Why do we call Jehovah by his first name and not our parents?

by life is to short 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    OutLaw that is what I have been saying lately over and over to my husband we do not know these men. We were at Bethel and we knew some of them but even my husband found one of them who was really rude to him. So now we are letting them run our lives. The new ones are my husbands age and younger. Seriously they are in the mid 50's who are they? Who truly appointed them? Just because they tell us Jehovah God appointed them then they have the right to rule our lives. Tell us how to dress after assemblies so as to not give a bad witness but then they turn around and let child rapist go door to door. We would never want to stumble someone over wearing shorts on a hot summer day but sending out men who harm children would never stumble anyone. Make clear sense to me.


  • tiki

    I have no problem with kids calling the parents by their actual name. Makes perfect sense to me....and I've been doing that for years now. Toddlers, mama, dada....yeah....i see that, but we aren't toddlers for very long in this life....



    The WBT$ GB appointed themselves as Gods Spokesmen..

    Fired Jesus..


    Cancelled Armageddon in 1975..

    In Watchtower World..God does as he is Told..

    God wouldn`t have a Job without the WBT$..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    ...my husband found one of them who was really rude to him. So now we are letting them run our lives.

    In what way was he rude? Why was he at Bethel?

    The new ones are my husbands age and younger. Seriously they are in the mid 50's who are they? Who truly appointed them? Just because they tell us Jehovah God appointed them then they have the right to rule our lives.

    Bingo! That's the sixty-four dollar question. When JWs knock on my door, they're very quick to talk about false religion. And I'm perfectly happy to let them talk about it. But when it comes to who appointed and ordained them, the discussion usually bogs down -- and I'm not trying to deep-six them. It's a fair question, and one they've never adequately addressed.

  • sabastious

    Wonderful points LITS.



  • aqwsed12345

    Becasuse of the JW 'two-class salvation doctrine'. The members of the so-called 'earthly class' are not adopted as the children of God, so the cannot call God their Father properly. So only calling him 'Jehovah' remained.

    True christians are all born-again as children of God, so they call God as Father.

    Shame on Rutherford's damned heretic idea invented in 1935!

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Cold Steal I do not know the whole story behind my husband and that GB member as my husband is afraid that he is talking bad about Jehovah's anointed so he will not tell me everything. It happened when my husband was at Bethel single. This GB member had never met my husband and did not know him. I do not know what he said to my husband for sure but it just crushed my husband at the time. He was brand new to Bethel and thought all the GB walked on water, my husband said he was standing by one of the hoppers where they have donated things and this GB just said something very flip to a group of people about my husband that was not true. This GB member is dead now. But just the other day my husband said I wish I had confronted him when he said that. So it still hurts my husband till this day. Yep they are inspired men.


  • booby

    Looking back at that picture of the gb, do they not all look a little "different". Heh, Heh, Heh. Maybe they are no part of this world.

  • booby


    check out christian under that link, I found it interesting. and yes I know it is wikipedia.

  • dinah

    This was one of the things that made me think. I don't call my Dad by his first name. He'd probably be offended.

    My kids sure don't call me "Dana" It would be disrespectful, at least it would feel that way to me.

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