POLL: Can you turn your mind off?

by Lady Lee 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Baba I don't think these men are lying. I really think there is nothing happening. I think that unless you can experience it you can't believe it.

    Maybe a lot of men can actually get into that meditative state without realizing it Who knows.

    hmmm I wonder if there have been any stidies on it that actually meansured brain function when a person does this

  • tec

    The only time I can really get my mind to take a break is when I'm watching a really good movie, or reading a really good book. But if I'm not totally enthralled, then part of my mind is working on a thousand other things.

    I am working on this quieting of the mind, but to date... they are only 'moments'. Baba, I'm glad you've achieved that. I'm going to practice and work a bit harder :)



    "LOL @ OUTLAW"

    "But do you now understand why we get so frustrated."


    What am I thinking about?..Nothing..You have your answer..Now I`m getting shit?..LOL!!!!

    "For the most part we can tell you exactly what is going on in our mind and can't understand why you can't"..

    I just did..Nothing..You won`t believe me..

    "oh the fights that could be avoided"..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • BabaYaga

    tec said: I am working on this quieting of the mind, but to date... they are only 'moments'. Baba, I'm glad you've achieved that. I'm going to practice and work a bit harder :)

    Tammy, it isn't about "working harder". That's the thing... you don't really "work" to do it. You release to do it. PM me if you want some tips (so as not to derail the thread!)

  • Finally-Free
    You ask your man, "What are you thinking about?" and he says, "Nothing."

    I can't speak for anyone else, but whenever I responded like that it was a polite way of saying "none of your business". I consider my thoughts personal and don't appreciate people prodding me to share them.

    As for turning my mind off, I don't think I've ever been able to do that.


  • tec

    You release to do it

    Actually, just that sentence makes me look at it differently, and opened it up more. (it was that oh, yeah, feeling) I'll pm you if I need some tips, though, thanks.


  • Satanus

    "I wonder if there have been any stidies on it that actually meansured brain function when a person does this"

    "The larger numberof citations on Transcendental Meditation merely reflects thelonger period of time it has been researched, its literaturenow comprehending some 600 or more studies carried out at over120 universities and research institutions since 1963. Thaton Tibetan Buddhism is more recent, and is being pursued byleading scientists in their respective fields, encouraged bya forum between scientists and Tibetan Buddhist leaders, whereseveral studies were planned (10)."



  • pirata

    I am still afraid to consciously stop thinking for any period of time because of an irrational fear that the demons are going to gain access to my brain. The JW folklore continues to have it's effect.

    I'm usually honest about what I'm thinking unless I happen to be thinking about JW issues and a JW asks me. I don't think they'd be too receptive hearing "Oh, I'm just thinking about why the definition of the Superior Authorities flip-flopped and what does that say about the holy spirit's guidance?"

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    One interesting study:

    New research from the Indiana University School of Medicine on how men and women's brains differ (2001) Researchers found that "when they measured the brain activity of men and women as they listened to taped excerpts from a John Grisham novel: Listening resulted in increased blood flow in the left temporal lobes of the men's brains while, in women, both temporal lobes showed activity. In other words, men really do listen with just half their brains." http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1077/is_4_56/ai_69653972/

    So far they don't understand what the results mean. So what does that mean about what is going on in the less active lobe of the brain?

    More studies

    Research from the elite Harvard Medical School in the U.S. shows the relative sizes of many of the structures inside the female brain are different from those of males.

    Parts of the frontal lobe, which houses decision-making and problem-solving, are proportionally larger in women. More space is also devoted to short-term memory and spatial navigation.

    Research from the University of California found the sexes use different sides of the brain to process emotions, with men choosing the left and women the right.

    One rather amusing commentary says:

    Let’s discuss men’s brains and women’s brains and how they are very, very different. Men’s brains are made up of hundreds of little boxes. We have a little box for everything. We have a box for our job, one for the car, one for the wife, one for the kids, one for the bills, one for the house, literally one box for anything and everything. Men also have one specific rule they live by as far as their brain is concerned and that is, the boxes DO NOT TOUCH. Never, ever. Whenever a man is required to discussion something he goes to that specific box, pulls it out, opens it and discusses ONLY what’s in that box. Nothing else. When the discussion is over, he closes that box and returns it being very, very careful not to touch any of the other boxes in the process. That’s how men’s brains work.

    Women’s brains, on the other hand, are quite different. Women’s brains are made up of a big ball of wire in which everything is connected to everything else. The home, the car, the kids, the neighbors, the laundry, their mother, their husband, everything. All connected. Just like the internet. Women’s brains are powered by an energy known as emotion. That’s the reason women remember EVERYTHING. If you take an event and connect it with an emotion you’ll remember it forever and that’s exactly what women do.

    Now the same thing happens with men that emotion thing, it’s just that it doesn’t happen very often because frankly, we don’t care. Women however, tend to care about EVERYTHING. Men have a special box in their brains that most women are not aware of. This box is empty and is called the nothing box. Of all the boxes in a man’s brain, this is his favorite. If given half a chance, men will go to this box every time. It is the nothing box that enables men to do something that appears to a woman to be totally brain dead for hours on end like, well, like fishing. The University of Pennsylvania actually did a study and determined that men have the ability to think about absolutely nothing for hours and still breathe on their own. Women can’t do this as their minds are always running, always processing and cross-referencing. Women just don’t understand the nothing box and it drives them crazy because nothing is more irritating to a woman than to witness a man doing NOTHING. http://hubpages.com/hub/Mens-Brains-Womens-Brains [bold is mine]

    AND THERE IS IS Someone studied it and men really can think about nothing

  • TD
    You ask your man, "What are you thinking about?" and he says, "Nothing."

    I don't think anyone can really turn their mind off because there's always some level of mental activity.

    But if I'm just absently tracing the wood grain pattern on a piece of furniture with my eyes with zero inner monologue of any kind and my wife askes that question, I'm going to say, "Nothing."

    That level of inactivity usually happens from fatigue or boredom.

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