Tell me how to find things without re-reading everything all over again?

by GrandmaJones 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • AudeSapere
    GrandmaJones wrote: I didn't know about the + sign to help. This will be a lifesaver.

    It works that way on Google, too. And many other search engines/features.

    For a specific phrase, put it between quotation marks like this: "The Sound of Music"+"Julie Andrews". Or whatever exact phrases you want to search for.

    Happy Searching! Glad to help.


  • GrandmaJones

    It does? OMG, why hasn't anyone ever told me this before? This is unbelieveable. NO ONE HAS EVER MENTIONED THIS TO ME. EVER.!!!!!

    I am so ticked. Do you have any idea how much time this info would have saved me? Why isn't this knowledge available when you open the box to your computer? I don't know how you all found this out, and I sure don't know why my grandkids have never shown me (maybe they don't know that I struggle with this) and I once took a three hour introduction to computers class at the community college to get started. THEY NEVER MENTIONED IT EITHER!


  • AudeSapere

    You're Welcome You're Welcome You're Welcome

    Glad I could help!


  • Scott77

    GrandMa Jones,

    with computer, everyone keeps learning. Its a lifelong process with no end. By the way, you might want to set up an email account like and copy and paste all your favourite posts. The storage is limitless. Thank you for asking for help. This is not a watchtower forum where asking too many questions lead to suspicion as to one's apostate leaning.


  • GrandmaJones

    Thanks for saying that. I got a new camera last year, read the book carefully and I thought I understood it. I get it out while on my vacation and suddenly can't take either a photo or a video. Some "Spanish guy took pity on me, and in very broken 'english, he picked up my camera, told me how very nice it was, a was taking pictures and videos right and left. Unfortunately, they were pretty much the whole things I had on the camera.
    Everything else was pictures of my feet, and my voice in the background repeating "is this thing working?"

    I need another lesson. My grandchildren picked up my new cellphone, and flipped around and said it was simply awesome. They took video. pictures, got online, use the gps, did facebook and downloaded ringtones for me. I have trouble answering the darn thing, and I've read the manual twice. don't worry, I'll eventually get it. Unfortunately, it will be outdated before I do. Oh well, the price of age amid a lack of understanding about how technology works. I intent to keep trying.

    'thanks for all the help. I don't hope to have to ask too many more, but I don' t promise. After all, I still haven't been able to change my avatar, and I've been trying at least two weeks. Does the in private thing have anything to do with it?

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