Halloween at Ziddy's House!!!

by ziddina 66 Replies latest social entertainment

  • ziddina

    HI, ThinkAboutIt!!! Thanks!!!

    Soooooo.... Can you bug your daughter for your pix??? I'm looking forward to seeing them...

    Oh, and I've scared a few kids, too... When we were doing "Boo at the Zoo", parents would come running up to me (as "Cinnabar", the dragon) and practically shove their little kids into my maw - er, face...

    Some of the poor little tykes would take one look at me, and erupt into screams and bawls!!!

    Can't believe some parents...


  • ziddina

    Here's another shot of the decorations...

    MOst of the things that are supposed to light up, are lit - in this photograph... Even "Le Vorpse the Corpse" coming out of his grave...

  • ziddina

    And here's my next-door-neighbor with her dog, investigating the decorations....

    All in all, it was a fun Halloween....

  • ziddina

    I must have been ducking a low-flying mothman, in these pictures...

    And that's pretty much it... It's past midnight here, G'nite all!! Ziddy

  • ziddina

    bumpin' my own thread... In case anyone else wants to see my dragon...

  • Magwitch

    I bet your old congregation loves to drive by your house ( OOOOO....I can hear the gasps and sister boring saying "and to think she used to know the truth")

  • Think About It
    Think About It
    Soooooo.... Can you bug your daughter for your pix??? I'm looking forward to seeing them...

    Zid.......my daughter sent me the pics & some video. I have them on my desktop, but they will not transfer to JWN. Not sure what to do. Any ideas?

    Think About It

  • Curtains

    what a lovely thought to show us your pics and let us in on your halloween - thanks

  • ziddina

    Think About It - noo, no ideas.... Of my own, that is...

    Who's the best "tecchie" on-board??? Maybe ask Simon?? Who else speaks "computer-ese"??? Maybe Sabastaous??? Maybe Undercover??? Maybe Flipper???

    Now, you do know that you have to 'host' your photos at a place like "Photobucket", right??? And in order to do that, you have to put them into your "pictures" program on your own computer?? I think you already knew that.... Photobucket is pretty good, even tho I sometimes call it "Photof*ckit"....

    I'd recommend them - they have a "free" membership level, and it's worked pretty well for me, so far...

    Hope these suggestions helped???


  • ziddina

    Magwitch - LOLOLOL!!! I "DA'd" 23+ years ago - maybe it was 25 years ago - and the old KH that I went to, has been re-converted into a house...

    That congregation is LONG gone - scattered to the four winds!!! [Which is about where they should be, nyuk, nyuk... ]

    Maybe I should place invitations on JW windshields at the nearest Kingdom Halls, for next year, though????

    Zid - being a she-devil, again... she devil smiley

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