Tell me how to find things without re-reading everything all over again?

by GrandmaJones 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • AudeSapere

    Adding BTTT to a thread brings it to the top of the 'Active Topics' list - where the current action is.

    By posting BTTT or anything, it also adds that thread to your personal 'Posted On' list here on JWN.

    Depending on your browser it can be possible to add the page to your own personally-created folder that can be edited and re-organized as you prefer. With Internet Explorer, to 'Add to Favorites' look at the Upper Left corner of your window. You should see a little orange star and next to that there is another little orange star with a plus sign in front of it. Click the star and plus sign and follow the prompts. When it's time to recall that link, click on the little star withOUT the plus and you will see all your favorite pages that you have previously marked (not just JWN links).

    To find a post within JWN using the search feature, type in a few key words with "+" between them. I will often also include my user name so I get just my thread that have those key words. This works because I nearly always close my posts with my user name. [ie: if I search for blood+aude, I get only 4 pages of topics I've posted on along with a sentence from that thread. Much easier than searching through all my prior posts for the past 5 years.]

    Try it yourself by searching on JWN for the words: grandmajones+organize

    It's not perfect, but may be useful to you.

    Happy Searching!



    Go to the top of this page..Right hand side

    Find "Welcome GrandmaJones"..

    Click "GrandmaJones"..

    Go to the top of the page again..

    Find "Topics Started".."Topics posted on"..

    Choose one..

    Those 2 Titles contain your posting history..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • AudeSapere
    Outlaw wrote: Those 2 Titles contain your posting history..

    But Outlaw, her concern is how to quickly find her favorite and most-pertinent posts after she has amassed a posting history as expansive as yours.

    It takes alot of time to wade through 18913 separate pages of posts. Doesn't it?



    Aude Sapere..

    Search is the best answer for that..

    Type in your name..and..Key words from your post..


    "OUTLAW/Beer" ..

    Click Search..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • GrandmaJones

    Aude Sapere, your advice got the the information I was looking for. I think I can get my grandchildren to teach me how to convert my "favorites" into folders on my pc by using fake favorites. You answered the basic question as to finding things among many posts. That is exactly what I have been fearing --- that once I get thousands of posts, how long would it take me to then find what I really need?

    (Plus I was yesterday looking for someones post on someone else's thread. By using the + I found it easily.....Whew! Thanks to you all for helping. I didn't know about the + sign to help. This will be a lifesaver.

  • GrandmaJones

    Outlaw, I did not mean to leave you out of my thanks too. But thanks to EVERYONE who tried to answer my question!


    Your Welcome GMJ..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • pirata

    If there's an especially good nugget of information I cut-and-paste it and email it to myself.

  • GrandmaJones

    Oh, what a Good Idea! I know how to do that! Then I could set up folders in my email account!!!!

  • wasblind

    Wish I could have helped you out there GMJ,

    but I'm not all that tech savvy myself, so i'm marking

    this thread for my own future reference, but it seems like your on your way

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