Keep Your Family, Follow Ray Franz' Example. Think Smart!

by believingxjw 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest
    I couldn't look myself in the mirror and live a lie or be something I'm not

    Which isn't easily said about Jehovah's Witnesses, I'm afraid, dear Trebor (peace to you!). In all of my years, I have never seen... or personally known... more double-lifed, double-standarded, superstitious, backstabbing, backbiting, self-assured, haughty... hypocrites. Or known of. Well, okay, except maybe for some of the clergy of some of the others.

    But in this harlot, the "bad" stuff oozes all the way down to the unbaptized children. Blisters, as Miz Sylvie would say, some of them.

    Glad you hung on to your integrity. Unfortunately, most JWs don't even know what that is... although they preach it to the high heavens. If they did... they would all of them walk out. Every last one of them. They would have to.

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • AGuest
    Who here would remain quiet while a loved one is denied a lifesaving blood transfusion?

    Ummmm... Debator? I don't mean to be mean, truly... but truthful. Perhaps saying it will get that dear one to think. Then, again, perhaps not. Ah, well... what can you do as to such things... except speak the truth?

    Peace to you all!

    A slave of Christ,

    SA, who totally gets... and wishes those like dear Debator would, as well... what my Lord meant when he said, "It is NOT what goes INTO a man that defiles him... but what comes OUT of him." He really wasn't talking about the previous night's dinner.

  • leavingwt

    believingxjw -- Side question: Do you believe in Annihilationism?

  • believingxjw


    I do not believe in the immortality of the soul which leads to the belief in eternal torment in hell. I believe that for those who will not accept the doing of good towards their fellow, those who have proven themselves beyond all reason and who resist becoming people who love their brother as themselves but rather desire to rule over their brother, that these will suffer eternal non-existence.

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