Message from my pioneer sister

by TweetieBird 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Little Imp
    Little Imp

    Tweetiebird, I am sorry that you may have been cut off from your sister.

    However, I truly think that one day something will change her mind and she will want to be your sister again.


  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    You know Mom woke up with the biggest pain in her butt this morning! :)" That's her way of wishing me "Happy Birthday" without actually saying the words.

    I think you should post her message as a comment on your wall and thank her for the Bday wish. :)

  • nugget

    Proof of birthday wishes and thanks for same is not proof of celebration merely good manners.

    I think because it is prohibited people who are not allowed to celebrate are a little jealous of those that do.

    I would say I feel your sadness as I am sure you would love to experience the joy making people happy brings.

  • Nickolas

    "So I'm guessing you celebrate birthday's now. How sad! :("

    cantleave's answer is the best, so far, although a much more succinct ":-D" or ":-)" might work, too.

  • AudeSapere

    My JW sister won't accept my Facebook Friend Invitation. Maybe it's just as well.


  • ColdRedRain

    "Take this with all due respect, sister but grow up and stop being so preachy. They simply wished me a happy birthday."

  • Mad Dawg
  • ohiocowboy


    Belated Happy Birthday! I'm sorry that you are being treated like that by your Sister. You were always one of the sweetest Ladies that I knew, and I really think that she is behaving that way only because that is what the Org. tells her to do. I can't picture her doing that on her own accord. I hope she doesn't stop talking to you over it, she has to know what a great Sister you are to her!

    I hope all is going well for you otherwise!!!

  • ziddina

    Hi, Tweetie!!!

    Happy Birthday!!!

    I like Can'tLeave's response. I might add, "AND! I got to eat CAAAAAAAAKE!!! "


  • DanaBug

    Happy birthday, tweety!

    You're sister's comment is funny. There's nothing sad about celebrating birthdays! (Except when JW's try to make you feel guilty over it.) Nothing wrong with the people who love you celebrating the day you were born. I hope you had a great birthday!

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