Latest apostate warning in Feb 15 2011 Watchtower

by dozy 144 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Violia

    They are just trapped like a rat and they know it. They will do anything to stop the net. Young folks and now even us old folks use the net for everything. They coud not stop us from watching TV or movies and they wont' stop the net. Trapped like a rat.

  • sherah

    Doubtfully Yours, I'm not Blondie but I will comment anyway.

    Blondie's weekly WT reviews are open for ALL to comment on. Why don't you highlight her out of context comments and post a rebuttal on her threads? As long as you stay on topic, I'm sure she will not mind. I'm looking forward to reading what you write this week.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    DY - I don't know how long you have been going to WT studies, I have been going since the 1940's as I was raised as a JW.

    I can honestly say Blondies WT reviews beat anything I have heard in a KH over those years!



    One thing is for certain, JW opposers do take their stuff out of context.
    Take for instance that Blondie character which posts here often and manages to always miss the correct point of the Watchtower study articles.
    I mean, you gotta be a special kind of stupid to 100% miss the point.... every single time! It's quite amazing really.....DY

    Your IQ would have to Double..

    In order for You to be Considered Stupid..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • Violia



  • dmouse

    I think DY is being ironic

    I think DY is being ironic .....dmouse

    Unfortunately....DY is being DY..,crown,dress,ducks,instrument,lake,photography,water,woman,yellow-62017418b6a10d8440d336f4034db8ef_m.jpg

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • frankiespeakin

    Not having read past the first page I would like to say the WT has another time bomb in the congo they will probably wind up DF this brother and may a few of his close friends in time as he is already tainted with apostate thinking and like a cancer inside the Organization!

  • Violia

    They may be able to control the born ins who are before the computer age but doubt they can control the rest. Once a jws has had the experinece of thinking for themself or reading whatever they wish , it is hard to stop that.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    DY: 'Blondie........manages to always miss the correct point from the Watchtower study articles'.

    The WTBTS are experts at 'snow jobs'. An overall review of the study articles such as 'Blondie' provides helps to see through their bullsh*t!

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