How long until the WT Society gives "new light" about the Internet?

by DagothUr 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • WingCommander

    Da intanet is from da Debil, cause my momma told me so.......dats what my momma says!!!

  • pirata

    I don't think "new light" is really an appropriate phrase here since it generally implies a new sriptural understanding.

    I think the warnings about the internet/facebook may eventually become less often. TV used to be demonized a lot and now it's hardly mentioned.

  • besty

    Imagine JW's are like a distributed version of Utah

    Utah is the porn capital of the USA.

    The Devil is busy using the internet to make the righteous hand unsteady....

  • sd-7

    If they hadn't warned me about apostates on the Internet, I'd never have thought to look! So there's the problem with saying it too much: if anyone on their own starts to doubt, and they're upset enough, as I was, they'll remember the Society's warnings and then seek out the very things they're being warned against. It becomes an unintended reverse psychology. The rules on this are going to stay the same as they are about TV, music, movies, etc. Just use it for upbuilding, useful stuff, keep it in a public place, etc.

    Reminds me of a comment I heard during one of my last meetings. There was a picture in the lesson of a husband looking at a computer screen, and in the foreground, a blurred picture of him with his wife. Then a blurb warning about pornography. The person commented said that this husband was looking at porn and his image of his family was fading away. My first thought was, how do we know he's looking at porn? They didn't show us what was on his screen. He might be watching "Faith in Action Part 1: Out of Darkness". Or downloading the latest Study Edition .pdf to put on his Kindle. Or listening to an Awake on MP3. Or reading an e-mail from a fellow elder about a troubled young publisher who looks at pornography and could therefore no longer qualify to work with the Sound Department.

    But of course, regardless, they can't stop the signal. Everyone who has the Internet is probably using it, and sooner or later, some of those folks will end up taking the red pill. Seeing the man behind the curtain. I can't resist a little bit of The Protomen here:

    At the heart of the city, there is a building that looks down over all there is.

    And the man in the tower controls it all without raising a single fist.

    It's like they gathered up the city, sold it to the Devil and now,

    It's gone to hell and they wonder how.

    Well, a friend once told me, men, they will follow any man who would turn the wheels.

    Now the wheels are spinning out of control, what would they do if we held them still?

    If you destroy the working parts, what you get is a broken machine--a beacon of light from a burning screen.

    Light up the night! There is a city that this darkness can't hide.

    There are the embers of a fire that's gone out, but I can still feel the heat on skin,

    And this mess we're in, you and I,

    You and I, we can bring back the light!


  • believingxjw

    The Society cannot restrict their members from the internet just as they can't stop adultery, lying, fornication and child abuse among all their members. The Internet is a reality they cannot stop their members from using.

  • Nickolas

    The internet for doubting cult members is like boys are to Catholic school girls. The more you try to seperate the two, the more the latter will seek out what they think they're missing, often with much satisfaction.

    You could have no idea how much that made me smile, MLE. Fond memories of my RC youth.

    They will more than likely branch out into a 'Witness Friendly' search site.... (YKnot)

    This is what will happen, of course. Not much of a stretch at all. The scene plays out like this:

    "Brothers and Sisters, the Internet is the Wild West (nods of agreement everywhere) and is the gateway to the broadest spectrum of information in the history of Man (more nods, some appreciative murmurs). It is a Pandora's Box, and now that the lid has been lifted it cannot be closed again. It has precipitated an unprecedented and exponential increase in sexual crimes ranging from child pornography to prostitution to adultery, in drug trafficking and heartrending fraud and all manner of vile corruption (nervous shuffles and staring straight ahead). Google a biblical passage and you are inunadated with links to porographic and apostate sites. It is an inevitable and inescapable reality of the Internet that it is both good and evil. It is also a fact of modern life and has become a basic need for many, but it is also a grave spiritual danger to Jehovah God's chosen people, perhaps the most grave since the serpent in the garden. But we have a solution. We have developed a search engine that will protect you and your children from inadvertant exposure to the works of Satan, and it is called WaToogle. Once installed on your computer, accidentally accessing dark, demonic places in the World Wide Web will be absolutely prevented and you will be shielded from harm. (glazed looks all around.)"

  • Sharpie

    Imagine if they install spyware software on your pc with new Watchtower libraries. I wouldn't put it past them

  • baltar447

    Sharpie, legal would shit bricks, there's no way in hades they would dare do that. Be realistic.

  • yknot

    What I realistically expect from in the next year or so....

    Expanded login privileges that allow for tech savvy JWs to opt for E-publications rather than hardcopies.

    They only have three books currently available in PDF but I expect they will upload the 'Bearing' Book next as it is slotted for the next study!

    Once they cut their need for printing and see how 'fruitful' this endeavor called the internet can be then they can start exdpanding into 'lifestyle' options such as 'WaToogle' and social site MyTower... perhaps even a TowerAnswers section where you can 'ask the service department'.

    These features are restricted to publishers who have been approved by local BOE, logins can be rescended at the stroke of a KH Secretary's whim!

  • Nickolas

    Google "apostate" (1,800,200 results in .24 seconds).

    WaToogle "apostate" (3 results in 2.4 seconds, password protected).


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