JW Elders Wife beds anything in troucers

by Hairyhegoat 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • cantleave

    Bighton would have seen gay sex parties.

  • xjw666

    So that's why I didn't hear of them - bad news when your even too ugly to be invited to gay sex though!

  • carvin

    An elders daughter in my old hall would spend the night at her friends house. Well the friend had twin brothers about a year or two older than the girls. Well she was caught late at night going from one boys room to the other and nailing them both. However as you've already guessed not a word got out and not punishment at all. If that were not enough both sets of parents still allowed the girl to sleep over. Yes it continued, and the recently reinstated father of the twin boys was told he needs to control better what happens in his house. He said no more sleep overs and was told that the kids need good association so he should still allow sleepovers. So when the elders daughter would sleep over the brother would sit in a chair in the hallway between the girls room and the boys two rooms. And he would catch the elders daughter trying to sneak past many times.

    This elders daughter was and still is held up as a shining example of how to be a good witness. She has had many assembly parts etc. On a side note her brother went to bethel and was asked to leave within 6 weeks because he kept loosing the keys he was assigned.

  • Medina

    I love this story. Truth be told, I always got most horny during the meetings. J**z those hot sisters with skirts, men, awe!

  • thetrueone

    There are many stories to tell of sexual interactions within congregations, one of the most alarming in my personal memory was when are PO

    of the Hall that I was attending got caught with a single 20 year old, who happened to be a friend of my best friends wife.

    This happened out of town where we lived and this PO with his wife and 3 children lived just a few doors down from me.

    His family was looked upon as the model JW family within the congregation.

    When it all came out in the open he was eventually DFed and quite literally ruined his family completely, they eventually moved away

    and was never heard from again. Felt particularly sorry for his wife because she was actually a down to earth nice person.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    This elders daughter was and still is held up as a shining example of how to be a good witness. She has had many assembly parts etc. On a side note her brother went to bethel and was asked to leave within 6 weeks because he kept loosing the keys he was assigned.

    This made me chuckle at how ludicrous the Borg is. Straining out the gnat and gulping down the camel, indeed.

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