4:10; Jer.1:6) Yet, just as Jehovah helped

    those servants of old to praise him publicly,

    God will help you to offer sacrifices of praise.

    (Read Hebrews 13:15.) How can you receive

    Jehovah’s help in overcoming your fear of

    giving comments? First, prepare well for the

    meeting. Then, before you go to the Kingdom

    Hall, approach Jehovah in prayer and

    specifically petition him to give you the

    courage to give a comment. (Phil. 4:6) You

    are requesting something that is “according

    to his will,” so you can be confident that Jehovah will

    answer your prayer.—1 John 5:14;



    Moses and Jeremiah—OT examples

    Prepare well by reading the scriptures or human words?

    Pray to God (where is Jesus in this process?)

    Meetings That Aim to ‘Upbuild,

    Encourage, and Console’

    13. (a) What effect should our meetings have

    upon those in attendance? (b) What question is of

    special importance to elders?

    13 Paul states that an important purpose of

    congregation meetings is to ‘upbuild, encourage,

    and console’ those in attendance.*

    (1 Cor. 14:3) How can Christian elders today

    make sure that their meeting parts indeed

    lift the spirits of their brothers and sisters

    and leave them consoled? To answer, let us

    consider a meeting that Jesus conducted

    shortly after his resurrection.

    *As to the difference between “encourage” and “console,”

    Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament

    Words explains that the Greek word translated

    “console” denotes “a greater degree of tenderness than

    [encourage].”—Compare John 11:19.


    Is it better to give comments or to talk and commend people before and after the meetings if the intent is to encourage?

    Is the WTS saying that the elders should not browbeat the congregation to do more…what does the WTS do in this matter?

    What is the Greek word…why not say what it is?

    14. (a) What events preceded a meeting that was

    arranged by Jesus? (b) Why must the apostles have

    been relieved when “Jesus approached and spoke to


    14 First, note the events that preceded that

    meeting. Just before Jesus was put to death,

    the apostles “abandoned him and fled,” and

    as foretold, they were “scattered each one to

    his own house.” (Mark 14:50; John 16:32)

    Then, after his resurrection, Jesus invited his

    downhearted apostles to attend a special

    meeting.* In response, “the eleven disciples

    went into Galilee to the mountain where Jesus

    had arranged for them.” When they

    arrived, “Jesus approached and spoke to

    them.” (Matt. 28:10, 16, 18) Imagine how relieved

    the apostles must have been when Jesus

    took that initiative! What did Jesus discuss?

    *This may have been the occasion to which Paul later

    referred when he said that Jesus “appeared to upward

    of five hundred.”—1 Cor. 15:6.


    Notice that Jesus did not invite any women. Had they run away?

    15. (a) What subjects did Jesus consider, but what

    did he not discuss? (b) How did that meeting affect

    the apostles?

    15 Jesus began by making an announcement:

    “All authority has been given me.”

    Then he gave them an assignment: “Go

    therefore and make disciples.” Finally, he

    gave them warm assurance: “I am with you

    all the days.” (Matt. 28:18-20) But did you

    note what Jesus did not do? He did not reprimand

    his apostles; nor did he use that meeting

    to question their motives or to deepen

    their feelings of guilt by referring to their

    momentary weakness of faith. Instead, Jesus

    reassured them of his and his Father’s love

    by entrusting them with a weighty assignment.

    How did Jesus’ approach affect the

    apostles? They were so upbuilt, encouraged,

    and consoled that some time after that

    meeting, they were once again “teaching

    and declaring the good news.”—Acts 5:42.


    All authority had been given him…he was king then, right?

    He did not reprimand….question their motives…deepen their feelings of guilt…but what has our experience been….?

    16. How do Christian elders today imitate Jesus’ example

    in conducting meetings that are a source of


    16 In imitation of Jesus, elders today view

    meetings as opportunities to reassure fellow

    believers of the unfailing love that Jehovah

    has for his people. (Rom. 8:38, 39) Hence, in

    their meeting parts, elders focus on their

    brothers’ strengths, not on their weaknesses.

    They do not question their brothers’ motives.

    Rather, their expressions reveal that

    they view their fellow believers as individuals

    who love Jehovah and want to do what is

    right. (1 Thess. 4:1, 9-12) Of course, the elders

    may at times need to give corrective

    counsel to the congregation in general, but

    if just a few individuals need to be readjusted,

    such counsel is usually best given in a

    private conversation with those involved.

    (Gal. 6:1; 2 Tim. 2:24-26) When addressing

    the entire congregation, elders aim to give

    commendation whenever it is fitting. (Isa.

    32:2) They strive to speak in such a way that

    at the end of the meeting, all in attendance

    are refreshed and energized.—Matt. 11:28;

    Acts 15:32.


    Can you think of any elders that talked to you except to point out where you had failed?

    Can you think of strengths that the elders focused on? Or where the motives of all (sisters too) were questioned. Did you feel loved as individuals?

    So is more “corrective” counsel or commendation? How many remember rather being taken to the “back room” for an adjustment?

    A Safe Haven

    17. (a) Why is it more important than ever that our

    meetings are a safe haven? (b) What can you personally

    do to make meetings upbuilding? (See the box

    “Ten Ways to Make Meetings Upbuilding for Yourself

    and Others.”)

    17 As Satan’s world becomes evermore oppressive,

    we need to make sure that our

    Christian gatherings are a safe haven—a

    source of comfort for all. (1 Thess. 5:11) A sister

    who together with her husband coped

    with a severe trial some years ago recalls:

    “Being at the Kingdom Hall was like being

    held in Jehovah’s caring hands. During the

    hours we were there, surrounded by our

    Christian brothers and sisters, we felt that we

    were able to place our burden on Jehovah,

    and we experienced a measure of inner

    calm.” (Ps. 55:22) May all who attend our

    meetings feel similarly encouraged and consoled.

    To make sure that this will be the case,

    let us keep on doing our share in making

    Christian meetings upbuilding.


    Are the meetings a safe haven? Is it the outside world or the congregation that has become more oppressive?

    Did you have a severe trial…did the congregation come to your aid?

    How Would You Answer?

    ? How important are Christian meetings?

    ? Why do comments given at meetings

    contribute to “the upbuilding of the


    ? What can be learned from a meeting

    that Jesus conducted with his followers?


    Have a happy new year…next year: YOUNG ONES—BE GUIDED BY GOD’S WORD.

    Love, Blondie

  • DaCheech


  • BluesBrother

    Nice one...Blondie !

    This article caused some chagrin among the dubs I know, it started too many debates and complaints about The Meetings. My take is that a year or 2 ago they sent out a BOE letter to all congs about the WT Study, telling the conductors to say less and encourage the R & F to say more. It has not worked. So now they make it a study article so that all can judge if their conductor is as inept as the others.

    "8 However, that additional time for giving a variety of comments will be available only if participants comment briefly and the one conducting the meeting refrains from commenting too often himself ....

    9 when the many diverse comments given by the congregation and the few well-placed remarks made by the conductor are skillfully put together, "

    The ones that I have seen in recent times are either little Hitlers who only want to hear the answers that they have already got in mind or they are just too useless to get it done in the time unless they only take hands from those that they know will give simple answers. I think they fear "deeper" answers because they do not know if they are right or not !.....Either way the meetings lack the spontaneity that they had in the past.

    Dumbing it down least WE can make heartfelt comment

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Your comments about the verbosity of those who conduct these Q and A sessions are very apt. Most of them around here just love the sound of their own voices.

  • sd-7

    I thought it was comical that they felt a need to remind WITNESSES that the Bible is the basis for their teachings--that their goal is to study the Bible with the aid of the Watchtower. How many people remember the scriptures more than they remember what was discussed in the paragraphs when the meeting is over? I remember when I used to study for these, how I'd read the scriptures in advance, but had completely forgotten what they said by the time I got to the meeting (unless I prepared the day before, and even then I'd have to make notes in the margin if I wanted to be sure). Why? Because the vast majority of time spent in preparation has to be spent reading the paragraphs FIRST, then reading the scriptures and AGAIN trying to determine how these scriptures fit in with the PARAGRAPH. So that the WATCHTOWER becomes the focus of your mind's attention, not the scriptures and especially not the context of the scriptures under consideration.

    Note that the scholar they quote, Barclay, adds (though his words are not quoted in the article, as it wouldn't serve the Society's purpose to include that part of his statements) that the meetings were far more informal and relaxed than they generally are in Christian religions today. Keeping it less formal would make people feel more like they can participate, I would think. But of course, since comments are to be limited to the subject in the Watchtower article, the opportunity for encouragement is limited to this one subject matter. Talk about choking out the spirit!

    The instructions given imply that people are (1) not showing up, (2) showing up unprepared, (3) not commenting, (4) reading text messages during the meeting (I used to see an MS/pioneer doing this kind of thing), (5) not even reading the scriptures cited. Why would a religion whose focus is supposed to be the Bible have to tell people to read the cited scriptures? Well, people are often too busy or tired to read all those scriptures, plus underlining the paragraphs and researching any other articles referenced in this WT article. (By the way, if they reference an article, who has time to then read THAT article AND the scriptures cited in that article too?)

    Also, I remember elders using both meeting parts AND comments to browbeat the congregation, even about WANTING TO APPROACH THE ELDERS WITH THEIR PROBLEMS! No wonder I felt depressed after meetings most of the time. Good grief...

    To me, it was a clear case of trying to fit 1 Corinthians 14 around the JW meeting style, when it should be the other way around.

    Myth: We're studying the Bible with the aid of The Watchtower.

    Fact: We're studying The Watchtower with the aid of the Bible.


  • sabastious
    Participate. When more give comments,
    more are encouraged and built up by the
    diverse expressions of faith.

    ^ YAY more different shades of gray!


  • miseryloveselders

    Thanks Blondie. Ya know, yesterday's WT study was more annoying than usual. We have to be the only religion that has congregation meetings about.........get this.........we have meetings about.......meetings. Yesterday's WT Study was about the WT Study. As JWs, we worship our own repatative traditions almost as much as we worship the Faithful & Discreet Slave. None of this stuff is encouraging anymore, and the fact that they scheduled this article for study purposes, tells me there must be a ton of JWs who don't value these endless meetings. Many just go through the motions. I used to prepare for the WT Study the night before. When you'd see my WT magazine, it would be underlined, with various notes, and paraphrases of unquoted scriptures. After realizing how pointless it all is, I had to stop wasting my time. Now I just take a highlighter and mark the middle of every paragraph. It takes about three minutes to do right before I head out the door to the meeting.

    The paragraph stating the purpose of the WT magazine reminded me of The Matrix when Neo was aware, and threatening the establishment. The WT fears the thought of people waking up to the fact that they don't need the WT. It terrifies them. Here's Neo's quote,

    "I know you're out there. I can feel you now. I know that you're afraid... you're afraid of us. You're afraid of change. I don't know the future. I didn't come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it's going to begin. I'm going to hang up this phone, and then I'm going to show these people what you don't want them to see. I'm going to show them a world without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you."

    Something else this lesson and previous lessons before have left me questioning, what exactly is worship? As the WT defines it, it is commenting at meetings using their literature, attending meetings about their literature, praying that Jehovah assists you in commenting at the meeting using their literature. I'm under the impression we're worshiping the literature, the meetings, and the Slave Class more than Jehovah at times. We attend the meetings, we have meetings about the meetings, we even sing about the meetings!!!! Its really becoming all so very silly anymore. Its a waste of time anymore. One of the arguments the WT uses to support the Memorial celebration as something to be done annually as opposed to weekly as the churches do, is that if we were to celebrate it every week, it would lose importance to us. It would become repetative, no longer anything special. That and the Passover was done on one day a year. That same criteria can be applied to the meetings. I've been going to these meetings for thirty years, and quite frankly I'm sick of going. If this WT is any indication, apparantly plenty of other JWs are sick of the meetings too. Two or three meetings a week, on top of preperation for the meetings, and throwing field service into the mix. Not to mention if you have kids to get ready. It's too much, and its not something to look forward to as special any longer. At times I wish Armageddon would come to put an end to these meetings. This "system of things" is more tolerable than this organization's repititious works any more.

  • LostGeneration

    Notice para 15 where they chop up what Jesus said. They mention all authority but not "in heaven and on earth" which would obviously put their 1914 doctrine in doubt to any Witnesses that might be paying a slight amount of attention

  • therevealer

    sd-7 mentions Corinthians and I must say I agree wholehearted. I just love how they use a scripture like that and try to personalize it to themselves as though it is describing one of their modern meetings. There is absolutely no correlation to what goes on in a kingdom hall of today. They have become impotent in their efforts to mold followers to what they want them to be. Little puppets. So in this article since they want more to parrot the answer that fulfills their question and choosing this scripture actually says. "use some of your own brain and thoughts" down the road they will need another article to instruct them not to go of the theme by giving their own thoughts. And the circle continues.

  • sabastious

    Misery, I feel for you man.

    The trudge of the Witness life pops out at me through the tone in your latest writings.

    For what it is worth, I think you are a hell of a strong person.


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