The Watchtower and the Occult

by brotherdan 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • brotherdan

    I'm not angry. Just telling you that you WERE wrong then in thinking that only your religion would be saved and that you are wrong now in your denial of Christ. That's all. No anger. Just stating a fact.

  • brotherdan

    I guess this post backfired on me. But if you do listen to the audio and look up the supporting WT documents, you will see that there are clear occult origins.

    Take it or leave it. It is one way to show that the organization has not been honest about their history. And if origins matter so much to them (as it seems to be with Birthdays, Christias, Easter, etc...) then why do their own origins NOT matter.

  • notverylikely

    Just telling you that you WERE wrong then in thinking that only your religion would be saved and that you are wrong now in your denial of Christ. That's all. No anger. Just stating a fact.

    I don't think that word means what you think it means.

  • Think About It
    Think About It
    you are wrong now in your denial of Christ. That's all. No anger. Just stating a fact.

    Denial of Christ? Where did this come from? Are you confusing me with someone else, or are you drunk? That's a horrible thing to say.

    Think About It

  • brotherdan

    Maybe I got you mixed up with NVL.

  • brotherdan

    Geeze I only wanted to show some origins of the WT. How did this backfire on me?

  • Hadit

    Brotherdan - they do practice necromancy. They state that the dead ones of the 144,000 communicate to the F&DS. It's in the Revelation book as well. They do have occult beginnings. Pedophelia is also linked to occult practices. As you can see this can be a hot topic. You certainly do have to wade through material and use critical thinking!

    A book that might interest you is Be Wise as Serpents by Fritz Springmeier. I think he is still in prison for the things he wrote. I believe you can download it.


  • leavingwt
  • brotherdan

    I never claimed any satanic rituals. I never claimed anything extreme. However, there are links and practices that are occultic in origin. It's a little proof of WHO is behind the org.

  • sabastious
    That's all. No anger. Just stating a fact.

    I'm gonna second the anger dan. You can't deny the anger you feel right now. It's too fresh. Lets work together on this forum not be so quick to point out who's "wrong."


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