My Window cleaner is a JW!

by highdose 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finally-Free

    When I was a JW window washer I accepted Christmas gifts from my customers.

    I was yelled at cussed out told I was stupid and an idiot, by elders wives and the other pioneer sisters who did not work but had husbands supporting them for my husband and I not having more money then we did.

    When I was a window washer my ex and I, both pioneers™, took a lot of heat because she didn't go to work. Once she got a part time job she took a lot of shit for that too. You can't win with JWs. They live to criticize. In the absence of legitimate complaints they'll invent something.


  • Satanus

    The guy seems to be just minding his own business. I would say, just leave him alone, ro be nice to him, or something.


  • letsslatejws

    Yer I would say dont get rid of him ... We wouldnt want him to have reason to think that those in the World are horrible vile people... !

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