For Wobble and other Real Ale Drinkers - 8.5% of Malty Goodness Meoww

by cantleave 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • thenoblelodge

    Quick get poopsie a hanky or maybe a beer. lol

    My husband loves Bathams beer (small family business). Knocks yer socks off apparently. He introduced our SIL to it when he first started dating our daughter,

    My husband and SIL have been best friends ever since.

  • wobble

    Yo Cantleave ! I have drunk Old Tom in the past, but it is a distant memory, a memory sort of rapped up in an alcoholic haze, so I shall get some more and try it out, they sell it in a shop about 5 miles from where I live that does many interesting beers, so I shall pick some up.

    If it tastes like Cat's Piss, with a name like Old Tom, I shall seek revenge !

    I have just returned from a trip to Holland where many of the lagers sold are 10%, and some are 13% , all seemed to taste different but sooo good !

    They have a number of fruit beers out there, which I am not so keen on, but I had to test out quite a number before I was sure !

    May you and the family have a wonderful Christmas !

  • zoiks


    LeavingWT - 5.9%? Wow, I'm sorry! In my state, the only stipulation is that if the beer is over 16% ABV, it has to be sold in a state liquor store.

  • RubaDub
    The Sovreign State of Mississippi outlawed any beer over 5.9%.

    leavinwt ...

    That's true of many States here. Once it goes over a certain alcohol percentage, it simply is not beer. Instead, it's "malt liquor," "malt beverage" or some other title.

    The same is true in many other countries. In Germany, if you add anything other than the 4 fundamental ingredients in beer (water, hops barley and yeast) then it can't be called beer. You can sell it, just not called beer. In France, you can't sell American wines like "Burgandy" or "Champagne" because those are specific to certain regions of the country. A California "Champagne" would have to be sold as sparkling wine.

    So it's not just Mississippi.

    Rub a Dub (now that I think about it, a Leffe Triple would taste really good)

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