What extent will the WT go too silence us Apostate

by jam 41 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • jam

    I was thinking and I know this is really out there, and I am not becoming paranoid.

    I thought about the terrorist , what is told to these people to move them to blow

    themselves up and others. Now some may say, no way that can happen with the JW,s. I am

    talking about us apostate only, not the rest of the world. We know there are some

    JW,s are not quite right in the head. The hate is there we are Satan tools today.

    Truthfully I feel it will not take much to incite the RF to hunt us down and stone

    us. OK this might be extreme but soon or later thay will have to deal with us.

  • serenitynow!

    The WT does not need to incite the r&f to do anything violent. They have already done enough in terms of making apostates out to be agents of the devil whose sole purpose is to destroy the faith of faithful JWs.

  • ziddina

    TRUST me, honey....

    That brutal practice of shunning is about as lethally effective as a literal explosive device, especially since it targets the family love and loyalty, and honest communication that could ultimately free many more people from the Watchtower's grip...

    The old farts on the Gov.Bod know that physical violence would bring "Caesar's" law-enforcement officials down on their necks so fast, it'd make their heads spin.

    That is one thing that frightens the Gov.Bod - anything that would expose the inner workings of their sect/publishing-company-disguised-as-a-religion - like an official inquiry, ESPECIALLY with sweeping, all-inclusive WARRENTS for all sensitive information [like the lists of suspected and known pedophiles within the congregations...!!] contained at Watchtower headquarters...

    In a way, an insane act of violence by one or a few unhinged Jehovah's Witnesses, MIGHT just be the crack in their 'code of silence' that would strip the Watchtower boys' manipulation and hypocrisy away, leaving them naked and exposed for all the world to finally see clearly...

    We can only wish...


  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    As regards the Watch Tower Society, I would say that they would go just short of a bullet to silence us.

    Some of the rank and file are a different matter - as Jam correctly points out , you have a certain number in the congregations who are "not right in the head." (In my time with the JWs, I personally knew a mentally unstable "brother", who made it his crusade to burn down all the church buildings in the district. Only the evidence presented by a physchiatrist that he was "in an unfit state to plead" kept this person out of prison).


  • Pahpa

    Sadly, the Watchtower has found an effective means of ostracizing

    former members ("apostates") without violence. The cruel practice

    of disfellowshipping and disassociation has torn families apart and

    caused untold heartaches.

    The double standard of Jehovah's Witnesses is hard for many to

    understand. They tell non-believers to examine their religion and

    to question their leaders. But it becomes a serious offense when applied

    to Watchtower members. One only has to express doubt about the role

    the organization is playing to come under suspicion and scorn.

  • WTWizard

    I wonder how many witlesses stoning apostates to death or blowing things up it would take for the religion to be ostracized by people at large. Protecting pedophiles can be hidden, but stoning people or blowing up things can't.

  • sd-7

    This calls to mind a rather bold point I made to the elders at my judicial committee. I told them that they would probably kill me over the apostasy issue if the Society told them to. "The scriptures do say that killing is wrong," the chairman said. My reply was, "Well...maybe not everyone would do it." Besides, I thought, since when does the Bible have the final say? The Bible didn't condemn organ transplants, but people were willing to die over that.

    I am sure that orders to engage in violence would cause most ordinaries to wake up. They'd have to be forced into it by the hard-core types. There are plenty who would likely be willing to kill for the organization, I'm sure of that. But as has been said, protecting the Society from legal liability is priority one. So sanctioning murder is not on the table--it'd hurt their pocket books too much and land them in jail.

    Just as they've created a prison with no bars, no walls, and no locks, so they have murdered without knives, guns, or bombs. By classifying individuals as non-persons via expulsion, the Society assigns them to what is a mental death. Killing you without a visible scratch is a far more effective method, one that the general population of the religion will overwhelmingly support. Why change tactics when you've got one that works so well? Only if they had nothing left to lose would they consider taking it any further.


  • Gayle

    If they "silence" some, in many cases it is only temporarily, and then some come back with a "roar," whether through the media or Internet.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    This describes them perfectly:

    James 4: 1 Why do you fight and argue with each other? Isn't it because you are full of selfish desires that fight to control your body? 2 You want something you don't have, and you will do anything to get it. You will even kill! But you still cannot get what you want, and you won't get it by fighting and arguing. You should pray for it. 3 Yet even when you do pray, your prayers are not answered, because you pray just for selfish reasons. ~Contemporary English Version

  • Spade

    They're going to have to deal with you? The opening post reveals something about your head condition and inasmuch, they obviously have an effective solution. They simply don't communicate with you as I never see any here. It appears they don't have to deal with you at all unless they choose to. I would just leave it at that.

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