Who is realy Brainwashd ?

by happy man 20 Replies latest jw friends


    If everyone in the world were right now TODAY! one of Jehovah's Witnesses would that stop all wars and killing? Try feeding a carrot to a hungry lion and you'll probably be running away without a hand.The teeth of a lion are not designed for chewing watermelon.If all everyone today were Jehovah's Witnesses would we kill all the animals that are designed to kill for food? Would we tell all the bears they must disarm (DECLOW) themselves? Would we tell all the snakes YOU MUST SPIT ALL YOUR POISON OUT! If Jehovah himself is against war and killing then why does it say in Revalation "AND WAR BROKE OUT IN HEAVEN".

    Just asking

  • AlanF

    Good Lord! The main page of the link advocates just about modern form of lunacy there is: Bigfoot, UFO's, alien abduction, crop circles, high altitude chemical spraying, Atlantis, conspiracy theories. Why am I not surprised that a JW so out of touch with his own religion to come to an online "apostate" website is into this crap?


  • LB

    Alan if happyman can ignore all that goes on in his own organization, is it any wonder that he would quote from a website that discusses alien abduction?

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • gumby

    Happyman:,say's...." I think we can think ourselfs"
    That is called "independant thinking' and is forbidden by the org.
    How can you say this? You MUST believe what the 'faithfull slave' believes and teaches or your an apostate and you know it!

    All your thinking has been done and is in print.
    Do you need to know what's right on a matter?.....why look it up in the publications and find out....no need to think.....right?

  • DakotaRed

    I always wondered why any that are so happy with the org take the time to cruise exJW sites and read literature against them? Especially since the org that makes them so happy discourages them from doing so!

    Personally, I didn't and still don't have that big of a problem with their theology, but their hypocritical stance on many of their stated positions and claiming their representatives (elders) are appointed by God, yet so many are power hungry ass kissers.

    Continuing contradictions helped me realize that maybe I wasn't as happy as they were telling me I was. Case in point, one of the newest members of the GB was my CO, about 7 or 8 years ago. He was CO right about the time I went inactive. An elder brought him by the house one Saturday, to this day I don't know why, we discussed very little about why I was inactive. This man claimed to be of the annointed.

    Now, it is my understanding that the annonted's number was sealed in the early 30s by JR. I was even told when I studied that even if an annointed follower were to fall away, their number would be replaced by one of the older faithful ones and not by some younger, newer upstart. Yet, he is an annointed CO sitting in my living room telling me he converted from another religion in 1954. Today, he is on the Governing Body.

    Some time ago, I mentioned this little oddity to another dub, in passing, and got the reply that it was not up to me to question someones claims of being annointed. Sorry people, but it sure as hell is up to me to question things, not just blindly follow along, over the cliff, so to speak.

    An elder once told me that I was just undergoing a "test of faith," when my troubles were first getting started. He even mentioned how satan can manipulate people against you. Well, he is the elder that was the start of my problems, so in essence, he admitted that he was being directed by satan. A little fact that he did not appreciate hearing, but the way I saw it.

    Way too many contradictions and hypocrisies for me.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • Frenchy

    Happy Man:
    I asked you what I thought was a reasonable question and you have chosen to ignore it. I suppose that means that you don't have the answer. You could have at least said so.

  • JanH

    I suspect whoever inspired the Muppet's Swedish Chef must have sounded a lot like this guy.

    Borf borf borf to you, too.

    - Jan
    The believer is happy. The doubter is wise.

  • Beans

    Dear Sven:
    Let me tell you a little story and I`ll make it short.My mate was up on Apostate charges and he wondered why because the Watchtower and Awake have encouraged an open mind and allows one to research ones own faith which is what he was doing ,And this is what an elder said "We want to know what you are thinking" and this is what they were basing the charges on. Now if this is not mind control I don`t know what is"Welcome to your Cult"
    I think it is time for a good deprogramming SVEN!!!


  • pseudoxristos

    Happy Man
    That link sounds just like some of the Watchtower's Theology. It must be true because a complicated conspiracy with many unknowingly involved, makes a lot more sense than the simple straight foward theory most of us Americans believe.

    If you believe this, I can see why the Watchtower appeals to you. I bow to your superior knowledge.

  • hillary_step

    Hello Again Happy Man,

    The problem with the whole issue of brainwashing (actually the term ‘indoctrinated’ is probably a more accurate term ) is that you will never meet a brainwashed person who thinks that they are!

    You will however meet people who recognize that they have been brainwashed, but this is only once the unseen emotional umbilical cord that attach them to their indoctrinators has either been broken or damaged. There are many on this board who fit the profile of having been indoctrinated, but who only recognized this after, through one reason or the other, they detached themselves from the WTS.

    I remember listening to an interview in the 70’s with a professional torturer for the government of El-Salvador. His specific assignment was to put the eyes of his victims out with a pencil. He admitted that his record was eighty in one day.

    When asked how he felt about these people, many of them children and mature women, he shrugged his shoulders and said, ’They (meaning his indoctrinators ) convinced me that they were different, inferior to myself and a danger to me, after that it became easy’.

    When arrested he was so thoroughly indoctrinated that he was outraged that he could not make his captors understand his political views and grasp why he had done those awful things. Gradually, as time passed and he remained separated from his source of indoctrination, his views gradually became so reorganized that he became clinically depressed with the knowledge of the terror and mutilation that he had been guilty of.

    The impressing of the ‘pattern of healthful words’ as the WTS calls it, is a form indoctrination Happy Man. I have even heard a very senior member of the WTS, call it a ‘healthy indoctrination’, admitting that in principle JW’s are indoctrinated, but that it is a necessary process in order to help them to think and react in a ‘Christian’ manner, rather than ‘wordly’ one.

    Only when a person is in a position to make an objective decision, based on true facts, rather than pre-chewed, and manipulated information, can they claim to be acting on their own inclinations.

    As such Happy Man, I would suggest that you question everything you read on this Board, written by JW’s and XJW’s very carefuly. Many have us have walked this route before, and be warned it is not comfortable.

    A good start might be to take a closer look at the WTS doctrine of the last days and whether 1914 is actually as significant Biblically as you may have previously thought. I am aware of a Board in Swedish that discusses the issue in detail that might help you. If you need the link let me know.

    Kindest regards -- HS

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