JWs doctrine is a comprehensive falsehood

by sabastious 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sabastious

    Outlaw I agree, which is why I call it a comprehensive falsehood (or lie).

    You have to give it to them though. That kind of dedication will get them a few converts.

    Men with many articulate words can be spellbinding to some.

    No matter it's all bullsh*t.



    Good Morning Sab..

    Men with many articulate words can be spellbinding to some.

    Only to people who can`t understand what those words mean..The Simple Minded will be truely amazed..


    A smart child will see right through them..

    ................................. ...OUTLAW

  • Ding

    One of the things that attracted me to the Watchtower was that they had a theology of EVERYTHING.

    They had thick books with pretty drawings and analyses of Bible passages I'd never heard of.

    For a lot of us, I think, the spell wears off when we see the flipflops -- confidently proclaimed interpretations of scripture suddenly replaced by totally different (even contradictory) interpretations without any explanation -- 1874 parousia becomes a 1914 parousia, for example. The "higher powers" of Romans 13 are worldly governments. Then they're Jehovah and Jesus. Then they're worldly governments again.

    You suddenly realize that the confident explanations of these "Bible scholars" can change on a dime and you're supposed to smile, praise Jehovah for providing "new light", and confidently proclaim the "latest truth" until the GB changes it again.

    When you see Watchtower apologists drinking the Kool-Aid and confidently spouting "truths" that were heresies just 10 years ago and may be again 10 years hence, you wonder if they're totally insane or if you are.

  • sabastious

    Awesome post Ding, very true. Sad only a few come to that realization.


  • sabastious
    Only to people who can`t understand what those words mean..The Simple Minded will be truely amazed..

    Mornin' Outlaw!

    I don't completely agree. While the people who don't understand will be swayed the WT really does dig "deep" with their doctrine. They have something for everyone. They have a surface level "truth" that appeals to new people as well as people that are not interested in digging deep. They also have a "deeper" theological end of their doctrine that appeals to the members that are not satisfied with the surface stuff.

    Like I said, it's ALL bullsh*t (it's insane that I can actually say that, there is not ONE redeeming doctrine). But it's very cleverly disguised as "learned" stuff.

    We were all duped at some point.



    Hey Sab..

    I see your point..To a Point.. LOL!!..

    Just glossing over what the WBT$ has to say,can take people in..

    Once your in..

    You have to ignore "In Your Face" facts on a daily basis..

    Thats going to seperate the Thinkers from the Followers..

    DJEggnog is not a thinker..

    He is someone with something to protect..Truth is not high on his priority list..

    He relys on elaborate explantions about why WBT$ BullSh*t,is truth..

    His thoughts are not his own..

    He only Parrots WBT$ Information..

    "Eggnog wants a Watchtower!"..

    ................................. ...OUTLAW

  • sabastious
    You have to ignore "In Your Face" facts on a daily basis

    I would say this is true in really bad congregations. In less crazy congregations the "facts" are more subtle and basic WT policy is good at hiding the skelletons in the closets.

    I also disagree with you on DJ, he IS a thinker, he couldn't write those "elaborate explanations" if he were not. He is a force, imo. Maybe not on this forum (he's more of a laughing stock here), but I bet he does "well" in the field ministry.


  • PSacramento

    He just seems to believe that it is the truth, that he is in the truth and that those not willing to beleive in the truth will die, horribly.

    Not so diferent than so many before him ( them) and I am sure there will be others to come as well.

  • sabastious
    Not so diferent than so many before him ( them) and I am sure there will be others to come as well.

    Has anyone had the dedication that he has? A few weeks ago he spent over a week on a reply to a thread of mine. He replied to maybe 40 posts in one single post. I copied it into word and it was over 50 pages.

    Man's misguided, but he's got dedication.


  • PSacramento

    Scholar is the same way, though I wouldn't say "dedicated" as mush as obsessed, but to each their own.

    Sometimes when we have so much invested in something, we can't spend a moment without "doing something" about it.

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