Who is realy Brainwashd ?

by happy man 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • happy man
    happy man

    I read a lot her that JW is brainwashd, and some of you make a bigg point aout of this, I dont agree, I think we can think ourselfs you put youself on high placese when you say this, i think we must acept what other peopel think and dont say they are dummis or something like that, who no the truth, perhaps you all have wrong, something to think abaout when you put out your very high complianing.
    I can give you one link too see who realy is brainwashd, it is you peopel here, you as say good bless US, read and think,


    happy man, I got up and read your opinion
    at 7:45 A.M and then took a shit and as I
    wiped my ass with tolet paper I thought about
    you and your post,that I would reply to your Opinion.
    Like they say everyone has an opinion like everyone
    has an ass hole take it some where else and I thought
    of you and your post as I wiped my ass with you
    thanks for your opinion.

  • Celia

    Morning HappyMan,
    So, you're a Happy Jehovah's Witness, huh ?
    Happy, zealous JWs usually are very young, or have just been converted to the "religion".
    Continue reading such web sites as this one, do some research into your "religion", and one day, sooner or later, you'll realize that, yes, you were "brainwashed"...

  • Fredhall

    Celia - I'm a happy JW

    Bernard - Keep wiping dude and don't forget to wash your hands when you get done.

  • LB

    So all Americans are brainwashed because most believe that terrorists struck the WTC on 9/11? That is your defense to JW's being brainwashed?

    After you've read the same exact study about being in the last minutes of the last day for the 1000th time, ask yourself if you are brainwashed. It shouldn't matter to you if Americans are brainwashed, it should matter if you are.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • cornish

    Read your post and the link,yes I agree that we have to be extremely careful about what we swallow from the media but that link is another good example of suggestive manipulation itself,Why! because their were many suggestions and assumptions but no evidence to back up the claims presented of some sort of conspiracy theory,yes I agree dont get carried away by a wave of emotion and loose you sense of direction but this link is feeding on the very hype it claims to condemn.
    As for JW indoctrination techniques,I was brainwashed myself as many other posters on this board had been but have been de programed after recognising the clear teqniqes they used to manipulate us and our decision making in the past we know the score now.

  • happy man
    happy man

    I see it hurts, was i hitting a tender point?
    I realy must say you americans is very unbelevebal, dont you see what the military done , dont you now what happend in IRAK , US is bombing and a lot of children is killd, they have done no harm, and whats happend in israel, i read today that this US supported man Sharon was behind 800 man killd in SABRA and SHATILa, never read that, or is you blind. What can you say to all these who was killd in vetnam, suported by bigg religions, and blessing by priests, why you never say anything abaout this sacrifice of your young men to the altar of war, have you never read what is in the bible, dont bee lika kain who killd hes brother, no you must even love you animy.
    this dont fitt inn the picture of JW so I understand that you dont want to tell this things.
    And to celia, i havce benJw for over 40 yars, and i have done more examine than you ever can emagian, even read franz book,
    but I have never this thinking that we are perfekt, none are, ofcourse you can find peopel who are doing wrong things, we are also imperfekt, but we are one of the only religions who lerning to be brother ans sisters all over the word, we are not americans or germans or jude o arab, we ar brothers, and we never go aout killing anyone, as other religions have done, that is the most important for me, i think all the crap some of you are looking for is only patetic, look at the real crimes who this make who are telling us to go aout killing our brothers , never herd one world of that here.


    hi fred thanks for the tip
    "to wash my hands after wiping my ass
    of people like happyman and a dear friend like you"

  • Frenchy

    happy man:
    Glad to see you on here again. I don't particularly like any government by man because all fall very short of doing even what the profess to do. I do think, however, that the U.S. gets a lot of bad press from people who live in countries that would have been swallowed up whole were it not for the Americans intervening or even so much their very presence on the world scene.

    I would like your reasoning on something if you would be so inclined, however. I'm not looking for an argument on this and I would sincerely appreciate an honest, straightforward answer. I consider myself a very reasonable man and I do not sling personal insults at people who do not believe as I do.

    A point of contention that I have with the Society is not its errors as such. We all err, it's part and parcel of being human. What I have a problem with is the claim that what proceeds from Brooklyn is 'spirit directed' and must be accepted by the rank and file as virtually the word of God. JW's will not stand for any questioning of a rule or statement by the Society much less outright disagreement. One is told that to oppose 'the organization' is tantamount to opposing Jehovah God himself... yet when these 'spirit directed' predictions, claims, and doctrines fall on their faces, then people like you (no offense intended here) stand up and say that mistakes are okay. Why are they not okay until the Society finally realizes (not until the date of prediction has long passed) that they were wrong and then write an article in such a fashion as to make the rank and file believe that THEY were the ones that misunderstood. Why were they not mistakes from the beginning when many of us (those who dare to question and think for themselves) voiced concern over these questionable practices?

    I'm curious to see how you reconcile this. I would appreciate your response. If you fear that you will be attacked here for your views please feel free to e-mail me and we can have this discussion just between the two of us. Like I said, I am truly curious to know.

  • Tord

    Hallo Happy man.

    Så det var hit du drog när du lämnade stödgruppen. Här är det ju ännu tuffare, vi var nog för snälla på vårt forum.

    have a happy day - målarn


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