Something a JW Told Me A While Back

by mentallyfree31 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    You've been missing a bunch of meetings.

    No, not at all.

  • LV101

    YES --- i was told something similar (how witnesses would be perfect in new system) by a JW acquaintance and i laughed and said i'd rather DIE than be stuck w/those perfect people in paradise.


  • will_the_apostate

    What a nice thing to say (even though they didn't know it) imagine friends that are your friends because they like you not because the borg tells them too

  • designs

    It took worldly friends to remove all of the knives JWs stabbed me with.

  • cherrypye

    Yeah, I remember being told this. The funny thing is they were right, but not because of any else's fault other than my own. When every person you loved and trusted steps back from you and pretends you are the walking dead, it's tough to really ever trust or even want to make close friends. To this day, I can count my close friends on one hand, but they sure are quality pals. And that beats all those fake friends from years past.

  • wobble

    My sister said something similar, "It is only those in the congregation who really care about you".

    The thing is I already had "worldly" friends who had demonstrated that they really cared, when I was suffering with a bad back years ago, it was these non-dubbie friends who called to see me.

    After I left only one or two Dubs called to try to drag me back, but that stopped in no time, they did not care enough about my eternal life to put in some effort. I know it would not have worked, but after 58 years in they could have tried.

    Some friends.

  • chickpea

    that individual was sooooo right!!!

    the "friends" in the b0rg, upon
    seeing you after an absence:

    we havent seen you at meetings!


    friends in the real world, upon
    seeing you after an absence:

    it is so nice to see you again!!


  • DagothUr

    Don't judge the JW who say "We have not seen you at the meetings lately". Some of them have a sincere interest and some feelings about you, but don't have other words to express them. It's an educational hole. I used to speak this words too, but only to those whom I cared for. There might be genuine feelings behind these words.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    He was so right and thank God the friends I have now care about me and would drop everything to come help me if I needed them instead of saying I have to go out in service, so what your husband is in the hospital having a major heart attack first things first.


  • GrandmaJones

    Those "we missed you the other night" comments are designed to fill you with guilt I think. Not everybody means it that way, but most do.

    I so completely agree. I am envious that you smile inside. Remarks like that are kindling a little secret anger on my part. You have such good self control.

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