LIST of over 100 WTS Corps! (Surprises!)

by Amazing 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • imallgrowedup

    Min -

    If the WBTS was told by the court to do the same thing, they'd have to obey.If they are funneling money illegally, RICO could be enforced, right?

    If the court ordered them to turn over the records, I'm sure they would have to. However, what's to keep them from pulling an "Ollie North" and ordering them to be shred - then make up new documents? In fact, in reading some of the comments in this thread, and the other one you started about suing the elders, I honestly think that this is their official "unofficial" policy. It will all be so incriminating, that they probably would rather face "conspiracy" and "obstruction of justice" charges (among others) than open their records for the whole world to see - and I mean REALLY see! It would be the end of them. So, yes, a court order is a court order, however, based on their track record and what they have to lose, I doubt whether they will play by the rules. What do you think?

    As far as RICO goes - sakes alive!!! That would just be the cherry on top of the cake!



  • imallgrowedup

    sf -

    'Vah' is the end of jeho-VAH.

    Look closer. It is just abbreviation as far as I can tell...for now.

    Yes, they are using all kinds of variations of their name, including changing spacing, using an ampersand, spelling out the word "and", and using other symbols that have nothing to do with their name. At first I thought these were just abbreviations myself, but when you see the whole list, I believe you will come to the same conclusion as me: they were intentionally created to appear as though they are typos or abbreviations, but aren't. The actual purpose they serve though, I am not sure of. When I can get you more info, I'll let you know.


  • sf


    I'll wait to see what else develops.

    Pardon me.


  • imallgrowedup

    sf -

    No problem! I know you are an expert in researching! I totally appreciate you taking the time to look at this!



  • minimus

    I believe in Europe, the elders had to get rid of all the paperwork on people because of a Privacy Act. So, I'm sure they know what to do to get rid of evidence that the "worldly" authorites would use to "decree" against God's people.

  • imallgrowedup

    Min -

    They are so infuriating!!!


    P.S. you've got a pm

  • Elsewhere
    I believe in Europe, the elders had to get rid of all the paperwork on people because of a Privacy Act. So, I'm sure they know what to do to get rid of evidence that the "worldly" authorites would use to "decree" against God's people.

    It's easy... the WTS washes it's hands of the paperwork by allowing a trusted elder to "dispose" of the papers in a filing cabinet at home.

  • Nosferatu

    So much for "Let your name be sanctified". I think a lot of JWs would be incredibly shocked to see something like this on a legal document.

  • sf

    Watchtower (2001)
    ... John Meighen. Production Company - H30 Filmed Entertainment/GFT Entertainment/Frontline
    Entertainment/Watchtower Films (BC) Ltd. ... - 6k - Cached - Similar pages :

    { Edited to paste CACHED paged of 'hit' }: WATCHTOWER aka CRUEL AND UNUSUAL Rating :

    Canada. 2001. Director - George Mihalka, Screenplay - Rod Browning, Robert Geoffrion & Dan Witt, Producers - John Curtis, Richard O. Lowry & Evan Tylor, Photography - Peter Benison, Music - Michel Cusson, Special Effects Supervisor - Bill Mills, Production Design - John Meighen. Production Company - H30 Filmed Entertainment/GFT Entertainment/Frontline Entertainment/Watchtower Films (BC) Ltd. Cast: Tom Berenger (Art Stoner), Tygh Runyan (Mike O’Conner), Rachel Hayward (Kate O’Conner), Ralph Alderman (Jack), Eli Gabay (Adam Terrell)

    Plot: Adam Terrell, a California English professor heading up the Washington State coast on a leave of absence so that he can write a novel, picks up hitchhiker Art Stoner. But Art kills him and then assumes Adam’s identity and takes over the job that Adam had signed up for over the duration of his sabbatical, tending a remote lighthouse watchtower. Working and living alongside him is troubled teen Mike O’Conner who has been given the job by his local sister Kate as an alternative to a jail sentence and is hating every moment of it. The domineering Art pushes Mike into shape, befriending him but also beating him up when he strays out of line. At the same time Art woos and seduces Kate. But then Mike gradually begins to realize that Art/Adam is really a serial killer who befriends and sleeps with his victims before killing them.

    Canada’s George Mihalka is a director who has floated around the genre for nearly two decades with films such as My Bloody Valentine (1981), The Blue Man/Eternal Evil (1985), Psychic (1992) and Relative Fear (1994), none of which have amounted to anything more than mediocre B movies. One sat down to watch Watchtower/Cruel and Unusual with little in the way of expectation and but surprisingly it proves to be one effort where Mihalka finally gets it together.

    The film offers Mihalka the best budget he has ever had and he does wonders with it. There is some particularly beautiful and impressive location scenery - despite being set in Seattle it is in actuality filmed a little further up the coast in the sombrely beautiful area of Vancouver Island. Here Mihalka does a fine job of capturing the verisimilitude of a small fishing town. He also generates the psycho-thriller elements rather well. Tom Berenger is not a standard psycho - he’s a character who’s much more ambiguously shaded than usual (and contains one of Berenger’s best performances in some time). The central triangle between Berenger, the troubled Tygh Runyan and Runyan’s sister Rachel Hayward is quite well developed in terms of jealousies, doubt and manipulation, into which is wound the interesting background theme of all three character’s abusive childhoods. Mihalka occasionally slips - there’s two scenes where he cuts from Berenger producing his switchblade to fish being gutted which is just crude, and the film’s climax is rather unremarkable. But there are fine scenes like the chess game between Berenger and Runyan where Berenger tells what his novel is about where it gradually becomes apparent that what he is telling is the story of his own abused past, and where all the tension in the scene is denoted by the aggressively amplified slamming of the chess pieces onto the board and the swinging of a rosary in his hand.

    Copyright Richard Scheib 2002

    imall, I most always open the cached version of the page. It highlights all entered keywords.

    You're welcomed.


  • imallgrowedup

    sf -

    When I click on your link, this is what comes up:

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    What the heck does this mean?


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