Were you afraid of Armageddon?

by cyberjesus 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • xjw666

    Yeah. Never thought I'd live to 21 as the 1975 Armageddon would happen first. Never developed good relationships with 'worldly people' because they'd be dead then anyway.

  • LotusFlower1

    I was afraid for many years. When I first started fading, I worried that Armageddon was going to come, and I prayed to Jehovah that he'd read my heart and understand everything I'd been through.

    Now, I don't believe in Jehovah, but I thank god everyday for everything I have

  • cantleave

    I spent childhood in perpetual fear. Fear of destruction, fear of demons, fear of my mother's violence.

  • WTWizard

    I was more worried about the trials that would drag on, perhaps Jehovah would let the Great Tribulation last 20 years or more and create needless extra testing and suffering. However, ultimately my worst fear was that I would get into the New Dark Ages and realize there is nothing but men. Just men. The opposite sex couldn't stand me, and therefore all of them got destroyed because they weren't willing to tolerate my being there. Or, alternatively, they are there but miserable because of my presence and no other reason. Either way, all I would have access to is other men. And all the suffering (or death) of the opposite sex would be MY fault.

    Now THAT would be a guilt trip that would put the "You aren't doing enough" guilt trips to shame. At least the "You aren't doing enough" would only be until I got destroyed or got old and died without a resurrection hope. Being there without the opposite sex would be forever. And no hope of ever seeing the end. For obvious reasons, I had nothing to lose at that point by turning apostate.

  • Little Imp
    Little Imp

    I had never been to a KH until 2003.

    However, I asked my husband and he said he was scared as a boy but he told himself that he would be 16 years old in 1975 and would be a man then so he would be able to cope with it OK.


  • ProdigalSon

    Petrified. There's was no way I was surviving. I couldn't even be a borderline JW. Like you, I was Df'd in '95, and also like you, believed Armageddon was coming until about a year ago. Then was when I learned about the Harmonic Convergence of 1987.




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  • mrsjones5

    Being born and raised in California I was more afraid of earthquakes.

  • yknot

    Honestly no.....

    I was so properly 'inculcated' (ie brainwashed) that I was to SURVIVE Armageddon and assist the 'Anointed' that I only feared for the worldy.

    I wasn't the type that sneered at the worldly but mourned their impending doom & prayed for their deaths before the Armageddon so they would have a chance at resurrection.

    I was/am however terrified of tornados

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I'm not sure how much I really believed in it. For me I think it was one of the JW things that didn't make a lot of sense to me (Jehovah killing all my neighbors, everyone we see on tv etc) so I think I just put it on the back burner along with everything else I didn't get and never really thought about it that much. Not being raised in it I can only imagine how it must have effected anyone who was I child listening to that nonsense. And isn't all that JW artwork on the subject just lovely stuff for children to grow up looking at.

    CJ you said you were still fearful of the big "A" years after you left it. I was lucky enough to come in contact with people who had left the Watctower and were able to clear up any ideas I might have had that the Witness were right about anything. I consider it a real tragedy when some leaves the Witnesses believing that it is still the truth and they are the ones with the problem. I remember talking with a friend of mines son who had been out of the WT for years and when I mentioned that the Watchtower was full of crap he was surprized that I didn't believe in it anymore. I was shocked that he appearantly and though that I did also. What a guilt trip that has to put on you.

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