Is Annihilation of the Unrepentant Wicked Justice?

by Ding 69 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog
    Would be twisting the scriptures to apply the torment listed here to others.

    I'm applying it to ME, it's what I deserve. You can do like the WT if you like. Nothing bad ever applies to them.

  • jam

    What is the difference between Hitler atrocities and the atrocities of the Israelites on

    thier way too the promise land. Oh I forgot, it was God will to plunder, rape, kill (babies, animals)

    and to destroy everything in sight. You do not need to be unrepentant or repentant if God told

    you to kill. We have people in jails today that God told them to kill.


  • jam


  • Vanderhoven7

    Hi Jam,

    <<Oh I forgot, it was God's will to plunder, rape, kill (babies, animals)and to destroy everything in sight.>>

    If we look at the flood, we see God destroying men, women and children. That's true. And God did give Israel the command to utterly destroy nations whose iniquity had come to the full. And also, according to scripture, it is true that God will shake the heavens one more time and destroy the wicked at the final judgment. Certainly God is the most dangerous being in the universe...without question.

    However, rape is a form of torture. Destruction, yes....torture - no. Perhaps you could provide the scriptural evidence for your assertion that rape is part of God will.

    BTW, what would you suggest as punishment for wicked men like Hitler and Stalin?


  • jam

    vander; ok you are right, rape was not Gods will, but could he have prevented what

    took place in Gen;6;2 The sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair; and they took wife such as they

    chose, rape.. Now what will be A fitting punishment for Hitler, someone mention suppose Hitler was

    A nut due to his mental retardation, which he was. We are talking about punishment by God not what

    we need to do to make it safe for society. The bible tells us to hate the act not the person.

    My veiw on fitting punishment, A 1/3 of the Angels turn on God , he created. The first man Adam

    blew it , defective from the start, created by God. I know we were created with A free will but if

    someone have mental problems what punishment will God give that person? I beleive that

    all people that have committed mass murder (Hilter,ISRAELITES,)SHOULD recieve the same

    punishment. Killing in the name of God just don,t do it for me...

  • gubberningbody

    The presumption of the question:

    1. Free will exists

    2. Everyone has the same amount of free will

    3. Free will's expression is evenly distributed across one's character

  • Vanderhoven7

    Hi Jam,

    I first came to the horrible awareness of mankind's propensity for evil in grade school. We were shown a second world war documentary with actual footage of the fighting. There was one clip of German soldiers forcing Jews to dig trenches and in order to save bullets proceded to push men women and children into the trench. Then they started to shovel dirt over them. The victims were pleading to be shot...but to no avail. I'm sure if the soldiers refused to continue shovelling, they would be thrown in as well. I don't think any of these soldiers was retarded. And no doubt they loved their wives and children at home, provided for them and gave good gifts to them.

    Of course I was horrified. It was wrong of the teachers to show us this film.

    I am not recommending hatred of the soldiers involved, but I do believe that the death penalty is the correct response for such behaviour. I will continue to trust God's appraisal of sin and our condition. The cross, as God's judgment on sin, says it all.

    In Christ,


  • ProdigalSon

    This is why it's so important to try and grasp the Bible's underlying meaning as a metaphor.... it explains all this! ....and to read more of the Dalai Lama. We're not separate distinct entities that exist on our own, we're part of a whole, but we're very fragmented. That means that there is a part of us that cannot be destroyed (the "I AM" part!), otherwise God would have to destroy himself! What's cutting us off from God is our chattering egos, otherwise known as "Legion"... these "demons" are what have to be dissolved in the Lake of Fire, and we can do it while we're living!

    I was just looking through my bookmarks, trying to find the best article to explain the difference between our egos, and the spark that makes us "in the image of God"... (there are many great articles!!) and I came across this very interesting read.... this explains SOME otherwise inexplicable people I have known....

    Spiritless Humans

  • jam

    Vander I agree, I served in Viet Nam. Found a scripture, what,s your veiw?

    Deu;20;14 Laws about siege--but the women and the little ones, the cattle, and

    everything else in the city, all its spoil, you shall take as booty for yourselves; and


  • jam


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