Keep Your Family, Follow Ray Franz' Example. Think Smart!

by believingxjw 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Whether you are waving placards outside Brooklyn or quietly fading, you are a pain in the arse to the Governing body.

    You are not what they want and need: obedient, compliant droned bringing more into the fold.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    If you are still in good standing and you want to get your family out, you can start asking a very few well chosen questions designed to nudge them towards the exit. You might have to be the last one out.

    If your family is not already wavering, every WT trigger you push makes such a task more difficult, but what do most of us do??? We promptly forget every warning the WT ever gave to ID Apostates and announce to our families that the WT is bogus.

    It doesn't have to take years Moshe. The individuals just have to keep mum long enough to educate themselves on how to go about it and then execute their plan. The WTs worst nightmare is the wised up apostates on the inside, not the shunned DAs on the outside.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    "The WTs worst nightmare is the wised up apostates on the inside, not the shunned DAs on the outside." Amen, Black Sheep

  • AGuest

    Yes, dear ones (peace to you!)... but what would really happen to them if everyone grew some... said "enough"... and either starting speaking the TRUTH (whether as to what's in the Bible or otherwise)... and so got kicked out... and/or just got up and walked out? Someone's gotta do it, dear ones.

    Their strength is really only in their "numbers"... and nothing more. They KNOW this... which is why they HAVE them (and why they alter/hide them). And they use those numbers WAY more than they use their false teachings to keep folks there. They could cry "Armaggedon" all de day long. BUT... as long as their members BELIEVE there are OTHERS... MANY others... who believe "like" them... they are hooked. Contary to popular belief, those folks WANT to "belong" to a large group... indeed, a "great" crowd.

    If they're counting YOU... you are a part of those numbers. Whether you like it... or not.

    Again, I bid you all peace!

    A slave of Christ,


  • believingxjw

    Black Sheep,

    "The WTs worst nightmare is the wised up apostates on the inside, not the shunned DAs on the outside."

    Amen! Just look at Yknot and the brother who gave her "The Book", both are inside.


    I understand what you're saying but honestly the numbers are cooked anyway and so what if I'm counted in the number. Numbers mean nothing, it's what goes on in the JW community and families that will bring trouble to the Watchtower. I'm not the only one at a convention who wonders how many of the conscience class or secret "apostates" may be sitting in my section, the GB is probably wondering as well. The more the GB raises the heat in the Watchtower oven because of the apostates among them the easier it is for more JWs to see the true nature of the Organization. Look, they could start checking badges at conventions and let enter only JWs on approved JW publisher lists and even then they would still have apostates sitting among them! lol

    Those who can keep their family intact until they are able to get as many out as they can are doing what they believe is best for them and their loved ones. As I tried to point on out, Ray Franz witnessed the wrongs for himself but he did not disassociate right away (and when he was on the GB disassociated ones were not shunned, so the loss of friends and family was not that much of a concern as it is today). He stayed on his terms and he had no children to worry about. Many here have children and grandchildren and want to remain a support and a wall for them as long as they can and give a spiritual nudge now and then...and why not?!!!!

  • dssynergy

    "keep quiet when the kids are pushed to get baptised and temporary pioneer. Keep quiet when they are encouraged to apply to Bethel, keep quiet when they want to rush into a young marriage with a JW they barely know, who comes from a good JW family of window washers."

    Uh, I'm all for not making waves, but I don't agree with the strategy stated above. I've got children in my family that I will encourage to think long and hard about baptism, and to wait as long as possible. I will remind them that Jesus was an adult when he dedicated himself and that no one has the right to push them to do something they are not ready for. Same with Bethel, or marriage. I'm going to have frank discussions with them about college or trade school. They need to support themselves. And especially no getting married too young. Geesh.

    I don't believe in making unneccessary waves, but I can't stand by without saying something to the children in my family about what their real options are. I don't want them to make choices without all the information.


  • believingxjw


    "I've got children in my family that I will encourage to think long and hard about baptism, and to wait as long as possible. I will remind them that Jesus was an adult when he dedicated himself and that no one has the right to push them to do something they are not ready for. Same with Bethel, or marriage. I'm going to have frank discussions with them about college or trade school. They need to support themselves. And especially no getting married too young. Geesh."

  • sabastious
    Yes, it is very frustrating but the reward of keeping our family intact and to get them out on our terms and not the Organization's is so important!

    It depends on the family. To keep my family I would have to lie to them constantly and would have to put up a front that I was still interested in the Watchtower's doctrines.

    No way I could keep that up.


  • trebor

    Many here have children and grandchildren and want to remain a support and a wall for them as long as they can and give a spiritual nudge now and then...and why not?!!!!

    For me, I would be concerned if that child or grandchild needed a blood transfusion and then I sat back and 'supported' the decision not to have one, or it was perceived I supported the organization's view on matters, when I know their full of it and themselves. So even if I was to come forward at that moment in time, the family member (Or even a friend) may perceive that I was 'compromising' for their sake; and they become more resilient and further indoctrinated and convinced to stay in (Or die for) the organization.

    It is an extremely difficult decision to make, and certainly each circumstance is different. Respecting my predicament...My wife, her parents, my parents and all my siblings, as well as my entire mother's side of the family was a member of the organization.

    I did not read CoC prior to leaving, but rather due to my own research from the Society's own WT CD followed up with additional research (Organ transplant flip-flop, and women guily of fornication if raped and didn't scream, were just starters for the ball to roll; thanks Watchtower writers). Once I knew it was all a big lie, I gathered all my research and brought it to my wife's attention...Not knowing what her reaction or the results would be once I spoke with her.

    I knew I couldn't look myself in the mirror and live a lie or be something I'm not...I do not believe it makes me better than anyone else or my choice the ideal one, but one that was in harmony with my integrity, ethics, and values...For me, I rather lose everyone and everything than my life be a lie or support something as dishonest and disingenuous as the Watch Tower Bible Tract Society; which I believe is exactly what I would be doing if I did not leave the organization.

    Thankfully, my wife saw the real truth about the Watchtower organization and left with me. We compiled together a 'mini-book' so to speak and mailed it out overnight express to our parents and my siblings.

    Gratefully, my in-laws understood and also woke up from the cult tactics and teachings. My parents, siblings and entire mother's side of the family shun all of us still trapped inside the organization mentally.

    Nonetheless, I would do things no differently; despite how much I love and miss the family which shuns me. They are too indoctrinated and caught up in the lie to break free (For now). I continue to hope for the best, but realize life must go on...The leaders behind Jehovah's Witnesses and their teachings and practices have already taken too much and wasted so much of me and my life. There is some good, but all could be found elsewhere or by better means. Slave labor and cult indoctrination for loyalty to an organization and its leaders above everything else is something that should be avoided at all costs.


  • believingxjw

    This thread was about an option, nothing more. Who here would remain quiet while a loved one is denied a lifesaving blood transfusion? There is no either/or. Only the option to at every turn do what we believe is best for us whether that means speaking loudly or speaking quietly and taking each day as it comes.

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