"That Letter" about sisters not allowed to spiral-bind the new elders manual

by freddo 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    You said that you asked if the sisters WERE allowed to do it..(the spiral binding)........ and he said no they were not.

    Which part of that is hard to understand?


  • therevealer

    I'm going with forbidden, as in the states. Remember they have worldwide unity. Ha,ha.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Why the heck didn't WTS just put the cost to the elders and say, "HEY, we can do this spiral binding (or even something even better) but it'll cost y'all. If we get donations of 10 bucks per elder (or whatever) WTS will bind all the books that we should have bound in the first place in a higher quality than those cheap glued paperbacks that we have been offering." ?

  • sd-7

    This seems kind of silly. Why would the Society even need to send a letter about this? Any elder should know that the manual should be guarded like the gold at Fort Knox, never leaving the combination-locked Elders' Bag except when it needs to be consulted by an elder. Excuse me--it should be guarded as if it was gold in the Most Holy of the spiritual temple arrangement. There, much better.


  • meangirl

    Reminds me when I watched Clan of the Cave Bear and how the women were not allowed to touch weapons as they believed the weapons would loose power......so maybe if a sister touches the sacred elder janitor handbook it will loose its "power" or maybe the elders become impotent if a sister gets a hold of THE SACRED BOOK...........

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    OTWO - Don't go giving them ideas!!!


    The WBT$ can`t have a very,very Secret Book,that is All Over the Internet..

    Been seen by anyone one but JW Elders..Who don`t Have it Yet..


    Can Read it on the Internet..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • freddo

    Sorry I can see my post can be read both ways. The elder I spoke to in the UK said yes there was a letter saying don't let unbelievers bind the new elders book and that if a brother did it you had to stand over him. I asked whether there was anything about sisters not being allowed to do it. (because I have seen the USA christian cong of jw's letter on this site) and he said there was nothing about sisters in the (UK) letter and he laughed meaning even the society wouldn't go as far as to put that in print!

    Any UK takers?

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