WTS: creative days took aeons - WT Feb 15th, 2011

by undercover 54 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sabastious
    Thus, it depended entirely on the notion of the creative days being 7,000 years, and the assumption that the millenium would be the last 1,000 years of the last (seventh) 7,000 year creative day.

    Oh yes, that would matter, because they wanted the two sets of 7,000 years to parallel eachother.


  • Leolaia

    I think the Society figured out in the 1980s that it makes little sense to say that the earth could be billions of years old and then say that all the major geological and biological events since its formation (such as the formation of dry land and oceans) occurred only in the past 48,000 years. On that scale, 48,000 years is not much different from the 6,000 years of the YECs, and the Awake! had a number of articles in the 1980s ridiculing the YECs for ignoring the evidence that the earth is older. Plus they wanted to get people to forget about 1975.

    For instance, the Scriptures inform us that God's spirit was active on the earth aeons ago. (Read Genesis 1:2)

    There is nothing in that quote or in the Scriptures that indicates that the creative days lasted aeons. The Society here has confused their own interpretation (which is not even contextually justified) with what is in the text itself.

  • booby

    Yes james_woods, i would say that they will have to make other changes if they keep down this road. 1914 and all the end times for jw's totally depends on the old 7000 year days.

  • nelly136

    Although the term aeon may be used in reference to a period of a billion years (especially in geology or astronomy), its more common usage is for any long, indefinite, period of time.

    oops, armageddon just got put back.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    The Society here has confused their own interpretation (which is not even contextually justified) with what is in the text itself.

    Isn't that what they always do? Their entire Bible version was created around their doctrine and I wouldn't be surprised to find that they're working on a New Light New World Translation that takes into account the twists of the last several decades.

  • james_woods
    Yes james_woods, i would say that they will have to make other changes if they keep down this road. 1914 and all the end times for jw's totally depends on the old 7000 year days.

    Not only that, but in a magnificent display of JW reverse/circular logic - the notion of the 7,000 year long creative day really came about because they were so sure the 20th century was the END of the 6,000 years of the seventh day (and the end of the system of things) - this was (IMHO) the main reason that the "creative days" got fixed at 7,000 years. There really is no other biblical explanation to come up with 7,000 years...

  • straightshooter

    No more calculating the end of this system based on Bible chronology like was done for 1975. The end gets farther and father away.

  • Fadeout

    7,000 years? A laughable notion. The Society never taught that. There is no change...

    At times explanations given by Jehovah's visible organization have shown adjustments, seemingly to previous points of view. But this has not actually been the case. -12/1/1981 WT

    These aren't the droids you're looking for and we've always been at war with Eurasia.

  • pirata

    Yay! Finally new light that actually makes sense. Maybe my prayers for the Governing Body are working!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    It doesn't actually state that it isn't 7000 years.

    Give your Dubs time to get the article and read it, then ask the older ones how long a creative day was.

    I very much doubt that my Dubs won't still answer 7000 years. They might try prevaricating, as Dubs do, as they don't really like admitting to doctrines that seem weird, but pushed, I'm sure mine will admit their belief in 7000 year days. I have played this game with them before.

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