How long until the WT Society gives "new light" about the Internet?

by DagothUr 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • test176

    i wannted to see a few days ago on facebook profiles of a few brothers and sisters from my old cong. but they are all gone??!!! seriously, all , and i know a few (14). i guess they socialize only at the meetings

  • eric356

    Yknot, your ideas are very interesting. The stuff you mention, while maybe a little ahead of its time, will probably happen (in some form) in the future. I think that the Watchtower must embrace the internet and digital distribution of its content if it is going to remain relevant in developed countries. The question is, how does an organization who's pride and fame is built on printing hard copies prosper in an online world?

  • DagothUr

    Well, then the trend of reducing Bethel personnel all around the world will continue and increase in magnitude...

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    They constantly bash the Internet already. I don't see anything new on the horizon. The Internet is this generation's "television soap operas."

  • Leolaia

    They won't. The internet is too useful, and it would be a pain to convince a convert to divest themselves of internet use. They gave similar warnings about TV in the 50s and 60s but never banned owning a TV outright, and it would have been relatively easy in those days to find out if a congregation member owned one.

  • BluesBrother

    As an International publishing company, of course they use the internet..It is a cost thing and indispensible to modern business. A recent conversation with a Cong Secretary revealed that he could not do the job without an on line connection since all the stuff I used to post away, is done on line now.

    No, they cannot turn back the clock . They will continue to warn against porn and apostasy but that is as far as they can go...

  • LongHairGal


    Maybe they didn't delete their F.B. profiles but just 'unfriended' you. If you are not an 'active' JW or if you hide your friends list, that pisses JWs off. They like to snoop and wonder what you have to hide.

    That happened to me recently but I am glad the person unfriended me first because I am a 'Fader' (they must have read my mind because I wanted to get rid of them). If I did it first, they might wonder why.

  • oldlightnewshite

    I think The WT$ is gonna buy out Ask Jeeves, and call it Ask Jehovah. They seriously can't continue to just counsel the R&F about the dangers of the internet. Unlike TV, which erodes a christian's morals, the internet offers a quick, easy low-down on the Watchtower and the truth about the truth. This is WAY more dangerous than TV or anything else that's come out in the past 50 years. people can easily access potentially damaging information in seconds. The WT$ will have to address this situation, as young kids can just look stuff up on their phones, in their free time, any time they like! At least with TV, if you watch with the rest of the family, somebody can be captain of the remote and say, 'This isn't very theocratic', and change the channel. With the web, and cellphones, they are gonna lose the battle. It can be accessed furtively, privately.

    God bless the inventor of the internet.

  • Joliette

    >>I think The WT$ is gonna buy out Ask Jeeves, and call it Ask Jehovah

    I wonder what it would be like doing a search for on there? LOL

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    Why do I think they will compare the Internet to the Serpent in Eden.

    All those Demons talking to you thro an Object and you could loose your life like Adam and Eve.... Forever.

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